Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami

Something about the controls binding ?
I just saw that this game has been updated recently "september 2013" or even more recentrly, january 2014.

And still a very anoying bug reported in october 2012 isn't fixed :

Left handed mouse configuration is still impossible ??????

If you don't care say it !

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The last update only added Japanese language, and the patch announced for January is not yet released. I have good faith they will address the bindings issues in this patch, however you may want to send the developers an email to ask if this was planned for their next release. You will find their contact info in the FAQ.
I dont want to sound ignorant, but I have quite a lot left handed friends. And they are:
A: using mouse with right hand, as rest of population
B: using same layout button as rest of population.

So, isnt it a time to adapt ? Just sayin´
Well, that did sound ignorant.
If the whole world was lefty and you were righty, would you seriously think it is "time to adapt" and use your left hand to write?
Skymirrh の投稿を引用:
Well, that did sound ignorant.
If the whole world was lefty and you were righty, would you seriously think it is "time to adapt" and use your left hand to write?

Write with any hand you want. I can write with both hands, but I am using right hand for writing and left hand for most of things.
But almost every PC in world is composed for right people. I never saw a PC set by default for lefty people. Not even in one office, shop, anywhere. And thats just my point, thats it.
Yea well you could say the same of anything... Writing from left to right as we do in occident never has been convenient for lefty. Most simple tools, including scissors, are designed with right-handed people in mind (I myself am lefty and cannot use right-handed scissors).

My point is, even if computers are designed for right-handed people just like most tools are, that still isn't enough of a justification to make left-handed people comfortable with just "adapting" ;)
最近の変更はSkymirrhが行いました; 2014年4月15日 14時34分
Skymirrh の投稿を引用:
Yea well you could say the same of anything... Writing from left to right as we do in occident never has been convenient for lefty. Most simple tools, including scissors, are designed with right-handed people in mind (I myself am lefty and cannot use right-handed scissors).

My point is, even if computers are designed for right-handed people just like most tools are, that still isn't enough of a justification to make left-handed people comfortable with just "adapting".

On the other hand, yes, its quite weird, that you cant rebind keys like you want, also with mouse.
but here is my question. I know, that you´re doing speed runs and you´re quite Hotline Miami fanatic. Are you playing as lefty or as righty ? :)
Playing computers is the only thing I can think of that I do right-handed :D
But before you go on and say "see, you can always adapt", yes, that is true, anybody can learn to use any hand with enough practice, but again, I see no reason for someone who is already accustomed to playing lefty to change his habits.
Skymirrh の投稿を引用:
Playing computers is the only thing I can think of that I do right-handed :D
But before you go on and say "see, you can always adapt", yes, that is true, anybody can learn to use any hand with enough practice, but again, I see no reason for someone who is already accustomed to playing lefty to change his habits.

sure, habbits die really hard. But maybe OP would be a real PRO with right handed settings :D Just kidding. We can hope, that Hotline Miami 2 will have more customisations
Ye that would just solve the problem for everyone :P
Hope the new patch they talked about will also have this.
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投稿日: 2014年4月15日 13時24分
投稿数: 9