Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Tf2 has an error after restarting my computer
I was playing tf2 earlier today, upon restarting I was given this error.
"Can't find backround image materials/Console/startup_loading.vtf"
I system link my SteamApps folder to another hardrive. Here is what my terminal window prints...

Game update: AppID 440 "Team Fortress 2", ProcID 5762, IP
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
SDL video target is 'x11'
SDL video target is 'x11'
SDL failed to create GL compatibility profile (whichProfile=0!
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_object.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_fence.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_NV_fence.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_sync.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_draw_buffers2.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_bindable_uniform.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_map_buffer_range.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_occlusion_query.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_texture_range.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_client_storage.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_framebuffer_object.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_GREMEDY_string_marker.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_debug_output.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_direct_state_access.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_NV_bindless_texture.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_AMD_pinned_memory.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_ATI_meminfo.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GLX_EXT_swap_control_tear.
GL_NV_bindless_texture: DISABLED
GL_AMD_pinned_memory: DISABLED
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode: AVAILABLE
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(gameoverlayui)/version(20121119150653_client)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(gameoverlayui)/version(1.0)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(gameoverlayui)/version(1.0)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(gameoverlayui)/version(1.0)
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar"
[1120/] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
saving roaming config store to 'sharedconfig.vdf'
roaming config store 2 saved successfully
Using breakpad crash handler
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 440
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(440)/version(5122_client)
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561197994893383 [API loaded yes]
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Setting Steam ID: 76561197994893383
ConVarRef m_rawinput doesn't point to an existing ConVar
GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info: AVAILABLE
GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info: Total Dedicated: 1047872, Total Avail: 1048576, Current Avail: 986344
Could not load chromehtml library.IDirect3DDevice9::Create: BackBufWidth: 1920, BackBufHeight: 1080, D3DFMT: 3, BackBufCount: 1, MultisampleType: 0, MultisampleQuality: 0
Can't find background image materials/Console/startup_loading.vtf
Game removed: AppID 440 "Team Fortress 2", ProcID 5769
CCrossProcessPipe::BWrite wrote too few bytes: 32 (Broken pipe). Continuing.
saving roaming config store to 'sharedconfig.vdf'
roaming config store 2 saved successfully

Does anyone know what might be happening? Where did my startup_loading.vtf get off to?
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Показані коментарі 14 із 4
Elementary question: Is your harddrive mounted?
When I system linked my whole steam folder it suddenly worked. Has anyone had any problems just linking their SteamApps folder?
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Показані коментарі 14 із 4
На сторінку: 1530 50

Опубліковано: 20 листоп. 2012 о 0:13
Дописів: 4