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LihimSidhe Apr 16, 2017 @ 2:22pm
Aggregated Oberon Rework
Official Oberon Trailer

Oberon Wiki[warframe.wikia.com]

This topic is also located on /r/warframe and Warframe official forums.[forums.warframe.com]

Credit is given to past and present contributors. If you put something awesome in the comments, it’s going in the OP and you’ll be cited for it

At the bottom of this OP is an Oberon Rework and Reference Index.

DE_Scott’s Latest on Oberon: “We can't go into detail, but we are prototyping the changes now. His powers are not changing (no new powers), we're taking the existing powers and finding synergies and combos within those powers."

Oberon's primary issues are his unfocused theme and the lack of a unified theme to unite his ability set.


“He’s a woodland defender that uses radiation??” (AGGP, 10:55)

Streamline His Theme. According to the Codex description, Oberon is focused on balance. If you ask players you might hear Oberon is Warframe’s paladin class. If you research the term Oberon itself you’ll come to learn Oberon is the king of the faeries. In short, Oberon’s theme needs focus.

That focus will begin with the description for his deluxe skin (Feyarch Skin) on our Wiki, “The skin's name, Feyarch, appears to be a combination of the Late Middle English term fay, meaning "fairy," and the Greek suffix -arch, meaning "ruler" or "king." Together, the name would be "Fairy King," a fitting title to both Oberon's namesake (Oberon is the king of the fairies in medieval literature) and his theme as a dryad.”

Replace Oberon Drops with Equivalent Credit Drops. In some player’s eyes, the fact that Oberon is so utterly common is something that detracts from his uniqueness and appeal. He’s the generic Warframe because people are literally tripping over his common drops. Combat that by resigning him from utter ubiquitousness. Put in him the Tenno Lab, a junction, or even as a starter frame instead. Also credit drops work better with credit boosters.


“I feel like it’s a kit that has been put together to work but not necessarily put together to fit any kind of theme.” (AGGP, 11:33). This sentiment filtered through DE_Scott’s latest statements fitting in as much theme and flavor as I could.

#0 Passives

Fey's Gift. If an enemy is within a minor distance of Oberon when it dies, that enemy has a minor chance to drop a health orb. (TheGrimmrock)

Wooden. This is a status unique to Oberon. His #1 (Disfavor) and #4 (Unseelie Reckoning) proc the wooden status at 100% chance. Here's how it works.

When an enemy receives a wood proc, it moves slower, looses accuracy, and takes on a wooden appearance. The more wooden procs are stacked on an enemy, the higher its wooden value becomes and the more pronounced their wooden state becomes.

At a certain threshold, an enemy is considered completely wooden. While fully wooden, affected enemies are immobile, do not attack, lose a massive amount of their shields, armor, and resistances.

The wooden status decays in intensity over time. For a completely wooden enemy to revert to normal will take a moderate amount of time while the enemy regains its normal speed, appearance, etc. An enemy only barely affected by wooden will revert to normal in a minor amount of time.

All inspired by this passage from Wikipedia, “Any form of sudden death might stem from a fairy kidnapping, with the apparent corpse being a wooden stand-in with the appearance of the kidnapped person.”

#1 - Disfavor. Oberon projects a high velocity sprite from his hand at any point in the environment or on an enemy. When Disfavor collides with the environment or an enemy, it creates a moderately sized AoE. Enemies caught within this AoE take a minor amount of damage and have a minor amount added to their wooden value. (TheGrimmrock)

After the initial Disfavor AoE expires, a minor amount of sprites spawn at the point of collision. These sprites will persist for a minor time period before they expire. If enemies come within range of these sprites before they expire, these sprites will home in on these enemies. (FatherNapingElk)

If these sprites collided with the enemy or environment, they self-detonate creating a minorly sized AoE. Enemies caught within this AoE take a minor amount of damage and have a minor amount added to their wooden value.

Enemies killed by Disfavor will emit a massive, spherical, AoE. All enemies within this AoE take minor damage and have a minor amount added to their wooden value.

#2 - Ruse. Upon cast, Oberon creates a moderately sized, sphere AoE that follows Oberon as he moves. All environmental surfaces within this AoE will become bathed in a verdurous energy. Oberon and allies receive the following two benefits while in this AoE:

  • Players gain status immunity.

  • Players gain a minor amount of health gating.

By recasting Ruse while Ruse is active, Ruse vanishes in an explosion and procs blast to all enemies within it’s AoE.

Any time Ruse’s AoE is in contact with Seelie’s Boon AoE, Ruse will heal all allies within it’s AoE by minor amount.

#3 - Seelie’s Boon. Oberon will create x, flying, sprites where x is the amount of allies present in mission + Oberon that do not already have Sprites. These sprites will each be assigned a target player and will fly in an invincible state to the player (Deadlyxelement). These Sprites radiate a small AoE. Players receive the following 3 benefits while in the sprite’s AoE:

  • Player’s health is regenerated at a moderate amount per second. This regeneration can exceed the player’s max health by a minor amount.

  • Downed allies have their bleedout timer massively extended.

  • When attached to a player, sprites behave as if they had vacuum equipped.

A minor time after a Sprite reaches its target, it will lose its invincible state. These Sprites will have a minor amount of health. As long as the Sprite is alive, it will continue to reward its buffs to its target player.

#4 - Unseelie Reckoning. All enemies within range are blasted up in the air a moderate distance by verdant energy and take minor damage. If an enemy is airborne, for whatever reason, and within range of Reckoning, that enemy is pulled by verdant energy slamming them into the ground for moderate damage.

Both the blasts upwards and the downward slams proc the wooden status.

If an enemy is killed by Unseelie Reckoning while completely wooden, that enemy will drop a minor amount of health.

Oberon Rework and Reference

FatherNapingElk. Author of “Oberon Rework”. Warframe.com, Feb 23, 2016.

Deadlyxelement. Author of “A real Oberon rework”. Reddit.com, May 22 2016.


“Warframe Reworks: Oberon, The Hallowed Guardian” YouTube, uploaded by Brozime, Oct 13, 2016.


Server. Author of “Oberon: Rework Concept” Warframe.com, March 19 2017.


brutallama. Author of “Oberon, the Paladin, the Master of the Grove: a two-pronged rework concept”. April 7 2017, Reddit.com.


“Warframe: Revisiting Oberon, Who Even Are You!? [thedailygrind]” YouTube, uploaded by AGGP, Jan 9, 2017.


M37h3w3. Author of “DE: Oberon's rework needs more than just synergies and a new passive” Reddit.com, Apr 15 2017.


TheGrimmrock. Commented on "Aggregated Oberon Rework" Reddit.com, Apr 17 2017.

Last edited by LihimSidhe; Apr 17, 2017 @ 12:21pm
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Fishyflakes Apr 19, 2017 @ 6:12am 
Looks pretty interesting if it was a starter frame.
LihimSidhe Apr 19, 2017 @ 10:24am 
Originally posted by Fishyflakes:
Looks pretty interesting if it was a starter frame.

Yes I agree. The current starter lineup is odd. We have Excalibur, Mag, and Volt. Excalibur is a give in... he shouldn't go anywhere. Volt is debatable. Mag is a specialist frame that takes quite a bit of mid - late game work to make effective.

If it was up to me I'd have two male frames and two female frames as starters. They would be:

  • Excalibur. He's Warframe's virtual mascot so yeah he's not going anywhere. Plus his abilities are pretty well rounded.
  • Oberon. An early game healer would do wonders. This rework would also make him a well rounded frame and dripping with theme.
  • Ember. Her associated element, fire, is pretty easy to grasp and understand.
  • Banshee. This is for new, hardcore, players that can walk the walk as she's difficult to play as. It's also my hope that if more new players pick Banshee as their starter frame, we'll have more players that can hold their own. I see a lot of BAD players who think you play this game like Call of Duty: Stationary Edition.
LadstonFelisGaming Apr 19, 2017 @ 10:45am 
Eh... not sure how I feel about these ideas.

As it stands now, I personally feel that Oberon's 1 and 4 are fine as is. His 1 essentially acting like a Magic Missile/Chain Lightning hybrid that procs Radiation and his 4 being mass AoE damage and Radiation procs.

His 2 could do with an improved AoE and stronger base buff/debuff potencies.

Main issue with his 3 is that it doesn't multi-target. If it could, it would basically be a weaker version of Trinity's 4 without DR and potentially having the ability to revive anyone who falls while under its effects.
LihimSidhe Apr 19, 2017 @ 11:08am 
His 1 essentially acting like a Magic Missile/Chain Lightning hybrid that procs Radiation

I fundamentally disagree that anything fairy themed should be associated with radiation. However, if you can find a shred of lore that points out where radiation was associated with these mythological creatures I will concede this point and rework it with radiation from the ground up.

Same thing for his subtheme as a paladin. Never heard of a paladin associated with radiation.

As it stands is rework loses radiation, keeps all the properties you described, and gain the ability to be aimed anywhere in the environment or at an enemy. It loses radiation but turns enemies wooden.

and his 4 being mass AoE damage and Radiation procs.

Aside from losing radiation, his #4 is essentially the same. Mass cc and damage. It loses radiation but procs wooden.

His 2 could do with an improved AoE and stronger base buff/debuff potencies.

Players affected by Ruse gain status immunity and health gating. Status immunity is a pretty big deal at higher waves and health gating would be pretty fantastic if you ask me.

Main issue with his 3 is that it doesn't multi-target.

It's here I'm going to have to call you out for not actually reading the OP. It states:

#3 - Seelie’s Boon. Oberon will create x, flying, sprites where x is the amount of allies present in mission + Oberon that do not already have Sprites. These sprites will each be assigned a target player and will fly in an invincible state to the player (Deadlyxelement).

I'm fine if you disagree or have stronger counter points/suggestions. But not actually reading the OP. Dude.
Originally posted by lihimsidhe:
I'm fine if you disagree or have stronger counter points/suggestions. But not actually reading the OP. Dude.

Originally posted by LaddytheOutcast:
As it stands now
He's talking about current Oberon, not the proposed changes :steamfacepalm:
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Date Posted: Apr 16, 2017 @ 2:22pm
Posts: 5