Praesmeodymium (Banned) Apr 25, 2015 @ 1:43pm
Peter M on his continuing lie

"At that time I started making this terrible mistake," he said, speaking about the early PR process for Fable. "Oh God. I feel like curling up into a ball and just withering away. The mistake I made, and I've made it again and again and again, and if I ever do this again I'll probably still make it, the mistake I made is to go and talk to the press about my current ideas."

Thats right, talking about the game ruins the game... this is why they are silent so often.

Its schroedingers development team. Like trying to decide whether or not to buy this from the store page and the cleanly scrubbed forums. is it gonna be a game or not? you'll never know till you pay money and find out....
< >
Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
Aynen Apr 25, 2015 @ 5:11pm 
Moderator's note: The thread, while not nice for 22Cans, isn't directly breaking rules. So it stays. The post by Drake that followed however contained personal attacks, which is a clear violation. So I deleted it.
Unfortunately since I cannot modify posts, I had to also delete the post that followed as it quoted the offending post.

I hope to demonstrate that we do make a difference between posts that are inconvenient and posts that violate rules.
Originally posted by Praesmeodymium:

"At that time I started making this terrible mistake," he said, speaking about the early PR process for Fable. "Oh God. I feel like curling up into a ball and just withering away. The mistake I made, and I've made it again and again and again, and if I ever do this again I'll probably still make it, the mistake I made is to go and talk to the press about my current ideas."

He ain't wrong.
Drake (Banned) Apr 25, 2015 @ 8:41pm 
Originally posted by Aynen:
Moderator's note: The thread, while not nice for 22Cans, isn't directly breaking rules. So it stays. The post by Drake that followed however contained personal attacks, which is a clear violation. So I deleted it.
Unfortunately since I cannot modify posts, I had to also delete the post that followed as it quoted the offending post.

I hope to demonstrate that we do make a difference between posts that are inconvenient and posts that violate rules.

Here's the thing. Molyneux is a public figure, who goes out, talks about his personal life, mixes it with business and then throws in lies. As such, a public figure is open to personal, business and any other kind of criticism. Public figures do not enjoy the level of oninimity, or protection that a private person does.

So, yes, Molyneux was called out by other posters for what he was and what they see him as. As a public figure he is not offered the same level of prection of a private person, aka other posters in this thread.

We would not operate a forum under Sharia law just because a developer happened to be from the Middle East. I don't know how they handle it in England, but Steam is based in US, and operates US servers. As such, public persons are open to criticim, personal and otherwise.

Criticism of Molyneux, such as calling him a liar, is not even slander. He (Molyneux) himself admitted to lying.

So those posts were valid, as it was opinions help by other people as to how they perceive Molyneux, the head of 22cans, who is not a private person, but in stead takes every oportunity to "hang his laundry out" so to say.
Last edited by Drake; Apr 25, 2015 @ 8:44pm
earl_parvisjam Apr 25, 2015 @ 10:31pm 
Sigh, that final quote was the clincher for me:

""You may think Curiosity was a stupid idea, but I'll tell you what. When it ended it was the number one trending global topic on Twitter. How cool is that? All it was was 'What's inside the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ box!' Can you imagine how that felt? For me, that's what this industry is. We've spent 20 years creating something that Sir Clive Sinclair said would become the dominant entertainment medium. We're almost there. Now is the time we have to show the world that they don't need to be anaesthetised by the deluge of rubbish from TV and film, because they can be involved. They can solve puzzles, create things, they can feel good about themselves. That's why I love what I do.""

What's in the ****** box? Nothing. He's bragging about feeling good about all the speculative talk that was going on about a project that was literally selling an empty box. Curiosity WAS WORSE than the "rubbish from TV and film". There's nothing to be proud of beyond pulling off the largest vaporware scheme in history.

Oh, and before I forget, I can't believe he's back already. The man couldn't stay away 6 full months. I guess that interview just wasn't as disheartening as he'd thought. Are we going to have more public appearances from him? I haven't been insulted in a while and we're long overdue...
Originally posted by Drake:
We would not operate a forum under Sharia law just because a developer happened to be from the Middle East. I don't know how they handle it in England, but Steam is based in US, and operates US servers. As such, public persons are open to criticim, personal and otherwise.

Freedom of speech does not exist on the internet.

Originally posted by earl_parvisjam:
SOh, and before I forget, I can't believe he's back already. The man couldn't stay away 6 full months.

He said he wasn't speaking to the "gaming press" anymore, giving a keynote speech at an industry event isn't the same thing.

And frankly there's a lot of interesting little bits in that article, i'd love to have heard the full thing. His tales about how a throw away line about something he'd love to see in games became a promised feature and when reality met the fantasy people had invented for themselves inevitably the cries of 'this is fraud, you should be arrested' started seem very on the nose.
Last edited by FraggleRock Ampersand; Apr 26, 2015 @ 1:35am
Praesmeodymium (Banned) Apr 26, 2015 @ 1:59am 
Originally posted by FraggleRock Ampersand:
Originally posted by Drake:
We would not operate a forum under Sharia law just because a developer happened to be from the Middle East. I don't know how they handle it in England, but Steam is based in US, and operates US servers. As such, public persons are open to criticim, personal and otherwise.

Freedom of speech does not exist on the internet.

Originally posted by earl_parvisjam:
SOh, and before I forget, I can't believe he's back already. The man couldn't stay away 6 full months.

He said he wasn't speaking to the "gaming press" anymore, giving a keynote speech at an industry event isn't the same thing.

And frankly there's a lot of interesting little bits in that article, i'd love to have heard the full thing. His tales about how a throw away line about something he'd love to see in games became a promised feature and when reality met the fantasy people had invented for themselves inevitably the cries of 'this is fraud, you should be arrested' started seem very on the nose.

From the guardian inteview and in 45 seconds of goolge fu

“I love working on games, it is my life. I am so honoured to be a part of the games industry, but I understand that people are sick of hearing my voice and hearing my promises. So I’m going to stop doing press and I’m going to stop talking about games completely. And actually I’m only giving you this interview now in answer to this terrible and awful, emotional time over the last three days. I think honestly the only answer to this is for me to completely stop talking to the press.”

I dont see him quoting the words gaming press... he said he was going to stop talikg... tohe press... about games...
Last edited by Praesmeodymium; Apr 26, 2015 @ 2:00am
Aynen Apr 26, 2015 @ 2:14am 
Originally posted by Drake:
Originally posted by Aynen:
Moderator's note: The thread, while not nice for 22Cans, isn't directly breaking rules. So it stays. The post by Drake that followed however contained personal attacks, which is a clear violation. So I deleted it.
Unfortunately since I cannot modify posts, I had to also delete the post that followed as it quoted the offending post.

I hope to demonstrate that we do make a difference between posts that are inconvenient and posts that violate rules.

Here's the thing. Molyneux is a public figure, who goes out, talks about his personal life, mixes it with business and then throws in lies. As such, a public figure is open to personal, business and any other kind of criticism. Public figures do not enjoy the level of oninimity, or protection that a private person does.

So, yes, Molyneux was called out by other posters for what he was and what they see him as. As a public figure he is not offered the same level of prection of a private person, aka other posters in this thread.

We would not operate a forum under Sharia law just because a developer happened to be from the Middle East. I don't know how they handle it in England, but Steam is based in US, and operates US servers. As such, public persons are open to criticim, personal and otherwise.

Criticism of Molyneux, such as calling him a liar, is not even slander. He (Molyneux) himself admitted to lying.

So those posts were valid, as it was opinions help by other people as to how they perceive Molyneux, the head of 22cans, who is not a private person, but in stead takes every oportunity to "hang his laundry out" so to say.

In spite of cultural understandings of how one may deal with public figures, this forum still has rules of it's own, which include 'no personal attacks'. On this forum, the rules apply to public personas just as much as everyone else.
Originally posted by Praesmeodymium:
Originally posted by FraggleRock Ampersand:

Freedom of speech does not exist on the internet.

He said he wasn't speaking to the "gaming press" anymore, giving a keynote speech at an industry event isn't the same thing.

And frankly there's a lot of interesting little bits in that article, i'd love to have heard the full thing. His tales about how a throw away line about something he'd love to see in games became a promised feature and when reality met the fantasy people had invented for themselves inevitably the cries of 'this is fraud, you should be arrested' started seem very on the nose.

From the guardian inteview and in 45 seconds of goolge fu

“I love working on games, it is my life. I am so honoured to be a part of the games industry, but I understand that people are sick of hearing my voice and hearing my promises. So I’m going to stop doing press and I’m going to stop talking about games completely. And actually I’m only giving you this interview now in answer to this terrible and awful, emotional time over the last three days. I think honestly the only answer to this is for me to completely stop talking to the press.”

I dont see him quoting the words gaming press... he said he was going to stop talikg... tohe press... about games...

And giving a keynote isn't speaking to the press.
So, we're in agreement then?
Praesmeodymium (Banned) Apr 26, 2015 @ 3:23am 
You changed your statemnet subtly as you often seem to do.. while that was not a press conference, and one could certainly argue that it has nothing to do with speaking to the press, who was obviously attending... that doesnt matter in the scheme of attempting discourse...your first statement is

"He said he wasn't speaking to the "gaming press" anymore, giving a keynote speech at an industry event isn't the same thing."

The next statement is different, but only subtlyt

"And giving a keynote isn't speaking to the press."

Followed by a decleration of winning the point.

This moving target of a conversation makes it rather pointless to engage with you.

So as a favor to myself this will be my last time spending the effort to reply to you.
Originally posted by Praesmeodymium:
You changed your statemnet subtly as you often seem to do.. while that was not a press conference, and one could certainly argue that it has nothing to do with speaking to the press, who was obviously attending... that doesnt matter in the scheme of attempting discourse...your first statement is

"He said he wasn't speaking to the "gaming press" anymore, giving a keynote speech at an industry event isn't the same thing."

The next statement is different, but only subtlyt

"And giving a keynote isn't speaking to the press."

Followed by a decleration of winning the point.

This moving target of a conversation makes it rather pointless to engage with you.

So as a favor to myself this will be my last time spending the effort to reply to you.

Yeah.... see, when you pointed out that the quote from the guardian said "press" as opposed to the more niche "gaming press" I made that change you're so hung up about. This is what happens when someone points out a minor mistake you made, it is generally seen as the right thing to do.
Which isn't kosher any more, apparently.

And regardless of whether the original quote was about the larger press or the subset that calls itself the gaming press, the point is equally valid for both. Giving a keynote is not the same as speaking to the press.
So I assumed we're in agreement, because the sentence holds true regardless which term you use, "gaming press" or simply "press", and therefore there's nothing to disagree about.

Shows what I know, with my thinking things through and using my words.....

Drake (Banned) Apr 26, 2015 @ 10:47am 
Originally posted by FraggleRock Ampersand:
Yeah.... see, when you pointed out that the quote from the guardian said "press" as opposed to the more niche "gaming press" I made that change you're so hung up about. This is what happens when someone points out a minor mistake you made, it is generally seen as the right thing to do.

Shows what I know, with my thinking things through and using my words.....

It's not called getting hung up, it's called pointing out your inconsistencies. Just like in another post, where people were discussing if they would leave upon getting a refund you called that a bribe, Fraggle's quote - "Give me money and I will leave". Well, another poster fixed it for you by posting this, to give it exactly the right meaining - "Give me my money, and I will leave".

By adding a single word, he changed the whole meaning. So your accusations of people of wanting a bribe, fell appart, with a single word.

Same appplies here. Praesmeodymium nixed your argument by correcting a single word. Yet you still persisted as if you were right, which you weren't to begin with.

You must be forgetting, or not understanding that anyone can click on the little down arrow by your name, chose "View Posts" and see your post history on Godus forum. All of your posts do nothing but flame bait. None contain any usefull information, input, counter argument or a rebutal.

To sum it up, just like you posted, it does "shows what *you* know, with *your* thinking things through and using *your* words..." and it leaves a lot to be desired.
Last edited by Drake; Apr 26, 2015 @ 12:38pm
Originally posted by Drake:
Same appplies here. Praesmeodymium nixed your argument by correcting a single word. Yet you still persisted as if you were right, which you weren't to begin with.

That's really not even close to accurate.
Last edited by FraggleRock Ampersand; Apr 26, 2015 @ 3:18pm
Originally posted by Mindless:
Originally posted by FraggleRock Ampersand:
That's really not even close to accurate.

Is that your motto?

Because this singular statement sums up practically every post of yours throughout this forum.

I think your time would be better spent trying to raise the level of discourse here, wouldn't you?
Originally posted by Mindless:
Originally posted by FraggleRock Ampersand:
I think your time would be better spent trying to raise the level of discourse here, wouldn't you?

I'll spend my time how I see fit. Like just now when I spent some time to help raise awareness about your nature to regularly distort the situation, so you can setup an argument that you can easily win, which doesn't in any way relate to the issues at hand. Its your typical modus operandi, once people realise that they will ignore you, thus the level of discourse will be improved around here :)

I see, and if you could take a break from your self congratulatory preening, would you have anything to say on the subject of Giving a keynote speech Vs speaking to the press.

Everyone else seems to have ceded the point, but if you have something new to bring to the table I'd love to hear it.

TigrisMorte Apr 27, 2015 @ 4:50pm 
Originally posted by Aynen:
....since I cannot modify posts,....
and why is that? Moderation so out of line that Steam took the power away?
< >
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