Cubemen 2
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SeonR  [개발자] 2013년 4월 10일 오후 8시 33분
With our love...
While we have received an overwhelmingly positive response about the launch of Cubemen 2, including a bunch of great reviews, and a ton of custom levels (over 200 in two days!), there has been some negative feedback from the community about our marketing material for launch.

When we were putting together our trailer and screenshots, we did what any developer would do: we picked a bunch of assets that we thought reflected some of the various awesome ways our game can look with the myriad of customisations we created for Cubemen 2. It was never our intention to mislead or decieve anyone in our marketing efforts.

Since the launch of Cubemen 1, we have taken community involvement very seriously. We have always been very active in the forums, we have listened to our players requests and concerns and acted on them where appropriate. The launch of Cubemen 2 does not change our stance whatsoever.

So, with that in mind, we feel that we have come up with a perfect resolution for this misunderstanding:

1. All skins and themes that we use in our store page screenshots and trailer will be permanently free within the game.

2. For the duration of our launch week sale on Steam, all new and existing Cubemen 2 customers have a "GET FREE GIFT" button in their Customisation menu where they can claim ALL of our current skins and themes for free.

This button will disappear for everyone next week, so update and click it soon!

3. We will be fully refunding every customer that bought any of our in game purchases since we launched. We will be processing these over the next few days, and we appreciate you patience while we work through the rather long list.

This 1.02 build is now live for everyone to update to :-)

We strongly believe in our IAP model, only offering cosmetic changes as paid content and not pushing pay to win, or pay to play purchases.

We will continue to add skins and themes (both paid and free) in Cubemen 2 as we believe it is the best way for us to keep our game cost low for our large fan base and allow those that are interested, to pay for some additional visual customisation.

Our launch has been fantastic and we would like to thank our awesome fan base for supporting us. It is your excitement about our games that makes us want to keep making them for you.


Team @ 3 Sprockets
SeonR 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 4월 10일 오후 9시 17분
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93개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
DakobahJTV 2013년 4월 10일 오후 8시 38분 
aww that brings tears to my eyes.. im sorry it came to this but that is totally awesome you did that.
Nucloid 2013년 4월 10일 오후 8시 44분 
Thats cool. I understand you want to be nice nice with the community but honestly the complainers just need to be ignored. You did nothing wrong. People need to do more research when it comes to buying games instead of going click happy and assuming their going to an easy refund.
Cross{x}Hair 2013년 4월 10일 오후 9시 04분 
This was never a problem for me, but I cna see why others were angry.

BUT WOW, what a great bonus, thanks guys! REALLY REALLY hope the game is successful financially for you guys still tho:)
Doity Boid 2013년 4월 10일 오후 9시 12분 
It never offended me in the slightest, but thanks for all the skins anyway. 'Hope the game does well for you.
monkeystick 2013년 4월 10일 오후 11시 06분 
The DLC didn't bother me either but I think you've taken the right approach to satisfying the complaints. <3
almighty chigglajesus 2013년 4월 10일 오후 11시 27분 
This is what every developer should do, I respect this dev wholehartedly and will be purchasing this title even though I will not play it. Force the change that the industry needs and stop buying skins/visual customizations/garbage DLC. They will fade out and die just like 'ringtones' have.

The arguement that 'its cheap' and being a moderate about this whole issue is fueling a multimillion (billion? maybee?) industry within an industry. Stand up peeps!
Jambo 2013년 4월 11일 오전 12시 09분 
What a stand-up response to an imagined outrage. After reading all the out-of-proportion complaining, I had put my first money in my Steam wallet and went in the game to do my first IAP purchases. I bought a bunch of skins I didn't need as a show of support. When I get my refund, I'll reinvest in a copy to gift a friend. Keep up the good work and don't let the whiners get you down.
Leezeebub 2013년 4월 11일 오전 12시 23분 
Thanks SeonR!

Also, I'm loving the new additions, Sven and amythist.
Skcarkden 2013년 4월 11일 오전 12시 35분 
So, i saw this game a few days ago, and wishlisted it so i could remember to check up on it when i had time, after reading through the discussions and how the devs try to resolve things, you've made up my mind for me, i'll be buying this very soon. Very unusual method for resolving a problem, but very honest and generous.
TwoOne 2013년 4월 11일 오전 1시 10분 
I think you made an absolutely awesome move by implementing everything you showed in the trailers for free in this game, it shows that you're an honest developer. The fact that you made EVERYTHING free to claim for a limited time is just amazing.

I hope that this game will live on for a long time. I might be posting some ideas for the game later on that I got in my head right now, just need the time to write it down. =)
Skcarkden 2013년 4월 11일 오전 1시 23분 
21님이 먼저 게시:
I think you made an absolutely awesome move by implementing everything you showed in the trailers for free in this game, it shows that you're an honest developer. The fact that you made EVERYTHING free to claim for a limited time is just amazing.

I hope that this game will live on for a long time. I might be posting some ideas for the game later on that I got in my head right now, just need the time to write it down. =)

^ Yeah. I have this game now, a good factor i finally bought it is purely from the way the owners manage things. I wish all devlopers could be like this. Had my own issues of another game, it showed game maps that werent even in at release. when questioned, they chose to ignore it for several months. I'm glad this game works fast with responding to an issue before it goes too long
SapientWolf 2013년 4월 11일 오전 1시 54분 
Awesome dev is awesome.
Talesin 2013년 4월 11일 오전 2시 50분 
Good guy Dev gets an extra sale or two (for gifts) and this publicized. Definitely didn't HAVE to do this, but it's an over-the-top positive reaction to the point of being shocking.
stinkypantsr 2013년 4월 11일 오전 3시 57분 
Not fair at all! how am I supposed to play the game now? I just keep scrolling through skins, unforgiveable!
Seriously though thanks, it is a very kind thing to do especially as the game was already released at a significant discount I hope the positive word of mouth from this brings in a good few extra sales,
DakobahJTV 2013년 4월 11일 오전 5시 19분 
Ha ha
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93개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
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