Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Using latest open source drivers from xorg-edgers ppa (or from git)
Wasn't an option in the survey. I left it blank. Of course, the other part is that many of us would be fine testing with the proprietary driver for the time being. I actually find the open source drivers (even from git) to be more stable than the proprietary ATI/AMD ones, when playing CS:S.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: gQuigs; 2012. okt. 26., 18:19
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How many fps, you get with open-source radeon driver? I only get around 30 fps with a Radeon HD 6520G. and it freeze the system most of the time. Fglrx driver give me nearly the same.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: KK; 2012. okt. 27., 2:29
Heck, I even recommend *everyone* use the x-updates ppa. It's very stable, but brings more recent driver updates than are available through the default repositories. For Intel graphics especially, the value of installing the newer (but not bleeding edge) drivers are immediately appreciable.
It's usaully around 60 on a Radeon HD 3870. With the default drivers I didn't find it playable. With the bleeding edge ones and a more up-to-date kernel it is.

Now the propriatarty drivers usually at least double the fps for most apps. But for CS:S I found that it crashed when using them.

I think Valve might actually recommend the better testers use x-updates. I think I read that they are working with Ubuntu to make the latest (more stable) drivers available in an easier way.
The open source drivers ARE more stable. Sad things is, a lot of the games need features they don't have, and only the proprietary ones have, from what I've seen.

Anyway, on a Radeon HD 5000 series, on Ubuntu 12.10, I finally got past the crazy no-launcher glitch and I finally got proprietary drivers working on Ubuntu 12.10 using the method described on this website:
(specifically the one that involves installing synaptic, and that has the pictures.... I wish solutions had labels so I could just tell you the name of it. :p ) So that's what I'm using as of tonight.
I remember that when i used catalyst drivers and played css. it ran really laggy sometimes, and with the open source radeon driver, i got a fully playable css and other hl2 engine games. but the open source drivers made my laptop really hot so i sticked with the catalyst drivers :P its a shame about the overheat problem on the radeon driver because it works amazinly good! x)
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Közzétéve: 2012. okt. 26., 18:18
Hozzászólások: 5