Kentucky Route Zero

Kentucky Route Zero

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Kentucky Route Zero - ALL TEXT/DIALOG FILES
Ok, since I have less time to work on this than I originally planned, I'll post all of the text and dialog files for the game "as-is" and members that would like to help me format it into a script like format are welcome (and encouraged) to help :)



Limits and Demonstrations - RAR File[]

Limits and Demonstrations - ZIP File[]

The Entertainment - RAR File[]

The Entertainment - ZIP File[]

The game has such a great atmosphere and compelling story that I just think it's a shame that people miss out on key story elements.

Also, I'll be doing the same with the sound files for the game. I will purposely be leaving out the soundtrack music however for obvious reasons lol.
Dernière modification de VioletSkye; 11 mai 2014 à 9h56
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Very cool! Thanks for your work. One of the file names seems to pretty conclusively indicate the origin of the wreck (it says Hard Times), something I don’t think we already knew from the information availible in the game itself. I wonder what other previously unavailible information can be gleamed from the file names …
Actually it was a fairly easy guess that it was a Hard Times truck and Act 3 confirmed it with the scene about Miguel:

<scene name="miguel" nextScene="end">
<line speaker="doolittle" style="skeleton">I do pity ill-fated Miguel — he was good company, and slow to anger. But, if we're speaking confidentially ...</line>
<line speaker="doolittle" style="skeleton">Well, with all that lost `product` to be repaid — bourbon and glass dashed across the interstate, and a few casks too — we're all just thankful he had no ... next of kin.</line>

But thanks for the kind words and I'm happy to see people are looking through the files and possibly discovering things they weren't aware of in terms of the story :)
Dernière modification de VioletSkye; 11 mai 2014 à 19h53
Thank you very much for these files. Can't wait for the music. :)
Hey, thank you very much for the effort! In the spare time, I tried to do a dialog tree of the first conversation in the game, maybe I'll do other dialogs!
I found two descriptions, named respectively marquezbasement.xml and marquezclock.xml, I didn't find ..Does someone know how to read them ingame or they were included but they got eventually removed and the files remained in the system?
These two:

(Stacks of boxes climb precariously to the ceiling. A worn writing table in the corner is the only evidence that this basement was ever used as anything but a staging area.)

(A clock hangs on the rear wall. The markings are faded, but it seems to have finally stopped just before a quarter past eleven. Morning or night; who can say?)
Dernière modification de roomer8; 16 juin 2014 à 10h25
The text are not available anymore, sadly.
Out of curiosity I decided to check the status of Act 5 and found my old thread resurrected lol. I wish I had kept a copy of my files and I'd repost them but unfortunately I don't have them backed up anywhere. It was rather time consuming so I have no interest in doing all the work again but for anyone who wishes to, the dialog can be found in the numerous .assets files. You can open the files directly with something like Wordpad or use something like UnityAssetsExplorer to open them and extract the individual files from. The files inside the assets file that you want to dig through will be the .xml files. For instance in "sharedassets5" you can find a file called "JosephDialog.xml" which has the following: (I'll only post part of the dialog as it's rather lengthy)

<?xml version="1.0" ?><conversation act="one">
<!-- Init routing -->
<scene name="intro">
<goto condition="shannon-companion" sceneName="returning-to-gas-station-with-shannon"/>
<goto condition="left-gas-station" sceneName="returning-to-gas-station"/>
<goto condition="marquez-address-retrieved" sceneName="after-address-retrieved"/>

<!-- intro and circuit breaker stuff -->
<goto condition="!met-joseph" sceneName="intro-first-meeting"/>
<goto condition="reset-circuit-breaker" sceneName="post-reset-circuit-breaker"/>
<goto sceneName="still-need-to-reset-breaker"/>

<!-- First meeting -->
<scene name="intro-first-meeting">
<setGameVar name="met-joseph" value="true"/>
<line speaker="joseph">Damn! Did you hear that wreck? Truck full of bottles — I dunno, beer bottles? Whiskey? Lost a tire or something, and spilled booze and glass all over the interstate!</line>
<line speaker="joseph">What a mess! I hope they don't come down here looking for anything; we blew a damn fuse and it's all shut off!</line>
<line speaker="joseph">Did I hear a dog? What's your dog's name?</line>

<option goto="intro-dog-homer" speaker="conway">His name is Homer.</option>
<option goto="intro-dog-blue" speaker="conway">Her name is Blue.</option>
<option goto="intro-dog-nameless" speaker="conway">Just some dog; I don't know his name.</option>

<scene name="intro-dog-homer" nextScene="intro-blind">
<setGameVar name="dog-name" value="Homer"/>
<setGameVar name="dog-nameless" value="false"/>

<line speaker="joseph">Bit of a shuffle or a drag in Homer's step — kind of an old one isn't he? Well, I guess he's got some stories then.</line>

eli 2 nov. 2017 à 23h39 
VioletSkye a écrit :
I wish I had kept a copy of my files and I'd repost them but unfortunately I don't have them backed up anywhere.
I have .html files for each act + intermission episode with internal links between all the dialogue passages – extracted using (my slightly modified version of) KRZConversation.xslt, which comes in the game's decompiled files – if anyone wants them for any reason.
Dernière modification de eli; 26 janv. 2018 à 0h52
eli a écrit :
VioletSkye a écrit :
I wish I had kept a copy of my files and I'd repost them but unfortunately I don't have them backed up anywhere.
I have .html files for each act + intermission episode with internal links between all the dialogue passages – extracted using KRZConversationMod.xslt, which comes in the game's decompiled files – if anyone wants them for any reason.

Hey, eli! I would like it! I'm writing a research about the creation of mysteries on audiovisual media and I reference KR0 a lot. If you could share these .html files with me (or how I can extract them from my game) it would be immensely helpful!
eli 20 nov. 2017 à 21h38 
Arthur a écrit :
Hey, eli! I would like it! I'm writing a research about the creation of mysteries on audiovisual media and I reference KR0 a lot. If you could share these .html files with me (or how I can extract them from my game) it would be immensely helpful!
Here you go Arthur! Made a fun little index page for it as well. Please let me know if you find it useful, and I'd love to see you end up writing if you'd like to share.
Thanks a lot, eli! My thesis is in Portuguese, but with a little courage I'll translate it and post it around here, thanks!
eli 26 janv. 2018 à 3h04 
Arthur a écrit :
Thanks a lot, eli! My thesis is in Portuguese, but with a little courage I'll translate it and post it around here, thanks!
Hey Arthur,

Just a note I've moved the URL now to … but the old one should redirect. I've also updated the page with the dialogue/text from The Entertainment, HATATE, and the new intermission episode Un Pueblo De Nada. :) The "notes & resources" page is now up to date through Act IV and a little more fleshed out with some other stuff as well.

Would love to hear how your thesis is going!
eli a écrit :
Arthur a écrit :
Thanks a lot, eli! My thesis is in Portuguese, but with a little courage I'll translate it and post it around here, thanks!
Hey Arthur,

Just a note I've moved the URL now to … but the old one should redirect. I've also updated the page with the dialogue/text from The Entertainment, HATATE, and the new intermission episode Un Pueblo De Nada. :) The "notes & resources" page is now up to date through Act IV and a little more fleshed out with some other stuff as well.

Would love to hear how your thesis is going!

Thanks Eli! (Also sorry for not replying sooner).

My thesis is going fine for now. I'm reading about the relationship between mystery, religion and folklore in different times and places while I'm waiting for the final act.
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