Marvel Puzzle Quest

Marvel Puzzle Quest

Rookie Mistake: Ditching One Stars for Two or More Stars
One of my biggest regrets as I near one week of playing now, is getting rid of Classic Hawkeye for Modern Hawkeye. There have been half a dozen covers for Classic Hawkeye alone (most on Juggernaut's level), and nada for Modern. I ended up getting rid of Modern, just to make room in my roster, leaving me with zero Hawkeyes. My point is, don't get mesmerized by shiny stars, and think the grass is always greener. I've got a 3-star Magneto, 3-star Doctor Doom, and several 2-star heroes. Guess who the backbone of my roster are? Yeah, one stars Iron Man, Widow, and Storm.
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I have lvl 22 iron man lvl 22 storm and lvl 23 bW.
I bur up a lot of my heroes in the start i have bug spider man hawk eye modern and Jugger.
Unusless till i get higher.
I will nevr spent money for a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game like this one... a Pay for win
Playing the events with whatever event heroes you have helps accquire generic recruit tokens and possibly multiple copies of 2 star~3 star heroes. Once you start rolling those heroes (mainly 2 stars) then you'll want to start reducing 1-stars. Example: Classic Storm (2 star) is personally a better hero than modern storm (1 star) and you can get 1 of each of her abilites on the DA:BW stage in venom's map.

Also, Marvel NOW Thor (2 star) is another solid and easy to pick up (multiples) of him.

Most 3-stars are a bit of a gamble to try getting multiples of unless they are like a progress reward on an event or PvP.
Iron Man is one of my mainstays for regular questing/gameplay. Usually I have him supported by Black Widow and Magneto, or sometimes Thor and Wolverine. It's annoying to keep rolling 1-star covers, but meh. It's not hard to generate the iso-8 to try again.
Classic Hawkeye is bad later on. I sold all of mine and had no issue progressing.

They've been giving 2* covers pretty readily from the different events. The Hunt tokens give a bunch of Thors and Modern Hawkeyes and you can compete for Wolverines.
I've been playing the game since it was first released on mobile devices, and I'd hafta say, you're better off without Modern Hawkeye. You're not missing out on much losing Classic Hawkeye either. He's good when playing against Hammer/Maggia troops, as his abilities allow you to get rid of pesky count down tiles with relative ease, but not having him shouldn't hurt your gameplay.

3 star covers seem very powerful, but they only get good if you're very lucky or don't mind spending $ on the game. I've gotten pretty lucky and have gotten 5 Iron Man Model 40 covers, allowing me to level him up to level 43, but as a base hero of level 15, he never saw any play, except during events where I was forced to play him.

Personally, I like both Storms. My Modern Storm is level 50, Classic is 45, but maxes at 85. They both have their good and bad sides. Like, playing Modern Storm with Marvel NOW! Magneto usually ends up with you not being able to utilize Magneto's Polarity Shift to its fullest after using Storm's Hailstorm a couple times. But I love the randomness of Modern Storm's Lightning Strike and Mistress of the Elements.

Of the 1 star covers, I'd have to recommend keeping and leveling up: Iron Man (generally good all around), Storm (if you like manipulating the board randomly), Black Widow (her stun can permanently lock down an opposing hero/villain), Hawkeye (good versus Hammer/Maggia's countdown tiles), and Juggernaut (hits freakin' hard, as long as you don't mind healing him or waiting for him to heal over time after use).

Of the 2 star covers, I'd have to recommend keeping and leveling up: Thor (good all around), Captain America (good all around with some decent board manipulation abilities), Storm (awesome AoE with a built in stun, and a fantastic passive that can really change the course of the game), and Magneto (decent board manipulation). I would really like to level up Moonstone. She seems to have some decent skills...hopefully I can win some covers for her this weekend. I also have Daken, Bag Man Spider-Man, and Original Black Widow. Daken's all passives, decent ones, but nothing really worth talking about. Bag Man Spider-Man is also good against Hammer/Maggia troops, and my Original Black Widow is only level 14, and not worth using.

3-4 star covers: I honestly don't have much experience with. As I said, they're good if you're lucky and/or don't mind blowing $ on this game. My Model 40 Iron Man, although lower level than my Model 35 hits just as hard, and has a much higher level cap, which I'll probably never get to. I have an Invisible Woman (a 4 star card), but since she's my only one with a very gimmicky skill which I can't fully utilize without her other skills, she's pretty much useless.

This post is just my experience with the game.
Interesting take, Frizoggy, thanks. I'm glad to hear I haven't sold the farm by getting rid of Classic Hawkeye. I had Bag Man Spidey, and not only didn't he prove himself useful, I felt ridic using him. Maybe I shoulda hung on to him longer, especially since I ditched the other Hammer-Hitter, Hawkeye.
The primary advantadge of higher stars is a higher level cap and less ISO needed to level them. The abilities of one star heroes are comparable in power level, although a little weaker in the long run. For example, Classic Black Widow's Agressive Recon is the same as Modern's but just straight up cheaper. She lacks Modern's awesome blue ability though. As far as their stats go, I don't see any difference between different quality heroes of the same level.

The upshot of this is that you're definitely going to get the most mileage out of the heroes you have the most covers for. And since the game throws standard recruit tokens and one-star covers at you all the time, the one-stars are going to be you're primary force for a very long time. If you play a ton though, you'll eventually need to use higher star heroes to get those really high levels and stay competetive.

IMO the absolute most important thing to spend your hero points on is roster space. The more space you have, the more you can afford to hold onto covers that you aren't using right now in the hopes of training them later. I decided to spend $10 on the game and after playing for about 35 hours total, I have a roster of 14 heroes. However, if you make sure to participate in all of the featured events and tourneys and latch onto hero points as much as possible, you can get a decently sized roster without having to pay too much.

If you don't have any way of expanding your roster right now, my reccomendation would be to choose three one-stars for your pirmary team and save the remaning slots for two star hero whom you can get a decent amount of covers for. For one-stars, I reccomend Black Widow, Iron Man, and Storm, since they play great together and are easily available. For two-stars: Thor pops up a lot in the main campaign, and Moonstone covers have been in a lot of the special events lately, and they're both kickass.

Also remember that you can save rewards for up to 7 days. If you wait as long as possible before selling covers, it'll give you time to see if you can expand your roster or get enough covers to justify keeping them.

For reference, my roster consists of a level 38 (current max: 46) Moonstone, One-star Iron Man, Black Widow, and Storm all around level 26, and a bunch of low level rarer heroes who are slowly but surely getting more powerful. Rarer doesn't mean two-stars neccessarily. Heroes like Venom and Juggernaut may be one-star, but I've had a hell of a time tracking down more covers for them.

TLDR: Save your three fighting heroes, spend all of your hero points on roster slots, and fill them with higher star heroes. Eventually, at least one of them is going to get very strong.

Hope that helps.
Naposledy upravil favabear; 14. pro. 2013 v 2.49
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 12. pro. 2013 v 8.22
Počet příspěvků: 7