

Knifetoface Jan 11, 2017 @ 1:40am
Unable to repair automatons
I have many steel Automatons that absolutely refuse to be repaired. I have plenty of coal and steel armor plates that are connected. My engineer workshop has space, and my engineer has every engineer skill checked as well as medic. These automatons are permanently idle but still get coal from my working automatons, letting them run out of fuel does not help.

Normally my automatons repair themselves because I made sure they all had the necessary items and skills checked. I tried reassembling the automaton but they are still bugged. The only 'fix' i've found is to disassemble the automaton and make a new one from their parts.

I would greatly appreciate your input as i'm tired of losing all my automatons skills every time this happens.
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VUK FARKAS Jan 11, 2017 @ 12:16pm 
try setting one gnome/automaton to repairing only, and ttry removing any jobs from broken automatons to check if that helps.
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Date Posted: Jan 11, 2017 @ 1:40am
Posts: 1