Game and PC crash
Hey folks,
I don't know what this caused but I do have some problems with playing this game. First time it crashed after 5 minutes randomly after i pressed a button, and the second time I played it turned my PC of while saving.

Every other game runs fine so there must be a problem with the game itself.

ATI Radeon HD 4800
AMD 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+
And yes there is more then enough harddrive space.

So is this a common problem?
Dernière modification de Vinaru; 17 juin 2013 à 9h20
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This is happening to me as well. It freezes and gives me a blue screen says I need to re-install the game...I do it just does the same thing...
I had a similar problem, and while I was able to fix it, I'm not sure what step actually worked.

Initially I set the executable file to "Run as Administrator". After this I restarted Gnomeria.
After restart, I created a tiny kingdom, ran the game for a few minutes, and then saved and exited. I re-launched the game and reloaded the save to ensure it was still there (none of my previous saves had been).
Finally, I exited and restarted my computer. After this point I didn't have any issues with any size world or length of time playing, but your results may vary.

Hope this helps.
Tried it didn't work...
I tried it again today. First I played for well ~30 minutes with no problems, saving also worked. Well at the second try it turned the PC off again, this time not in the saving process. This shutdowns don't even show a bluescreen. I have a guess that it migth be a heat problem. Core Temp after reboot was around 80°C, and that's strange for such a game.
When I get the shutdown it goes to a blue screen and does a memory dump...At which point it tells me to reinstall the newly installed software...For me to start the computer/laptop I have to unplug it and take the battery out so it will shut down and then plug back everything in and restart.
I don't know man, my game has only crashed once and it was when I was messing with a merchant.
I have almost your same config and no crash for me
My game crashes every 10 seconds if i have mumble or spotify open. Or really anything other than Gnomoria open. To say this game is touchy is a huge understatement.
Have you (any of you with crashes) gone to the official forums and made a bug report the way the dev asked?

While you might get some anecdotal stories here, the dev doesn't read or respond to Steam forum bug reports (that I've ever seen). So if you actually would like the crash fixed (which is often included in the weekly patches) you need to head to and read the stickied post on how to report a crash.
Dernière modification de Aryaltel; 23 juil. 2013 à 15h22
Heh... at least he gave out some basic stats while trying to get help with his/her crashing issues.
You're getting a BSOD, Blue Screen of Death, it's not the game failing, it's Windows failing. Either your drivers are not properly updated, You have your hardware installed incorrectly, or you have a virus. The likelihood of a game causing a BSOD is extremely unlikely.
I have never had an issue with it before. I also play far more hardware taxing games. I also have virus proctection. One would assume it was the games' fault for the blue screen.
Well seems my problem was a hardware/heat one. Fixed some stuff at the heat regulation and afterwards it worked.
also if you are using a built in graphics card then im sure it could be a collision inside RAM .... built-in craphics cards use shared memory (as they dont have a stand alone ram base they use the systems own memory) , alas windows is not the best kind of manager for these cases.

What happens is that most of the memory is paged under processes for example and since the graphics card only uses as much memory as it currently needs at all times (but still has a max memory limit) when it's reached the point where it needs more memory, windows provides more but which might already be paged as virtual memory by the system, invalidating the memory consistency in which case windows recognizes the invalid state and shuts down thinking its a wide spread problem that can harm your computer.

moral of the story.... get a computer with a stand-alone graphics card
Dernière modification de SlapHappy; 24 juil. 2013 à 8h22
I just want to put out there that integrated graphics work perfectly fine for Gnomoria, and you can solve the paged memory issue with a few edits under your computer properties.

It is however very true that it's very much advised to get a dedicated graphics card for a computer to play most games. It just removes a lot of headaches, even if it's a cheap PoS card, it's better than integrated.
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Posté le 17 juin 2013 à 9h16
Messages : 16