iemander Apr 10, 2015 @ 10:41am
Why is this game so expensive?
I thought this was a mobile game, aren't mobile games supposed to be much cheaper than this?
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Pot Apr 10, 2015 @ 12:32pm 
It is free on mobile...
Generic Name Apr 12, 2015 @ 4:00pm 
It is nice to have it more costly on mobile, that way people realize the superiority of PC.
Redxlotus Apr 14, 2015 @ 5:32am 
500 yen does not seem that expensive XD
i5-11400 Apr 14, 2015 @ 4:48pm 
All prices on Steam should be in Yen
MrDrPink Apr 15, 2015 @ 5:09am 
Originally posted by iemander:
I thought this was a mobile game, aren't mobile games supposed to be much cheaper than this?

At this point in time the PC and Mobile versions are quite similar, but over the course of time we'll be changing that. :)
MrDrPink Apr 15, 2015 @ 6:34am 
Originally posted by Mindless:
With that being said then wouldn't it be fair to charge a similar price for what it is worth right now, as they are so similar. Lest we also not forget the steam rule which we dare not quote, requiring price parity across platforms.

Even at this point in time, the Desktop version still has features that cannot be found in the Mobile version.
Last edited by MrDrPink; Apr 15, 2015 @ 6:35am
Mahoosive Apr 15, 2015 @ 3:50pm 
The mobile version is free and better supported. The PC version will be mobile-ported content once the press forgets about Peter and everyone forgets about this failed kickstarter project.

So I would recommend you avoid buying it.

MrDrPink Apr 16, 2015 @ 2:41am 
Originally posted by Mandrake:

If you seriously expect people to buy what otherwise appears to be a gold brick, detail those features.

In-depth world editor
Ability to create your own levels
Combat on Opt-In
Raise land

And everyones favorite, the The Pit of Doom

Originally posted by Mandrake:
Provide details for this claim as well, because this claim has been made before...and yet the PC and Mobile versions are now quite similar.

The Combat on Opt-In will be the first major change to the game, then we've got Fabs' top secret work before he left hint hint.[godus.boards.net]

But once we've got Combat implement and fully working we'll be moving on to the next feature.
MuirDragonne Apr 17, 2015 @ 2:49am 
Originally posted by Heggers:

Please don't post nonconstructive, baiting comments.Reposting deleted posts is also against the forum rules. Please familiarise yourself with the forum rules, which can be found here. Consider this a warning. Have a nice day.
Heggers Apr 17, 2015 @ 2:55am 
Originally posted by Muir:
Originally posted by Heggers:

Please don't post nonconstructive, baiting comments.Reposting deleted posts is also against the forum rules. Please familiarise yourself with the forum rules, which can be found here. Consider this a warning. Have a nice day.

Trust me honey. I will do. In response to the OP, I agree that it is FAR too expensive
Praesmeodymium (Banned) Apr 17, 2015 @ 12:06pm 
Why is there a price difference?

Originally posted by Dave @ 22cans:
Originally posted by iemander:
I thought this was a mobile game, aren't mobile games supposed to be much cheaper than this?

At this point in time the PC and Mobile versions are quite similar, but over the course of time we'll be changing that. :)

We dont get anything for our cost except the pit of doom and to be able to generate content for YOU!

Its a bit like telling me I am getting a 500 peice puzzle and then you hand me a magazine and some scissors.
Digital Jam Apr 17, 2015 @ 1:46pm 
Originally posted by Dave @ 22cans:
The Combat on Opt-In will be the first major change to the game, then we've got Fabs' top secret work before he left hint hint.[godus.boards.net]
What's the actual hold-up with putting Fabs work out there? Is there any particular reason to continue being so coy about it? I mean, the guy left three weeks ago now.
Dangling something like this for so long, is just seems tragically desperate.
Like a menopausal, fifty-something, who giggles and screams "chase me, chase me!" whenever I'm nearby, it makes me wonder if you realise that it's no longer alluring but instead a bit annoying and the persistance which it's done, makes me wonder if something more serious isn't wrong.
MuirDragonne Apr 18, 2015 @ 2:42am 
I obviously can't say for sure as I don't have daily access to the studio and don't know what stage the programming is at, but it could be that the game framework isn't ready for Fab's work to be added quite yet. There could be more art assets needed to be made, or changes to the UI/menus, or even more testing to be done on it before it's ready to be added. It could also be the case that they want things to be added in a given order (i.e. Add combat first then add Fab's work after).
Last edited by MuirDragonne; Apr 18, 2015 @ 2:43am
Hardly Apr 18, 2015 @ 8:50pm 
Originally posted by Dave @ 22cans:
Originally posted by Mandrake:

If you seriously expect people to buy what otherwise appears to be a gold brick, detail those features.

In-depth world editor
Ability to create your own levels
Combat on Opt-In
Raise land

And everyones favorite, the The Pit of Doom

Originally posted by Mandrake:
Provide details for this claim as well, because this claim has been made before...and yet the PC and Mobile versions are now quite similar.

The Combat on Opt-In will be the first major change to the game, then we've got Fabs' top secret work before he left hint hint.[godus.boards.net]

But once we've got Combat implement and fully working we'll be moving on to the next feature.

Dave, will combat remain a PC exclusive? Because if our only perk is the ability to be test dummies for future mobile content that is not a geniune difference between the games but rather a chore inflicted on PC gamers for the benefit of mobile gamers. Its like me telling you a perk of being the community manager at 22Cans is that you also get to clean the toilets? They dont make you do that do they? A real perk would be to have your own exclusive gold plated toilet.

Also raise land is a BS response. Its the smallest feature possible and one that was presumably only excluded from mobile because they have no mouse.

Isnt it true that excluding very niche features like access to the opt in branch and the editors you mention which arent part of the core game the experience of playing on PC only differs from Mobile in that you dont have a cash shop and have other methods for aquiring gems (pit of doom) to compensate?

Would it not be fair to say that in differentiating the two versions of the game 22Cans has done the absolute minimum required to do so given the PC version does not as of today have cash microtransactions? Do you think that is fair?
LegendCZ Apr 19, 2015 @ 1:46pm 
So okay i get BANNED again for this but i still ask ...

Why there is not something like Stream? Like telling people what you do right now? How they like it and such? .. When you so much care about game get done why you keep us in dark? Why there are a "Secrets"? Why you make us on puporse in dark? Why when tehre is nothing ba fraid of and the store page isnt lying so much?! ... I just ask why then so much repetetive comments about how it change and dont proving it?! ... I just dont get it ... Even if i ask nice i get treathed and banned ... like i always do because i just asking right questions am i right?! ...
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Date Posted: Apr 10, 2015 @ 10:41am
Posts: 15