Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Thinking with Time Machine Linux version is out
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5 yorumdan 1 ile 5 arası gösteriliyor
Did not know, thanks!
Looks interesting, but does it work for you?
Do I need something installed before?
I get a short graphics flicker and the following output:

"Did not detect any valid joysticks.
PERF WARNING: Failed to open model substitution file, cannot swap models out based on gpu_level!
CSoundEmitterSystemBase::BaseInit: Manifest 'scripts/game_sounds_manifest.txt' with bogus file type 'new_sound_scripts_must_go_below_here', expecting 'declare_file' or 'precache_file'
Convar r_flashlightscissor has conflicting FCVAR_CHEAT flags (child: no FCVAR_CHEAT, parent: has FCVAR_CHEAT, parent wins)
Can't find background image 'materials/console/portal2_product_2.vtf'"

Then it's back at Steam.
I'm just installing Portal 2 for Linux again. Might be only available if you opt in for Beta. Strange enough, one of the news of Thinking with Time Machine from April states you shouldn't be using the beta of Portal. well, let's see...
İlk olarak Zyro tarafından gönderildi:
Looks interesting, but does it work for you?
Do I need something installed before?
I get a short graphics flicker and the following output:

Yes it works. You need to have Portal 2 installed though.
You're right, works for me as well now!
It might output something though when it's not happy without Portal 2. :o)
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5 yorumdan 1 ile 5 arası gösteriliyor
Sayfa başına: 1530 50

Gönderilme Tarihi: 17 Haz 2014 @ 16:31
İleti: 5