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Missing exclusive stuff ? Want them to come back ?
Feel free to voice your opinion (negative or positive) on the official forums or here.


Ok, let's talk about the future of our game :

In a few months :

The game is now live.
The game is now opened to PS4 players who can enjoy the game and spend their money on it.
The Armor 2.0 system is out and flows well. A lot of old weapons that were seen as not good are now far more playable.
Berserker is fine and can resist knockdown. With the melee rework it actually became a very good frame.
The Codex systems allows new players to focus their search on a specific mod.
Missions are more dynamic, and interesting due to the mission rework.
The game is fine. Far from perfect, because not a single game is perfect, but it evolves in a good way and shape.

New player

You are a rather new player. You began to play after thoses changes and like collecting everything.

Something bothers you.

You came after thoses changes and now you can't access :

- Lato Vandal
- Braton Vandal
- Snipetron
- Snipetron Vandal
- Strun Wraith
- Gorgon
- Dual Ether Daggers
- Boar
- Machete
- Lato Prime
- Skana Prime
- Excalibur Prime

(11 weapons and 1 warframe)

Thoses can give you 3000 x 11 + 6000 = 39000 Mastery points

You would like to. You would like to spend money on them if needed. The Lato, Skana and Excalibur Prime were linked to founder pack, but you can't see any new pack where they're in. Even equally priced.

You would like some events to come back, I don't know, a christmas event where you can chose to get some of thoses obsoletes weapons.

You're the master of your clan, you would like to spend ressources on new labs. Archeologic, Vandal, and Orokin (Wraith/Prime) Labs ? They're freakin' expensives. But... Well... You get nothing without spending nothing.

Old player

You are a very old player. One of the few remaining. You don't play with your Lato Vandal because you have other better weapons. You would like a buff for it, but being exclusive, no one cares about your weapon anymore.

You want to attract new players into this game. You want this game to evolves more. And you want your clan to live again.

You're helping new players actively into this game, and when they want to know which is the weapon you're using so effectively, you answer "Strun Wraith. Not available anymore, sorry guy. Maybe one day".

Of course, you like having stuff that the others don't. But you know that, in the end, it's not that good for the game. You don't want them to be available freely or easily. But you're not against a yearly return, with each Halloween or Christmas, or you don't know.


Now let's talk about exclusivity in general.

Games Exclusives were meant to be a physical gift back in the years.
As a physical stuff, it couldn't be returned easily. You manufacture a small amount of theses to promote your game. This is linked to a physical problem (Production Stocking problem, Manufacturing with little ressources).

Digital Exclusives are FALSE exclusives. They are not limited in numbers. They try to promote your game. And it actually works. People want them because they don't want to miss them. In the present.
But it can prevents a good chunck of players aka "collectors" players from playing your game at all because they already miss stuff that won't come back for no good reason.

Games evolves. Now board game sells their promos through some tiers (http://boardgamegeekstore.com/) or by buying them using their own store ( http://www.plaidhatgames.com/news/110 ).

Digital Exclusives have already been a problem with a lot of Games. Some examples that comes to mind :

- Street Fighter X Tekken ( http://www.oxmonline.com/street-fighter-x-tekken-vita-exclusive-characters-are-360-disc)
Preventing players to access a lot of characters because of a Sony Deal. This caused the game a huge fall-off in sales.

- League Of Legends ( http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/store/sales/plan-vintage-limited-edition-skins )
Releasing again their previous "exclusives skins". Others skins being sold on ebay for incredible prices.

- Awesomenauts previously "exclusive" skin for one of the character throught a humble bundle is now sold in a pack.

- Preorder DLC being sold after a period by a LOT of games : Dishonored (preorder DLC), Borderlands (collector's edition DLC), Assassin's Creed serie (a new DLC always comes with some of the preorder bonus), Sanctum 2, Left 4 Dead 2 etc...


But How do I reward old players ? Olds players will feel cheated.

Surely some will feel cheated. That's a concern, and it can't be helped. Because not everyone will agree with me, and I'm fine with that. That's how you can reward old players :

Free stuff !
Not exclusive one. But free.
Free inventory spaces. Free potatos. Free forma. The next warframe, free without farming and with a catalyst. Or I don't know.

You stayed active on a game ? Here's free stuff.

The snipetron vandal (and also others exclusives content besides Blueprints) came with a potato, with its slot, etc.

We, thoses who have fought during this event, don't want others accessing it without doing their part. I either want another event (or a comeback event), or a blueprint which is not that affordable.

Or maybe require them to actually own all others weapons, or a rank 11 ?

I will be fine with that, and I think, some others old players too.

You already did that with Ammo mutation mods etc, and players WERE fine. See, it works.


Why did I post this topic ? What do I want ?

Ok, so I won't lie to you. I'm ALSO waiting for some stuff to come back. Lato and Braton Vandal to be exact.
I waited for them since the beginning, but I wouldn't mind until now.
I actually collected every weapons, frames, and helmet in the game. Fully leveled them (except helmets of course) and also collected every corrupted mods.

I bought THE BIGGEST founder's pack despite not having a great income. And I'm happy with it. I want to support the game.

I could go on but I can't because I didn't heard of this game before too late.

But as you can see, I'm listing everything because even if they don't come back for some reason, I'm really fighting against digital exclusivity in game, even cosmetic one (which is not the case here except maybe for the events one, that's why I would like regurarly events to come back).

I'm fine with timed exclusives, I really am. I really like how it is handled in let's say "Killing Floor", where each year you can access the event of the last year's Halloween for example.


Others ideas ? This is were you can be involved.

Involve olders players and make them a part of the distribution. VIRAL distribution.
Playing with an older player equipped with an exclusive weapon gives you an expensive and highly ranked blueprint on it. ONLY the ones who own the weapon the first time can distribute it.

Please post and share your thoughts.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Froh; 20. Okt. 2013 um 10:56
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Jin 20. Okt. 2013 um 11:27 
I missed 2 of those weapons on your list and I am still mastery 12(close to 13). Right now the highest mastery require weapon is 8. Even if you missed the entire list you can still achieve it easy. So you do not need to have those exclusive weapons for high mastery.

If you are going to talk about the "usefulness" of those weapons. Most of them arent really that good. At least there are better weapons can replace them. The only 2 that are best in its catagory are Exculiber prime and Strun Wrath. People raging everyday that they missed Strun Wrath because it is currently the best SG. If Strun Wrath is bad, would anyone care? So a simple solution is for them to come up with a better shotgun.

You are suggesting free stuff for people in exchange in exclusive items. I find it very disencouraging. The point of exclusive item is the bragging right and the accomplishment. If the reward is just free slots or potato, why would people have platinum do the event?
Excalibur Prime will never be available to those who didn't buy the founders pack. At least what the devs have said.

As for those other weapons, they should just redo the events after the release. Far better idea and to get people to play the events.
Froh 20. Okt. 2013 um 12:03 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Invoky:
You are suggesting free stuff for people in exchange in exclusive items. I find it very disencouraging. The point of exclusive item is the bragging right and the accomplishment. If the reward is just free slots or potato, why would people have platinum do the event?

Not having to wait the next year come back event, or having to farm for it is rewarding enough, in my opinion.
I missed 3 of these things and I don't really mind.

Also the 3 prime items are specifically for people who founded the game.
Basser 20. Okt. 2013 um 12:42 
I missed a lot of "esclusive stuff" and I don't care to be honest. "Exclusive" means that, you got it at the time or you didn't, tough luck afterwards, it's not really "content" since you can play everything in the game without them, and most of the "best" weapons are available to everyone anyways.
Froh 20. Okt. 2013 um 12:42 
Tell that to Snipetron Vandal & Strun Wraith.
Maces006 20. Okt. 2013 um 14:36 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von CPC Froh:
Tell that to Snipetron Vandal & Strun Wraith.
I have Strun Wraith and i actually prefer the clan dojo Ogris.
Joel 20. Okt. 2013 um 14:55 
Like previously stated you're kind of a jagg off considering Lato Prime, Skana Prime & Excalibur Prime were never available unless you became a founder & technically you still have a chance at becoming a founder until Nov 1st. As for the Strun Wraith that was a special even & if you missed it than you missed it, Most gamers are reasonable & understand if they missed an event reward that happened before they were playing than that's their problem. However there could be a slight possibility that an event will come back up, but probably not & as for the rest of the weapons their all crap for the most part & their are better versions of them.
Froh 20. Okt. 2013 um 15:15 
Well as stated they would come back in a similar way with a similar pricing. That doesn't take any money from everyone, except new players can grab them.
I got the strun wraith as well and it carried me through about 4 masteries but now i have my soma and acrid i couldn't give 2 ♥♥♥♥♥ about the strun. Besides the sobek is a lot more fun.
Rapxtor 20. Okt. 2013 um 18:58 
I fully agreed with your points, i own most of them, dont use them anymore mostly bc of "users" that the only thing they do, is make us older players, that are here from the start, make us look bad, and selfish little pricks.
Im founder, and i cant care less if they give Exc/lato P/Skana P or not, I put money in the game bc i wanted to support the devs, not bc of Frame/weapons, and that should always be the concept, you have lots of ways of be Original without preventing others to get the stuff too.
I know this will never happen, to many crying about it, but i liked to see DE took the same position that other Devs took, by putting themselfs in the place of the ones who love and are just loyal fans was many of us but dont have the means to buy anything.
Yuen 20. Okt. 2013 um 19:41 
Skana Prime sounds like a must-keep in game...
< >
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Geschrieben am: 20. Okt. 2013 um 10:56
Beiträge: 12