Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Ripper 29/out./2012 às 5:56
I want CS and Dota 2 for linux
which were published games that will have to test on linux? will also have cs, Dota2?
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orangensaft 🫠 29/out./2012 às 6:16 
The games that are most likely to come to Linux first are Left 4 Dead 2 and Team Fortress 2. Porting other Source-engine based games that already run on Mac shouldn't be too big of a problem - I personally expect CS:GO and Dota2 to follow after L4D2 and TF2.
I don't know of any official statements talking about games though.
frederijk 29/out./2012 às 6:34 
Would love Dishonored and XCOM on that list.
long time no see 29/out./2012 às 6:52 
I don't think Bethesda will port it to Linux, though i can imagine CS and Dota2 on Linux
Aguijon 29/out./2012 às 6:57 
I managed to make dota2 work once on archlinux... but then I'm not sure what happened :(
Possible 29/out./2012 às 7:02 
I hope Valve will offer a native port of CS:GO for GNU/Linux as fast as possible.
It would be nice to see CS1.6 ported to GNU/Linux, just for the history books. Benefit: Quake1/2 runs since many years under Linux, uses OpenGL since the first day and doesn't need much graphic power (good for open-source drivers. especially older Intel).
cirk2 29/out./2012 às 7:11 
When they ported the source engine with TF2 or L4D2, the other games (at least the current ones) should be following shortly.
Porting the engine is the biggest work, the should be relative easy.
long time no see 29/out./2012 às 7:29 
>I managed to make dota2 work once on archlinux... but then I'm not sure what happened :(
Arch happened
Sasha 29/out./2012 às 10:36 
I play dota 2 under wine 1.5.7, and fedora 64bits + Playonlinux. Its quite nice, but far from what i can render with my Laptop.
I hope Steam for linux start with DOta2 as soon as possible!!!
HenryLeonheart 29/out./2012 às 12:04 
Source games will be first but games from EA/Activison/Ubisoft won't be in Linux for a long time... at least that's my gut feeling.
Xion 30/out./2012 às 3:19 
Dota 2 works and has worked great for me on arch linux with absolutely no tweaking
skuzye 30/out./2012 às 4:13 
@Xion, that's good to know! I'll test it out.

I'm really waiting for DOTA2 on linux so I can ditch my Windows partition for good. Valve is actually a company I'm getting proud of supporting each day.
Tim in Las Vegas 31/out./2012 às 10:13 
I think the plan is to test the system before opening up each and every game. Each game requires slightly different tweaking to get running. Steam Linux might not launch with your favorite games but +1 for first steps.
dimaursu16 23/nov./2012 às 2:30 
Escrito originalmente por Hoschi:
I hope Valve will offer a native port of CS:GO for GNU/Linux as fast as possible.
It would be nice to see CS1.6 ported to GNU/Linux, just for the history books. Benefit: Quake1/2 runs since many years under Linux, uses OpenGL since the first day and doesn't need much graphic power (good for open-source drivers. especially older Intel).
I don't see a like button around, but here, have a [LIKE]
baizon 2/dez./2012 às 23:05 
Yes, CS and Dota 2 for Linux please!
[LINUX]FinCoder 5/dez./2012 às 15:34 
yes i want CS too!
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Publicado em: 29/out./2012 às 5:56
Mensagens: 27