Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2

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Ozzyoct Feb 11, 2013 @ 7:36am
Lag on the new IMAC 27 inch
Very upset just purchased HALF LIFE 2 and I seem to be getting lag spikes when ever I look at certain objects such as trees and uhh well trees? bushes and other stuff anyone have a fix please tell me I would much appreciate it.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
_GoldSrc_ Feb 13, 2013 @ 3:57pm 
you are not the only one having lag spikes or really low fps on MAC, another guy had like 2 fps looking at a wall.
i guess it has to be about the optimization for MAC, i don't have a mac so i can't help you with that sorry.
ChiefGreemo Jan 16, 2014 @ 7:36pm 
SAME HERE! I have the newest imac27", with 2GB VRAM and 8 GB Ram and I get major spikes when There are certain events going on in the game (I use the console to see what agitates the spikes). I notice the go up when there is an "in-game event". Its so annoying because i am a loya fan of this franchise and I would like to relive my childhood!
Dovah Jan 17, 2014 @ 5:15am 
Soloution: use windows 7 or linux
1singur Jan 17, 2014 @ 10:33am 
Seriously, dude, if you have the money to buy a Mac, you can get a PC that smoothly runs Half-Life 2 with your pocket money. Don't be affraid, nobody will know you play on a PC, you can still brag about playing on a Mac ;)
Last edited by 1singur; Jan 17, 2014 @ 11:27am
ChiefGreemo Jan 17, 2014 @ 12:02pm 
Thanks for your kind and helpful reply ;-)

We have iMacs for reasons we dont need to discuss here. And personally I dont use my computer (whether Mac or PC) solely for gaming, especially just for one game. It would just be nice if there was a solution to this issue. Happy Gaming y'all.
Last edited by ChiefGreemo; Jan 17, 2014 @ 12:03pm
bryonhowley Jan 21, 2014 @ 11:00pm 
Well the main problem is you are using a igpu. No high end game has ever been made to play on a igpu. The iMac is nothing more than a laptop built into a 27" monitor. No dedicated GPU just a cheap laptop with a large screen. I can tell you running this game on my Hackintosh witha i5 3570K 16gig DDR3 1600 and a SLI GTX 670 the game runs very good with OS X 10.9.1. Even though the Mac OS does not use SLI as such it still plays very good. Next time buy or build a real PC and you will not have these problems.

Simply put the game is not ment to be played on a igpu intergrated into the CPU. Plus the intel igpu is not really the best even as far as intergrated gpu's go. AMD's newer APU's are much better even as far as gaming goes. In stort the problem is your iMac pure and simple buy a real PC!
ShugoTheRipper Jan 22, 2014 @ 1:38am 
[Snip, Poof, Gone]
Last edited by ShugoTheRipper; Nov 15, 2020 @ 1:45pm
1singur Jan 22, 2014 @ 12:44pm 
Originally posted by ShugoTheRipper:

Whoa, dude, that's seriously evil! Can Half-Life 2 look this bad? Nihilanth would laugh his ass off. Just buy a netbook with an AMD Brazos APU and it will probably look better than this, not to mention netbooks are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cheap now!
Last edited by 1singur; Jan 22, 2014 @ 12:45pm
ChiefGreemo Jan 22, 2014 @ 7:20pm 
Well turns out it plays very well now, on my way to beat the whole game on max settings... with what should be more than minimum requirements. I guess it was that one part of the airboat chapter when the chopper was gunning me down in the open. But its been pretty smooth since i went through it.

It was fun being able to play it again, isnt it such a great game? Despite our differences in choices of computer, there was a way for all of us to enjoy the game. WOW!

Besides, it was steams decision to make it available for OsX, wast it? I think all owners of the game should have equal support.

Thanks for the kind support guys. The world is becoming a better place.
Last edited by ChiefGreemo; Jan 22, 2014 @ 7:27pm
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Date Posted: Feb 11, 2013 @ 7:36am
Posts: 9