Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

GemuesePresse 2013 年 2 月 18 日 下午 1:40
[Solved] Nvidia properitary OpenGL Problem
After many howto's and problems to start steam on debian wheezy amd64 with the nvidia driver originally from (310.32) finally i got it.

Many Threads here helped but the last problem i got was to get the opengl driver to run. i tested TF2 but it says "OpengGL 1.4.0 is running but 2.0.0 is needed"
Some people say there is a Problem with the OpenGL - ia32.
From the Nvidia Installer I know I installed Nvidia OpenGL ia32 libs to /emul/.
in /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib there were the nessecary libs for steam.
I just copied all libs from /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib to .local/share/steam/ubuntu12_32

After finished I can start TF2 and Crusader Kings. This were the 2 testing games, which doesn't start before.

I don't know if there is an other thread were is better to put, but I thought maybe this help other people to bring their steam to start with nvidia drivers
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towo01 2013 年 2 月 18 日 下午 1:50 
If you would not use the nvidia-installer, it would work without such copy-action.
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