Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Some solution that can minimize full screen applications and games
This is a actkbd, small utility. I don't know how to add it in autostart using udev.

1). Install this application. If your Linux distribution hasn't this unility in repository (like openSUSE), use source code:

2). Create devinput users group using graphical tool, or "groupadd devinput" in superuser terminal. Add users to this group "usermod -a -G devinput zenitur" (Debian, Fedora, openSUSE) "gpasswd -a zenitur devinput" (Gentoo).

3). su (or sudo), "cd /dev/input", "chown -R root:devinput ." After restarting computer the result of these actions will be lost, so before the game it should be repeated.

4). Now we need configure actkbd.

a). Search your keyboard device file in /dev/input/by-id or /dev/input/by-path or /proc/bus/input/devices. Watch preferences and look what /dev/input/eventX is keyboard file. Run "actkbd -s -x -c actkbd.conf -d /dev/input/eventX" for testing.

b). Run "actkbd -s -c actkbd.conf -d /dev/input/eventX
" and press any buttons. Find code of hotkey you need. This is Windows-M hotkey (like in Windows): 50+125. Open /etc/actkbd.conf in your favourite text editor. Add your hotkey there:

50+125:rel:all:wnckprop --show-desktop

5). Run "actkbd". Now you can minimize full screen applications.
Ultima modifica da zenitur; 10 dic 2012, ore 17:24
Data di pubblicazione: 10 dic 2012, ore 16:48
Messaggi: 0