Black-Screen When Trying To Run the Game On FullScreen
If I run the game on full-screen, it starts perfectly fine. Even if I change the game to full-screen using options, it still doesn't crash.

But the problem begins if I try to START the game when it is set to fullscreen. For some reason, it gives me a blackscreen, and I have to restart my PC if that happens. I see my mouse cursor moving around, but that's all.

After the game crashes (and after I restart my PC because of that), I can just enable the windowed mode by changing settings by editing the renderer_settings file, and it starts working fine again, and I can change it to fullscreen using In-Game Settings again.

I have Windows XP because of driver problems. I could probably shut it down because Windows 7 has a better responding CTRL+Alt+Del menu, but that's not the case on WinXP and opening Task Manager and randomly smashing Del and Enter keys doesn't close the game. That problem might have something to do with Windows XP, but I don't want to throw my chance of fixing it if there is a way to do so.
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Well, for starters PD2 no longer is supported for XP. And the minimum requirements have changed.

Secondly. I would look at this, to see if this helps your issue at all:

Normally this problem is because of a mis-matching screen resolution and refresh rate. Between the game and your monitor.

Use that to check what your monitor refresh rate is (60 MHz is 60 fps) and your resolution size.

And then apply that to your renderer_settings.xml file.

Like this:

You might also be having a rare issue with an internal graphics card:

Also, please verify game cache:

For good measure.

And the windows XP thread (where it is mentioned that a temporary fix was to spam the windows button on launching the game).

Going to find this thread. BRB.
Well, the XP thread is deleted. But I did pull up the two solutions I found from it:

Nexis has PAYDAY 2 Jan 2 @ 3:33pm This work for me: 1. Open Task-Manager 2. Start the Game in Window-Mode (by editing the setting-file of Game or per Startup-Parameter) 3. Immediatly after starting the Game, click somewhere on the Task-Manager 4. If Task-Manager get shifted to background (you can see a change at the TM-Window-Head), click again somewhere on the Task-Manager (Just keep the Task-Manager in foreground until ...) 5. The Game will get startet in Window-Mode, you maybe see a marbled window, do not care about this, just wait. 6. After a dozen seconds the Game-Window will look normal and you will see a normal Loading-Screen :) 7. Now you can close Task-Manager and change to Game-Window to play the Game \o/ I know it is no solve of the Problem, but at least you can play the Game. It is a nuisance, but it is better than not to play the expensive bought Game.

Wolfennar has PAYDAY 2 Dec 4, 2015 @ 5:45pm So far the best 'fix' has been to spam the windows key until the game minimize, then simply switch back to it and it should work perfectly fine. For me, this will only work if I have another fullscreen window open (such as My Documents), but I haven't seen anyone else need this yet. Also, this issue is strictly related to using Windows XP, you shouldn't need to worry about your PC specs and DLCs. I myself own a fair amount of DLC and they all work.
Spamming the Windows Key until the game minimizes actually works. Of course, not as good as a permanent fix, but way better than editing the renderer_settings.xml manually every time I try to run it, also I can definetely play it this way even if there is no way to permanently fix it.

As for the rest, my monitor is 60Hz, and it is set accordingly on renderer_settings.xml. I don't have an internal card.

About the game cache... I will do it now just to make sure, but I'm almost sure that's not the problem. Last time I played PAYDAY 2 (Except yesterday and today :D), I had Windows7 on same Hard-Drive, but I have WindowsXP now because, as I mentioned, of driver problems. I still use the same files as I used when I had Win7, and those files were modded, and mods don't go well together with WindowsXP, so I tried to remember all the mods I had installed, and deleted the asset files that were affected by them. I probably should have mentioned this before, but it didn't really come into my mind when creating this thread. Anyways, I still don't think missing or corrupt files are likely to be a problem because I can perfectly play the game with no crashes at all, as long as I prevent it from crashing at the beginning either by spamming the windows key or running it at windowed mode.
Alt+enter and alt+f4. will get you out of the screen lock- You should right click the game in steam/properties/integrity check.

Update Net frame work- XP is no longer supported by microsoft there for you may not have the frame work files needed to play the game.

No framework= no graphics or corrupted graphics
No direct x= no graphics (controls draw functions)

Direct x:

Latest framework:

This game requires a graphics card with a gaming rating- You can't play this on chipsets or intel core graphics.

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投稿日: 2016年8月24日 2時48分
投稿数: 9