Cities XL Platinum

Cities XL Platinum

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115/17 megjegyzés mutatása
I already saw a lot of the game via gameplay videos. It looks like a lot of fun, but the bugs and the fact that it gets almost unplayable after some time is still holding be back, feels like it'd be a waist of money to me.
Salty eredeti hozzászólása:
I already saw a lot of the game via gameplay videos. It looks like a lot of fun, but the bugs and the fact that it gets almost unplayable after some time is still holding be back, feels like it'd be a waist of money to me.

Still fun, though yes there are faults but offers a different type of city building game.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Decider northflank dot com; 2013. máj. 21., 12:20
in my opinion it could be an awesome game. BUT due to massive bugs and translation mistakes (german version) its a pain in the ass. I won this few weeks ago and played it for 5 hours.
Try to get a demo or something, test the game and buy it if you like it.
I think its a waste of money.
The game isnt bad, and i prefer it over the new sim city. The time issue is easily fixed by simply restarting. Yes it's a pain in the rear, but better than not playing
Was tempted to buy this game, but with all this reviews about performance issues..only using 1 core processor..and the memory leak..deciding not to buy this game..would be a waste of money..Considrering Steam does not give refunds..Would of been nice to have demo version to try it out first..unfortunaly it does not..going to sit this one out..and staying with Simcity for now..
Rhenthyl eredeti hozzászólása:
The game isnt bad, and i prefer it over the new sim city. The time issue is easily fixed by simply restarting. Yes it's a pain in the rear, but better than not playing
Two problems there...

1. I wish it were true that simply restarting mitigated the problem. For most people, they restart and five minutes into playing again and it's back to the unplayable lag.

2. Having to restart to fix lag for a single player game during a play session that's less than 8 straight hours is unacceptable in today's gaming industry.
It has come to this day that the citizen of the earth are more willing to stand this buggy mess, rather then play the supreme but stupid online only Sim City.

Guess us all the city builders of the world really have no choice at all :"(
Legutóbb szerkesztette: En_A; 2013. máj. 22., 11:14
Caz eredeti hozzászólása:
2. Having to restart to fix lag for a single player game during a play session that's less than 8 straight hours is unacceptable in today's gaming industry.

En_A eredeti hozzászólása:
It has come to this day that the citizen of the earth are more willing to stand this buggy mess, rather then play the supreme but stupid online only Sim City.

Guess us all the city builders of the world really have no choice at all :"(

Who do you expect to fix the game? The guys that created it went bankrupt and out of business, so they can't. The company that bought it has no development team, they're just a publisher. So almost all of their stuff comes from fan fixes. The hope id that another dev team will take the franchise on, but that's not looking likely.

As for SimCity, i hardly call it supreme. It's got more bugs than this game, infact the only problem it dosent have is a memory leak. I pre-ordered the game and regret it, it's not a bad game, but it's not a great game either. It has to many limitations and elements missing that were in sim city 4. Like a lot of people i think, i wanted this game to be awesome, but all we got was a mediocre DLC farming game. Essentially Sim City is the new The Sims. They'll release dozens of DLC over a year or 2 and then release the next version. Problem is since it's online if they decide to turn the servers off we're screwed

well i own this game and have played it so far a good number of hours and it runs great.

also, ive tested it extensively for days using memory analyzers and i nor they found any such memory leak that people keep repeating about. the game runs solid without any problems

sure as the size and complexity of the cities grow the framerate slowly drops, that's expected as it hits my cpu/gpu processing limits.

also, this game beats even the latest simcity and its a real bargain when on sale for just $10

so if you like city builders and are looking for something different try this game you will have loads of fun with it.

finally, check out you will find hundreds of addons for this game and over 40,000 members!
Legutóbb szerkesztette: The doctor is in; 2013. máj. 25., 20:02
i'm surprised it took you this long to post your stuff, ignore the doctor (cant believe i wrote that lol). EVERYONE and their grandmother, including the publisher, admits the game is buggy as hell. I will agree with Doc on one thing, for $10 ut us worth taking a gamble on
Rhenthyl eredeti hozzászólása:
i'm surprised it took you this long to post your stuff, ignore the doctor (cant believe i wrote that lol). EVERYONE and their grandmother, including the publisher, admits the game is buggy as hell. I will agree with Doc on one thing, for $10 ut us worth taking a gamble on

to anyone interested in this game i'll give you a better reason to just ignore Rhenthyl and the small group of griefers who troll this forum.

re: "EVERYONE and their grandmother, including the publisher, admits the game is buggy as hell."

well you certainly can't know about any problems with this release of the game because it sits in your library unplayed

and where does "the publisher admits the game is buggy as hell".

easy to just make up statements without having a clue and without backing them up.

better make your profile private or play the game just a little before everyone sees you for what you are.

also, EVERYONE, you certainly exaggerate cause many members who do play the game have posted that the game runs great for them. and everyone is welcome to go to and checkout the hundreds of addons and the the thriving community of over 40,000 members. so not everybody, not even close...
Legutóbb szerkesztette: The doctor is in; 2013. máj. 26., 2:03
Problem with steam is it dosen't always pick up your play time when you're off line. I play most of the games i own on a permanently offline computer for when im stuck on duil as hell night shifts, but meh. I've played a total of 20mins in Plat, because it's EXACTLY the same as the previous release, it's just an expansion pack, with a few minor bug fixes in it. All it really added was a bit of new content, thats hy owners of the previous game got it at a steep discount.

The publisher, Focus, HAVE said they're aware of the bugs, and the memory leak, but they can't fix it cause it's in the code that they themselves cant fix. They have been looking for a dev team to take it up.

As for xlnation, so it has 40k members, so what? Does that suddenly mean the game runs smooth as silk and is perfect? Hell no. What it means is there's an active community behind the game, there's a big difference.

Almsot ALL of the bug fixes in this version of the game came from the fan community. And yes, it's not everyone, it's more like 90% of the player base who have issues. Most of those i've seen who say the game was fine for them were those with high end computers with loads of RAM so the memory leak take ages to be apparant.

for those that havent got the previous release, plat is the way to go, when it's on sale. if you've got the previous game don't bother, just hunt around and get all the mods and fan patches for free. you might not get all of the skinned buildings, but you can get a load
Rhenthyl eredeti hozzászólása:
Problem with steam is it dosen't always pick up your play time when you're off line. I play most of the games i own on a permanently offline computer for when im stuck on duil as hell night shifts, but meh. I've played a total of 20mins in Plat, because it's EXACTLY the same as the previous release, it's just an expansion pack, with a few minor bug fixes in it. All it really added was a bit of new content, thats hy owners of the previous game got it at a steep discount.

yes its an expansion pack that they only charge $20 for it. the release notes clearly detail the changes and fixes.

Rhenthyl eredeti hozzászólása:
The publisher, Focus, HAVE said they're aware of the bugs, and the memory leak, but they can't fix it cause it's in the code that they themselves cant fix. They have been looking for a dev team to take it up.

there you go again, repeating stuff without offering any proof to back up your claims. links please...

Rhenthyl eredeti hozzászólása:
As for xlnation, so it has 40k members, so what? Does that suddenly mean the game runs smooth as silk and is perfect? Hell no. What it means is there's an active community behind the game, there's a big difference.

nothing in this world is perfect, as i said all software has bugs, but this is far from

re: "EVERYONE and their grandmother, including the publisher, admits the game is buggy as hell."

its not buggy as hell. and and many other runs it and have loads of fun without really any greatly noticable issues. sure some people have some issues installing it, but its the same issue steam has with many other games and it has more to do with antiquated install method that steam uses to install game, than anything to do with the game. google "unknown error" during steam game install and you see just about every game steam sells, including the latest one, have this issue with a small number of customers. also some people have problems every so often with the automated save being corrupted, never has happened to me, but some people do, the same can be said for automated save with word documents or excel spreadsheets. the problems is they asyncronously saving while you are editing and sometimes the save contains items in the process of being edited so its neither the previous or the next. do you think simcity is any better with its asynchronous saves...many people report their cities being rolled back and/or inacessible. in wonder why. at least this game allows you do to manual saves which people should do and backup and which ensure that you always have a backup to go to. sure there is a long list of other minor issues that effect small number of people. most are not really noticable, easily ignorable or quickly worked around. windows the very os that you run have many issues, most that effect you every day, and you dont even notice because they are not show stoppers that crash the computer. same with this game. microsoft with all the money, talent and ability wont fix them and neither will any other company, cause at point any fix adds more bugs, so it becomes pointless. inperfection is something you have to deal with. there would be no universe without it. just ask any theoretical physicist.

Rhenthyl eredeti hozzászólása:
Almsot ALL of the bug fixes in this version of the game came from the fan community.

that is simply not the case, just look at the release notes at their website. yes some came from a member of, but some they did.

Rhenthyl eredeti hozzászólása:
And yes, it's not everyone, it's more like 90% of the player base who have issues. Most of those i've seen who say the game was fine for them were those with high end computers with loads of RAM so the memory leak take ages to be apparant.

90% you keep throwing out stuff, without any proof to back it, you do not have any access to their sales/support databases to know. you have no clue how many people own this game.

its this nonsense from people like yourself that just exaggerate and mindlessly maliciusly repeat without any real knowledge or facts to backup their claims.

the memory leak was fixed, its even in the release notes, the game has been extensively tested using memory analyzers who found nothing and noone has been able to offer any proof of a memory leak.

you and others also have no clue what a memory leak is, most of you do not work on memory managers for operating systems and programming languages, like myself. so what can you even say about it.

the performance issue you and others describe is not the result of any memory leak. memory leaks do not reduce the framerate of a game. they would result in out of memory error. then again having a very large and complex city that exceeds the 32bit address space or the ram amount that they have also would result in an out of memory error. so you all without the proper tools and training on how to use those tools would not know if an out of memory error is from a memory leak or an extremely large and complext city.

still i dont see many, if any, members posting away they are getting out of memory errors.

the issue that people describe with framerate dropping as cities grows and become more complex has been extensively looked at. the problem revield by processor utilization profiles to be mostly caused by the game logic being written in lua.

the game, like many other games, uses a branch of lua called luaplus. luaplus like lua use interepreters to run the gamelogic. interpreters are 20-30x or more slower than natives compilers.

unfortunately focus is not in the business of writting lua or writing compilers. they dont have people with the experties. if they had a problem with the operating system, or with the languages that they use or with the libraries that they use they can't go out and resolve them. the only thing they can do is wait for the people who do do these things to resolve them.

well unfortunately for this game and many others, luaplus is sort of a very small unprofitable side branch of lua. its done by one guy i think and he can just about keepup with doing it.

so it was very bad move for the game industry to use luaplus when they did like 5 years ago.

fortunately for focus and other gaming companies, ive just released luaplusjit which has a compiler instead of an interpreter to focus. the release is far form something they can use. it still needs lots of work. none of the enhancements that luaplus made to lua have been done yet. its just there so that they can link again when they have a chance away from their very busy schedule and provide me with feedback as to which enhancements they are using so that i can recreate them at a much later time for luaplusjit.

so you see the issue of a memory leaked fixed long ago, you can go to their website and look for the old release notes from years ago.

the performance issues also being worked on, will take a very long time. since we are all very busy people.

when will it get done. who knows. hopefully someday. but onces it done and released the game logic will hopefully run 20x-30x or more faster and you will be able to create larger and more complex cities with framerate dropping less. hoe much larger and more complex and how much less drop in framerate, who knows. we will know when there is a test dev build and some testing is done.

but keep in mind that lua does not support native threading, so there is so much that can be done with the game logic and there is always a 32-bit address limit so eventually you will hit windows 32-bit application address limit.

so you can only make cities so large and complex anyways.

Rhenthyl eredeti hozzászólása:
for those that havent got the previous release, plat is the way to go, when it's on sale. if you've got the previous game don't bother, just hunt around and get all the mods and fan patches for free. you might not get all of the skinned buildings, but you can get a load

i think that cxl plat is the way to go for everyone, if you dont own the game its just $10 on sale. probably the best city builder. ok get tropico 4 series and simcity 4 when on 75% off sale too. if you own an old release upgrade for just $4.5 you get new content and some bug fixes. if you own cities xl 2012 its small amount of content, but you get some nice fixes. and if you own citeis xl 2011 you get huge amount of new content and a good number of fixes as well.

its cities xl 2011/2012/platinum new major versions. nope nobody every said they were and the price is only that of a small dlc. heck you get a lot more than any dlc that most other game companies put out. i mean tropico 4 dlcs where like $4.5 and you got a lot less. like 1 building and 1 custom and 1 new mission. here you getting lots of content and minor fixes for just that price.

so please stop repeating the same old misinformation. most of you have no clue, have no access and are not in the loop as to what is going on and are just griefing and spooking people with little more than unsubstantiated exaggerations.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: The doctor is in; 2013. máj. 26., 12:32
I had written a long post, but decided meh, pointless trying to talk with you. I'm sure all the people whove posted both here and on the focus site about memory leaks and stuff were all just making it up to troll the game, and we aren't fans of the game or anything
Rhenthyl eredeti hozzászólása:
I had written a long post, but decided meh, pointless trying to talk with you. I'm sure all the people whove posted both here and on the focus site about memory leaks and stuff were all just making it up to troll the game, and we aren't fans of the game or anything


still you offer zero proof to backup your earlier posts.

since there are soo many posts why is it so hard for you to find a single post that backups your repeated claims

"EVERYONE and their grandmother, including the publisher, admits the game is buggy as hell."

its not me who posted this.

so i'm still waiting for you to post a single link to where th"the publisher admits the game is buggy as hell".

i'm still also waiting for you or anyone to post a single link to where you or anyone else, anybody, posted concrete proof that there is a memory leak.

i keep reading your unfounded posts, i keep reading this echo chamber of lies and exaggerations that you and other griefers post about. you and others continuously troll this and other forums, yet never have i seen any proof any links backing up your nonsense claims.

so where is the concrete proof. its not like obtaining and using a memory utilization analyzer is all that hard. numerous ones out there for free. lots of videos of how to use them. easy enough to run the game and and create some screenshots.

but what is not all that easy is coming up with a single link ,because non exist. if there were any you and others would have posted one by now.

so "I had written a long post, but decided meh, pointless trying to talk with you."

yeah i demand real proof not just the garbage the spews our of your mouths. that is not science. science is not built on the crap people say, but on concrete proof, proof that anyone can take and validate for themselves.

ive posted numerous screenshots showing the game running on multiple cores, the game logic running on one of them. i've posted numerous screenshoots showing processor and memory utilization showing what is actually going on. showing that there is no memory leak. but that is not good enough for you and others.

your post and the posts of others that regurgitate the same crap is canon enough. that's all the facts you need.

here read about science about independent verification

and about the scientific method

and about scientific skeptism

and learn something, step out of the dark ages and be more than an ignoramus that you show yourself to be with each and every post.

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115/17 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. máj. 21., 11:57
Hozzászólások: 17