Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami

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The first tool you need to Mod this game is the GMDecompiler V2.1 for Game Maker Seven.

Open the Program, click LOAD, and find and select HotlineMiami.exe.
Wait a few minutes and a file called HotlineMiamiexe.GMK should appear in your game directory. Now you just need to be able to edit the file.

Game Maker Seven Professional solves this dilemma:

Now open the HotlineMiamiEXE.GMK with the program (From your game directory.) and edit all Sprites,surfaces,codes,rooms,backgrounds,tilesets, and more.
to save the edits you made, Click on the button on the top of the program (the green arrow) and save the game with the name HotlineMiami MB Mod(ModName)
I had posted the links on the original post too, which can be found here:
Just fixed some spelling errors and replaced the links. place your files here for others to share.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on zabing12; 20.9.2014 klo 22.13
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Hey, I think the program to open is HotlineMiami_Original.exe, not HotlineMiami.exe (which is now the launcher and not the game). This works only for Original as it uses on GameMaker, not Updated which uses PhyreEngine.
Just tested it to see if you were right, and yea. the game launcher will not work for gamemaker. Damn. sorry for the trouble
I'm sure people can still have a bit of fun modding Original though ;)
*sigh* I guess modding will never catch on. This is legit too.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on zabing12; 24.9.2014 klo 20.23
There are no that many people still looking Hotline Miami's forum mate, I'm sure we have as many modders (in proportion) as any game, but since this game is quite old the forum only goes very active during sales.
Good luck to anyone who decides to have a go at this. Let us know how it goes and I'll support in any way I can
Alright, I guess so. I hope that others find it though.
It doesn't work. Something about runner data, Only works with the new one
The only things that show in hotline_miami when I try to get to the original is redist and _CommonRedist
Anyone help? ;(
You're doing something wrong because in the "hotline_miami" folder, there are 3 executables, and one of them is "HotlineMiami_Original.exe". Look again.

Also I already told you not to spam posts, it's been only one hour and the topic hasn't even went down ONE spot in the topic list. There's no need to bump. Be patient... ;)
Bunny Plush With Pearl Earring (Porttikiellossa) 2.2.2015 klo 12.42 
Should I show you a screenshot?
Wow, people are commenting on this? I was amazed that there was any in the first place.
Holy mother of god, Im gonna do crazy ♥♥♥♥♥
hah, kewl! I don't know if there are any avaliable for mac, as it took forever to find those links anyways(hence all the russian. I had to go waaaaaayyy back there into the internet.) But I will keep searching.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 20.9.2014 klo 22.11
Viestejä: 20