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can we have a dye bench?
i want to dye some clothes, as i see some peaple do in the workshop, but instead of buying blueprints for every armor, but with a diferent color, just haven a dye bench and color our own armors! :D

it would be so cool!and it would give us more costumization to!
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as I check kenshi forum,

the dye color on cloth or armor is been denied
some even ask for plants can product different colors.
(and those plants can plant on farm)

the other idea will be, have make some symble and can put on amor or cloth
the symble will make by DEVs, and have color on it.
player can choose own symble.
not sure if DEVs will accept.

or maybe the color part is been release on mod function
or, DEVs don't have time work on it yet.
not quite sure about it.
hmmmm,i din't managed to spot the developers reply in that thread, was he the green named guy? it din't seem like it was him.

i din't readed everything, but it seems that the thread just stopped out, i am not sure if the devs gave up on the idea.

but if they did,well,what can we do,i think that having such possibility would be great! it doesn't need to be strong colors or something resembling a rainbow, it can be a contained set of colors, with set strengh,that would already add some variety, without making the game look silly.

painting a symbol could also be fun having our own identity in mists of the land, and spreading our banner for everyone to see.

altough i don't know how much time either of these implementations would take to do.

I wouldn't like read too much of them
it spend too much time.

the topic should be "Dyes and Painting"
you can see it's an elegant idea.

you can see, on the list
from A~Z, above the "Declined"
are all abandon

so, let's not waste time on talk about it.
cause people already try
and you can see, there're many great ideas.

well, the DEVs might not use 100% ofthose ideas,
is because DEVs already have another way on their schedule.
maybe there is already a color though fit the game engine and programing part.
so, let's not dispoint first,
just give them time,

we can always strong suggest later, if they didn't plan doing this part.
because too many people ask for dye armor or put color on it.
problem is, as the item part, it will stay in behide.
the preformance and map...etc, they will do first,
than those item stuff.
so, it will be still long, I guess.
oh forgive me, i missed the tittle of the subforum, yeah, i tought they hadn't actually abandoned the idea, my apologies.

well, i agree with you on the other part....on prety much everything, so there isn't anything left to debate.

well thanks for the reasearch you did, it was very usefull.

Naposledy upravil icarus the improviser; 25. čvc. 2016 v 16.05
it would be nice to be able to customize our factions looks more, decals would be super sweeet in adition to color customization
Naposledy upravil Goweigus; 25. čvc. 2016 v 17.26
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 24. čvc. 2016 v 15.02
Počet příspěvků: 5