Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

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112/12 megjegyzés mutatása
Game has been bought, they don't seem to give a ♥♥♥♥ at this point. Shame really, been waiting a few months now for the multiplayer fix and absolutely zero has happened.
i bought this day one and came back now and still the MP isn't working? WTF how about a refund
That's what happens when you lie about your features then provide no support to players.
what did you expect from a mediocre game where the adverticed features do not even work?
some sort of legal responbility and accountability
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Marin; 2014. márc. 28., 23:06
does this games multiplayer work in anyway because i was thinking of getting it today
No Brian, don't get it. The multiplayer is screwed and the game is buggy. Activision has done nothing to support the community or fix the game. It's too late for us, save yourself.
haha so theres no community mod support to fix these problems
seems like the people that made the game are gone and no one replied to the many threads to even open it up for modding
wow that sounds like a borderline scam releasing a broken game then refusing to fix it
That's Craptivision for you. If you can, try not to purchase anything they publish. They're on my list with EA and Capcom. Don't blame the developers, though, and if they should happen to break loose and need funding for a project, I'd be glad to support it.
The Multiplayer is non-existant. I saw there was some fix so you could play with friends but none of mine have it. On one system you can do it easily enough and have a great time.

There are also easily configurable camera and control options by just editing a few text files which make the game extremely enjoyable.

The combat has a very steep learning curve that most won't take the time to learn, however once you master it, it becomes incredibly fun. The biggest problem I have with this game is that it's too short and I can't skip the cutscenes, but for the price I paid, I'm very happy.
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112/12 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. dec. 21., 15:31
Hozzászólások: 12