Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades

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Do people play this game?
Might get it if there is still a large amount making stuff and playing
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NO one plays
dont buy
Yes, they do. But less than before, mainly due to mismanagement of the game by the publishers & devs. For eg there's a huge bug in some of the US servers they just won't fix. You can't comment on the official website and they devs only post here to spam.
It is, for all intents and purposes, an abandoned game.


It does have a modest crew of hard core fans that play very regularly. It also has a huge European fan base, mainly Germans & Russians.

Wait till it's on special, but do buy! Despite its many issues and very ♥♥♥♥♥♥, spoilt brat community, it's still an awesome game. Don't buy the DLC. They'll make it free in a year or two.
Find the good crew that play and friend them so you'll have some good people to play with.
Just get block storm dammit. Game is **** now in this condition
Until devs fix then buy it
Laatst bewerkt door JL37; 2 feb 2016 om 4:26
It's probably better to get Block and Load.
Since 2010.
Its laggy, buggy, and the mechanics are crap. I would not buy it again. Do not waste your money.
Origineel geplaatst door splashback:
Its laggy, buggy, and the mechanics are crap. I would not buy it again. Do not waste your money.
I know that's why I bought Blockstorm
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Geplaatst op: 24 jan 2016 om 13:33
Aantal berichten: 10