Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Games you want on Steam (Linux)
Post what you want to see on the Linux client for Steam, no matter if it's already on Steam itself!
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I would like to see big games like Skyrim, but that probably will never happen
I would too, especially Oblivion and even Morrowind. Considering those are lower-quality, it'd be a good start.
bf3. Dota2. NFS.
First: Witcher 1,2,3, Skyrim, ArmedAssault X, RACE07, Project Cars, The TotalWar's ... come on, lets get all AAA-Games plz ;)
COD2, Assassin's Creed series, GTA SA or GTA IV and the rest of Valve's games.
Most of them has been already ported to Mac. I'd like to see them on Linux.
Dota 2 Skyrim GTA BF3/BF4
Audiosurf, Dead Island, Ace of Spades, GTA:SA, Worms Ultimate Mayhem
Dota2, CS:GO
Portal 2 :)
Deader H'ghar eredeti hozzászólása:
Dota 2
Now, I heard a rumor (Not sure if this is true) that Dota 2 would be on Linux in the very near future.
Just sayin'.
Fallout 1,2,3,new vegas
Borderlands 1,2
Crysis Wars
Deadpotato363 eredeti hozzászólása:
Deader H'ghar eredeti hozzászólása:
Dota 2
Now, I heard a rumor (Not sure if this is true) that Dota 2 would be on Linux in the very near future.
Just sayin'.
Valve are porting all their games to Linux, so it's kind of pointless for people to suggest them.

Also, some Rockstar or Bungie games would be nice :P
Legutóbb szerkesztette: instabilis; 2013. máj. 26., 15:17
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Közzétéve: 2013. máj. 25., 21:13
Hozzászólások: 56