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CyberCam 27 ENE 2014 a las 14:18
Tutorial: How to setup a Insurgency dedicated server on Windows (PvP or Coop) + SourceMod
Even though I'm a linux admin, I had to resort to installing Insurgency on a Windows VM temporarily because Insurgency was having issues with coop on the linux servers.

PLEASE NOTE: The linux server is now working perfectly and is what I'm personally using. It is no longer crashing, so I highly recommend [SGC] KnightLife's[] very simple "insserver: Insurgency Linux Server Manager[]" guide.

This tutorial has been derived from Terox's "Tutorial: How to run ArmA3 on a dedicated server[]", and is what I partially use to create this Windows Insurgency server setup guide.


What you need
  • 1 Standalone PC with a minimum Intel Dual-core or AMD Athlon x2 & 4GB of RAM (Sound & GPU not required)
  • Windows 7/8/8.1 or Windows Server (2008 or later) Operating System (already installed & updated)
  • A decent highspeed Internet connection for online multiplayer (minimum 1mbps upload recommended)
  • 1 Steam Account
  • Ownership of Insurgency 2014

PLEASE NOTE: Directory paths are all customizable but for the sake of this tutorial, all file examples and command lines used will be consistent with the tutorial instructions

1. Download & install the latest version of Microsoft 's DirectX here[].

2. Create the following empty directories (best practice is to use a separate hdd using D:\ or E:\ instead of C:\ but this tutorial will use only one hdd C:\).
  • C:\Apps\Steam
  • C:\Games\Insurgency\InsServer
  • C:\Games\Insurgency\InsFiles

3. Download the Valve steamcmd.exe program here, extract and save it to C:\Apps\Steam

4. Run the steamcmd.exe. (This will download and install the required steam files to your custom steam directory)

5. Create a simple Notepad document called "Ins_Steam_updater.cmd" and save it to C:\Games\Insurgency\InsFiles and copy & paste the contents below into the file (remove & edit everything with a <>);
@echo off SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :: DEFINE the following variables where applicable to your install SET STEAMLOGIN=<yoursteamname> <yoursteampassword> SET INSBRANCH=237410 :: For stable use 237410 :: Note, the missing qotation marks, these need to be wrapped around the entire "+app_data......" SET InsPath=C:\Games\Insurgency\InsServer SET STEAMPATH=C:\Apps\Steam :: _________________________________________________________ echo. echo You are about to update Insurgency echo Dir: %InsPath% echo Branch: %INSBRANCH% echo. echo Key "ENTER" yo procede pause %STEAMPATH%\steamcmd.exe +login %STEAMLOGIN% +force_install_dir %InsPath% +"app_update %INSBRANCH%" validate +quit echo . echo Your Insurgency is now up to date echo key "ENTER" to exit pause

6. If you are already logged into Steam on another PC exit/close it now and run the Ins_Steam_updater.cmd file. It will install the Insurgency server file for you.;
PLEASE NOTE: If Steam Guard is activated on your account, the console window will hang after the user has logged in and ask for a validation key. This is required first time only. Steam will have automatically sent you an email with the Steam Guard validation code. You will need to check your e-mail for the Steam Guard access code. Then input the code in the Steam> command prompt. You should see a message stating that you have successfully logged into your account. The Steam update console window should then continue to run and install Insurgency.

7. Create a simple Notepad document called "ins-startup.bat" and save it in your C:\Games\Insurgency\InsServer and copy & paste the command line start up options (clo) below, into the file (remove & edit everything with a <>);
@echo off title Insurgency Server :start start /wait /abovenormal srcds.exe -game insurgency -console +map <nameofmap> +maxplayers <24to32> -ip < ip> +sv_lan 0 -port 27015 goto start

8. Add the Insurgency firewall UDP & TCP ports that are here, in your routers port forward section. (Visit the website[] for more info on how to forward the port on your particular router)

9. Create a simple Notepad document called "server.cfg" and save it to the cfg folder, C:\Games\Insurgency\InsServer\insurgency\cfg and copy & paste the contents below into the file (remove & edit everything with a <>);
// --------------------------------------------------------------- // Server Info Options // --------------------------------------------------------------- hostname "<YourServerName>" // server name rcon_password "<YourRemoteAdminPassword>" // remote rcon passsword sv_password "" // Server password, if you want your server to have password only access, insert YourServerAccessPassword // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Server Download Options (Community made maps) // --------------------------------------------------------------- // sv_downloadurl "<type-url-here>" // sv_allowdownload 1 // sv_allowupload 1 // server logging // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Server Logging Options // --------------------------------------------------------------- log on sv_logbans 1 sv_logecho 1 sv_logfile 1 sv_log_onefile 0 // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Game Mode Options (Change text with in the quotes) // --------------------------------------------------------------- // "tactical_operation" - firefight, vip, search and destroy // "sustained_combat" - push, skirmish, strike // "cooperative" - checkpoint, outpost, hunt mapcyclefile "mapcycle_tactical_operation.txt" // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Enabling Matchmaking (Change text with in the quotes) // More info: // --------------------------------------------------------------- // "tacticalop" (Tactical Operations) // "sustained" (Sustained Combat) // "coop" (Cooperative) //sv_playlist tacticalop

10. The server uses the configuration file(s), for each game mode, located in the C:\Games\Insurgency\InsServer\insurgency\cfg folder (e.g server_cooperative.cfg, server_checkpoint.cfg, server_firefight.cfg, server_eliminaton.cfg), depending on the game mode you choose and you can edit the settings to your needs. Only if you are not using the matchmaking "sv_playlist <mode>" option in your server.cfg file or ins-startup.bat files. Look at example server.cfg below.

You will also need to change your mapcycle to what maps you want for each individual game type, located in the C:\Games\Insurgency\InsServer\insurgency folder (e.g
mapcycle_cooperative.txt, mapcycle_sustained_combat.txt, mapcycle_tactical_operations mapcycle.txt etc).

PLEASE NOTE UPDATED: The Insurgency server, will now use the server.cfg file by default. You now need to copy & edit the contents of the server_<mode>*.cfg file, for whatever gametype you choose as your default "mapcyclefile" (e.g. mapcycle_cooperative.txt) to your server.cfg file. You no longer have to edit them individually.

11. You can also add a "Message of the Day" to the map startup loading screen. Create a simple Notepad document called "motd.txt" and save it to the insurgency folder, C:\Games\Insurgency\InsServer\insurgency and copy & paste the contents below into the file (remove & edit everything with a <>);
Welcome to <NameOfYourServer> Players: <6> | Bots: <26> | Bot Difficulty: <Normal> Team Voice-Text Chat: <Off> <(Dead & Living Cross Talk) optional> ----------------------------------------- Map Modes are <coop checkpoint> 1) district <coop> 2) contact <coop> 3) ministry <coop> 4) siege <coop> 5) market <coop> 6) heights <coop>

12. Create a shortcut of the "ins-startup.bat" to your desktop, remember it's located in your C:\Games\Insurgency\InsServer folder.

13. Then start up your shortcut, check to see if the server runs. (You will see 2 console boxes pop up in your desktop after a few seconds, you can close the secondary one in the background.

You now should have a working Insurgency dedicated server

PLEASE NOTE: To update the Insurgency server in the future, shutdown your steam client, then shutdown the server and run the "Ins_Steam_updater.cmd" file and it will automatically update your server to the latest version.



If you want additional advanced remote admin control, you can install Soucemod. Hats off to deezus for posting some simplistic instructions on Soucemod installation from another thread.

You will need a working Insurgency dedicated server on Linux or Windows.


1. Download the latest development branch(s) sourcemod and metamod snapshots from here:

2. Extract them into the insurgency folder (the folder containing the cfg folder)

3. Add an entry for yourself in the insurgency\addons\sourcemod\configs\admins_simple.ini file using this guide;

4. Edit the following config file the way you want it insurgency\cfg\sourcemod\sourcemod.cfg

5. Make sure that the following is on your srcds.exe command line options:
-game insurgency

6. Here is a list of the Sourcemod Admin Commands;

That's all I had to do to get it to work.

Hope that helps.



I host a coop only server that have 6 human players vs (up to) 26 bots. The bots are set to Expert (Very Hard), with 5 rounds each map and automatically changes the map if the human team wins 3 rounds.

Here are examples of my cfg & txt. files that I've edited & saved.

My ins-startup.bat
@echo off title Insurgency Server :start start /wait /abovenormal srcds.exe -game insurgency -console sv_playlist coop +map district_coop +maxplayers 32 +sv_lan 0 -ip 192.168.1.xx -port 27015 goto start

My server.cfg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------- // Server Info Options // --------------------------------------------------------------- hostname "CyberCam's Coop Server | 6 vs 26 Expert Bots" rcon_password "<MyPassword>" sv_password "" // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Server Download Options (Community made maps) // --------------------------------------------------------------- // sv_downloadurl "<type-url-here>" // sv_allowdownload 1 // sv_allowupload 1 // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Server Logging Options // --------------------------------------------------------------- log on sv_logbans 1 sv_logecho 1 sv_logfile 1 sv_log_onefile 0 // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Game Mode Options (Change text with in the quotes) // --------------------------------------------------------------- // "tactical_operation" - firefight, vip, search and destroy // "sustained_combat" - push, skirmish, strike // "cooperative" - checkpoint, outpost, hunt mapcyclefile "mapcycle_cooperative.txt" // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Enabling Matchmaking (Change text with in the quotes) // More info: // --------------------------------------------------------------- // "tacticalop" (Tactical Operations) // "sustained" (Sustained Combat) // "coop" (Cooperative) //sv_playlist coop

My server_cooperative.cfg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------- // Cooperative Mode Options (server_cooperative.cfg file settings) // --------------------------------------------------------------- mapcyclefile "mapcycle_cooperative.txt" // "cooperative" mapcycle - checkpoint only mp_friendlyfire 1 // friendly fire mp_tkpunish 0 // How to punish team killing ( 0 = none, 1 = warning, 2 = kill ) sv_hud_deathmessages 0 // death messages sv_hud_scoreboard_show_kd 1 // show k:d on scoreboard sv_hud_targetindicator 1 // show friendly player names when looking at them mp_timer_pregame 10 // timer for the pre-game (before the game starts, usually after map change or on mp_restartgame 1) mp_timer_preround 15 // timer for the pre-round (before the round starts, usually after a previous round ends or on mp_restartround 1) mp_timer_postround 15 // timer for the post-round (after the round starts) mp_timer_postgame 21 // timer for the post-game (at the end of a game / map rotation) mp_minteamplayers 1 // min players on each team to start the match sv_deadvoice 1 // enabling this will allow the dead and living to VOIP each other sv_deadchat 1 // enabling this will allow the dead and living to chat text each other sv_deadchat_team 1 // is deadchat limited to just your team? mp_coop_min_bots 8 // number of bots when there is 1 player on the server mp_coop_max_bots 26 // number of bots when there are 8 players on the server mp_coop_min_bot_difficulty 3 // bot difficulty towards the beginning of the mission mp_coop_max_bot_difficulty 3 // bot difficulty towards the end of the mission bot_damage 0.6 // the amount of damage bots give off compared to normal players

My server_checkpoint.cfg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------- // Checkpoint Mode Options (server_checkpoint.cfg file settings) // --------------------------------------------------------------- mp_maxgames 1 mp_maxrounds 5 mp_winlimit_coop 3 mp_roundtime 900 mp_cp_capture_time 30 mp_cp_deteriorate_time 0 mp_supply_token_base 10 mp_supply_token_bot_base 18 mp_supply_rate_losing_team_high 1 mp_supply_rate_losing_team_low 1 mp_supply_rate_winning_team_high 1 mp_supply_rate_winning_team_low 1
My mapcycle_cooperative.txt;
district_coop checkpoint contact_coop checkpoint ministry_coop checkpoint siege_coop checkpoint market_coop checkpoint heights_coop checkpoint //peak_coop checkpoint

My mapcycle.txt;
district_coop checkpoint contact_coop checkpoint ministry_coop checkpoint siege_coop checkpoint market_coop checkpoint heights_coop checkpoint //peak_coop checkpoint

My motd.txt;
Welcome to CyberCam's Coop Insurgency Server Players: 6 | Bots: 26 | Bot Difficulty: Expert Team Voice-Text Chat: is on (Dead & Living Cross Talk) ----------------------------------------- All maps are coop checkpoint! 1) district_coop 2) contact_coop 3) ministry_coop 4) siege_coop 5) market_coop 6) heights_coop

Última edición por CyberCam; 22 ABR 2014 a las 6:18
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Mostrando 1-15 de 172 comentarios
Patrick™ 4 FEB 2014 a las 3:24 
Nice guide, I've got a server up and running on linux using Daniel's script. Do you have an rcon solution which works with Insurgency? I've tried HLSW but I'm unable to get live console output, despite authenticating correctly. I'd prefer not to have to open the game to run commands.
CyberCam 4 FEB 2014 a las 5:20 
I'm sorry I don't know of anything. In my case, if I really had to, I would vpn into my network, then ssh into my server, kill the existing pid and restart it. I would then be able input rcon commands.
Última edición por CyberCam; 4 FEB 2014 a las 5:23
Pyro 4 FEB 2014 a las 20:19 
So I followed this and even used your cfg files. I can see the server and people on my LAN can connect but I cannot connect to the server running the client on the same PC. Just times out saying it tried multiple times. Any clue what I did wrong?
CyberCam 4 FEB 2014 a las 20:42 
Publicado originalmente por Pyro:
... I cannot connect to the server running the client on the same PC. Just times out saying it tried multiple times.
That's your problem right there! You can't connect running the steam client on the same machine you are using as a "dedicated server", that's why it's called a "dedicated server!" ;)

You need to install the server on it's own dedicated machine! If you have an old Intel Core-Duo or AMD Athlon x2 with 4GB of RAM and an old hard drive, then you're set. No need for a fancy gpu (onboard will do), or a sound card (disable the onboard).
Última edición por CyberCam; 4 FEB 2014 a las 23:12
Patrick™ 5 FEB 2014 a las 4:44 
I'm running my server on a VPS hosted by It's only running one core and 1GB of RAM and it runs flawlessly with 32 players maxed out, quite incredible. I'm paying something like £13 a month and have full root access. They have 1-click install for various OS's such as debian, cent OS, windows server etc. Very reliable host, highly recommended.
CyberCam 5 FEB 2014 a las 5:34 
Publicado originalmente por RCPMum™:
I'm running my server on a VPS hosted by It's only running one core and 1GB of RAM and it runs flawlessly with 32 players maxed out, quite incredible. I'm paying something like £13 a month and have full root access. They have 1-click install for various OS's such as debian, cent OS, windows server etc. Very reliable host, highly recommended.
Nice! What OS are you running?
Patrick™ 5 FEB 2014 a las 7:59 
Publicado originalmente por CyberCam:
Publicado originalmente por RCPMum™:
I'm running my server on a VPS hosted by It's only running one core and 1GB of RAM and it runs flawlessly with 32 players maxed out, quite incredible. I'm paying something like £13 a month and have full root access. They have 1-click install for various OS's such as debian, cent OS, windows server etc. Very reliable host, highly recommended.
Nice! What OS are you running?

Debian 7 Wheezy x64

It's also hosting a teamspeak, not sure how much more the server will take!
Última edición por Patrick™; 5 FEB 2014 a las 7:59
CyberCam 5 FEB 2014 a las 8:07 
No wonder why you're able to get away with only 1GB. I gather you're running it headless, I'm strictly a console guy myself. :)

Question... do you run a coop server and does it crash a lot? I know the pvp server runs smooth as silk! I had to install a windows vm to run my coop server because the constant crashing was too much.
Última edición por CyberCam; 5 FEB 2014 a las 8:07
Patrick™ 5 FEB 2014 a las 8:19 
I don't know what headless means if I'm honest! Do you mean without GUI? I've learnt a lot about using the console with all this server stuff, I must say I still prefer GUI. I'll admit I still use WINSCP to move files about and edit them because I find it easier.

I'm not familiar with the coop gamemode, is that against NPCs?

The server is running tactical operations, never had a crash. The devs are aware of the situation and are working to fix it AFAIK.
Última edición por Patrick™; 5 FEB 2014 a las 8:20
CyberCam 5 FEB 2014 a las 8:25 
Yeah, headless does mean, "without a GUI". WinSCP is a great tool!

Yes the coop is against npc's.

That's why you've never had a crash, no coop! Yeah, I know the devs are working on it and I'm trying to be patient, but man windows take up so much resources, even in a vm.

Thanks for the response. Cheers!
Patrick™ 5 FEB 2014 a las 12:02 
To answer my original question, I got an iPhone/iPad app called GSRC. You can use it to view server details but console output doesn't work currently. I'm in contact with the dev and am now beta testing future releases for him to hopefully bring Inurgency support to it. Hopefully we get HLSW support soon, too.
Jawsh 7 FEB 2014 a las 17:47 
Tried installing sourcemod myself on my own bought server.
I've done installs of sourcemod before on game such as CSS.

Installed it, but no commands or any kind worked on my server for Insurgency. Added my steam ID and all to allow myself use of them, so Sourcemod didn't work at all :/
CyberCam 7 FEB 2014 a las 18:34 
Did you add -game insurgency to your startup command line options?
Jawsh 7 FEB 2014 a las 22:27 
Yeah of course.

Anyways, i got it to work.
Installed the wrong files, had to re-check. Had windows files installed on a linux server.

Got it working.
OnEdgeMark 7 FEB 2014 a las 22:45 
So, for future reference, could I host my own Insurgency Standalone server that would be visible in the server browser and playable on the typical game modes that you'd find on there? Sorry, I'm new to having my own server and am curious. Thanks!
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Publicado el: 27 ENE 2014 a las 14:18
Mensajes: 172