Unity of Command

Unity of Command

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Mashsmouth Nov 12, 2013 @ 5:42pm
Anybody know any other games like this? Listed Suggestions
Hello world. From my internet searches, I couldn't find any good games like this one (hex based strategy games). Nothing like Civ 5 of course, real strategy/wargames like this one.

Any ideas?

-All Suggested Game- Listed in no specific order, just for readability. Thanks to everyone who contributed!

1. Panzer General
2. Alea Jacta Est
3. Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue/Series
4. Battle Academy
5. Gary Grigsby's War in the East (hardcore)
6. The Operational Art of War III
7. Victoria II/Victoria Revolutions (paradox game)
8. Hearts of Iron III (paradox game)
9. Open General (free game) www.sourceforge.net/projects/opengeneral
10. Close Combat
11. Panzer Corps
12. Frozen Synapse (tac shooter)
13. Command Ops Series
14. Germany at War Barbarossa '41
15. Commander: The Great War
16. Advanced Tatics Gold
17. Achtung Panzer + Operation Star
18. Panzer Command Ostfront
19. Strategic Command Series
20. Combat Mission Normandy (squad based)
21. Battle for Wesnoth (free fantasy tactical)
22. Dominions 4
23. Scourge of War
24. Steel Panthers: World at War
25. Korsun Pocket
26. Strategic War in Europe
27. CM2: Bagration (to be released ~2 months)
28. World in Flames (multi prefered)

...and a great load of help from SeriousCat...

Originally posted by SeriousCat:
Given the high price of individual games, it's essential that you read the reviews and watch some gameplay videos on YouTube before making a purchase.

The most important information you need to take into account are:

• Review scores good?
• Replay value high?
• Realism accurate?
• Graphics acceptable?
• User interface acceptable?
• Can run on modern PCs? (For older, classic games)

The main websites are:
Armchair General for tactics and strategy
Out of Eight[www.outofeight.info]
Rock Paper Shotgun see the weekly "Flare Path" feature
SimHQ[www.simhq.com] for vehicle simulations

The main publishers and developers are:
Bohemia Interactive[www.bistudio.com]
HPS Simulations[www.hpssims.com]
John Tiller Software[www.johntillersoftware.com]
Matrix Games[www.matrixgames.com]

If you're looking for singleplayer gameplay, stay away from HPS Simulations and John Tiller Software games as they have very poor AI, whilst consider AGEOD and NorbSoftDev games as they have strong AI (i.e. intelligent, as opposed to cheating).

and SH Koroshiya...

Originally posted by SH Koroshiya:
GG War in the East is not comparable with UoC, 2 complete different games. GG WitE is one of the deepest GRAND STRATEGY WARGAMES for the Eastern front, sure there are small scenarios available, but you must really dig in this game and enjoy this kind of game to get the value for the price you have to pay at Matrix games.

UoC is unique in it´s own way, I liked Panzer General and Panzer Corps but after playing UoC I think they are more or less to simple, the line of supply is missing. Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue is good too, not too complex (compared with WitE) and not to easy compared with Panzer Corps and Panzer General.

Another game I enjoyed much, was the Strategic Command series from Battlefront.com, the last 3 titles were great.

If Squad based games are fine for you, I would recommend Combat Mission Normandy.

Another of my personal all time favourites is "Scorge of War" biut you must like the US Civil War scenario to really enjoy this. My last suggestion is Dominions 4, if you love micromanagement and multiplayer, this game is great. Singleplayer is more or less just for training, the AI sucks, but the game concept is epic.

Hope this helps!

P.S.: Another website for great reviews, next to the one already mentioned by others is:


Have a look there, the have some nice reviews for niche titles too.

Once again, thanks to all of those that contributed!
Last edited by Mashsmouth; Jan 7, 2014 @ 2:23pm
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Showing 1-15 of 80 comments
Apocalypse Nov 12, 2013 @ 6:35pm 
Absolutely no ideas. I've been searching myself but I can't find anything that comes close. I've spent countless dollars on Matrix/Slitherine games that fall short of the mark that Unity has hit.

Unity is such a great mixture of fun and challenging gameplay. Not to mention that it plays well, looks great, and applies realistic aspects of equipment, terrain, and logistics.
Last edited by Apocalypse; Nov 12, 2013 @ 6:36pm
Brian [Linux] Nov 12, 2013 @ 7:18pm 
Have you tried any of the Panzer General games? I still fire up dosbox once in a while to play the original.
Mashsmouth Nov 13, 2013 @ 2:15pm 
Originally posted by Apocalypse:
Absolutely no ideas. I've been searching myself but I can't find anything that comes close. I've spent countless dollars on Matrix/Slitherine games that fall short of the mark that Unity has hit.

Unity is such a great mixture of fun and challenging gameplay. Not to mention that it plays well, looks great, and applies realistic aspects of equipment, terrain, and logistics.

Yeah, some of the Slitherine games are pretty good (Great Battles Medieval), easy, but nonetheless pretty solid, excluding the fact that it doesn't even work on my PC anymore. I guess back to trial and error of UoC. UoC is a great game, and I'm glad I'm having trouble, something few games give today so "casual players" can have a go.

Originally posted by Brian Ubuntu:
Have you tried any of the Panzer General games? I still fire up dosbox once in a while to play the original.

That sounds like a good idea. I already have DOSBox from a few games I play once in a while (Hidden Agenda, that one where you're defending Israel in the 90's). I just hope I didn't delete it :P
Thjan Nov 13, 2013 @ 4:49pm 
You might want to give Greed Corp a try. It has a unique twist to the genre of hex based games and is not too easy.
Red Dragon Nov 13, 2013 @ 5:21pm 
Greed corp is very simplistic in comparison, don't know if that's a good hint right there.

It's not bad, just quite different to Unity
farrier Nov 19, 2013 @ 5:58pm 
A game that has surprising depth to it is Battle Academy. Don't be fooled by the art style. The AI and randomness isn't as punishing as UoC, and they are smaller battles rather than fronts, but you may enjoy it. If you do enjoy it, there is a ton of content for it. But again, it's a step down in terms of complexity, but definitely not a drop down to, say, Panzer Corps, which is fun but lacks most depth.

Any other games that match or exceed UoC in terms of depth and challenge, from what I've found, are nowhere near as user friendly.

I think Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue, if you want more Eastern Front, would be your best bet. It's got some fairly unique mechanics and won't quite make your head explode (there's a Western Front earlier game in the DC series too, but I think the mechanics aren't as fleshed out).

After that maybe War in the East, but that's $80. Only worth it if you love it / have disposable income (as in, you can freely light $20 bills on fire). If you love it, it's apparently the best.

I recommend Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue. It has some small scenarios to ease you into it. Be warned, the main campaign (Fall Blau / Case Blue) is a monster (of course).
Mashsmouth Nov 19, 2013 @ 6:18pm 
Originally posted by farrier:
A game that has surprising depth to it is Battle Academy. Don't be fooled by the art style. The AI and randomness isn't as punishing as UoC, and they are smaller battles rather than fronts, but you may enjoy it. If you do enjoy it, there is a ton of content for it. But again, it's a step down in terms of complexity, but definitely not a drop down to, say, Panzer Corps, which is fun but lacks most depth.

Any other games that match or exceed UoC in terms of depth and challenge, from what I've found, are nowhere near as user friendly.

I think Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue, if you want more Eastern Front, would be your best bet. It's got some fairly unique mechanics and won't quite make your head explode (there's a Western Front earlier game in the DC series too, but I think the mechanics aren't as fleshed out).

After that maybe War in the East, but that's $80. Only worth it if you love it / have disposable income (as in, you can freely light $20 bills on fire). If you love it, it's apparently the best.

I recommend Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue. It has some small scenarios to ease you into it. Be warned, the main campaign (Fall Blau / Case Blue) is a monster (of course).

Battle Academy looks like a nice little tactical strategy game, but it's not what I was looking for. However, Case Blue looks quite promising, I'm definetly going to look more into that. War in the East looks insanely difficult to learn and is probably as hardcore for a strategy gamer as I think is possible (scaring me to pieces).

Thanks for those two though, they're definetly what I was looking for. Unity of Command is great, but I also wanted something like it, but not exactly the same, if you know what I mean.
Last edited by Mashsmouth; Nov 19, 2013 @ 6:19pm
farrier Nov 19, 2013 @ 6:40pm 
Yeah, I realized Battle Academy probably wasn't what you were looking for, which is why I ultimately said Case Blue. BA just surprised me so much that I try to hook others on it when possible. :D

Case Blue is fairly newbie friendly. The commander cards are fun, especially the concept of German command issuing you an objective, but if you think that objective is going to waste a lot of your units, you can play a card to try to convince them.

Another one that I haven't really checked out is Battle Worlds: Kronos. Sci-fi unfortunately, but it at least looks visually appealing.

Unfortunately, there just isn't anything else out there quite like UoC. And with how successful it has been, that's surprising.
farrier Nov 19, 2013 @ 6:48pm 
Eh, forget Battle Worlds...
Kanone Nov 23, 2013 @ 1:37pm 
Norm Koger's The Operational Art of War III - hundreds of scenarios, from Napoleon to the modern wars.
Battlefront/Battles In Normandy/Battles in Italy - good system, easy for beginners.
Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris - is early version of the Case Blue.
And you can try STRATEGIC COMMAND: EUROPEAN THEATER on gog or his older ver. - World War II Time of Wrath/Time of Fury
Last edited by Kanone; Nov 23, 2013 @ 1:49pm
Mashsmouth Nov 23, 2013 @ 5:44pm 
Originally posted by Kuwabara:
Norm Koger's The Operational Art of War III - hundreds of scenarios, from Napoleon to the modern wars.
Battlefront/Battles In Normandy/Battles in Italy - good system, easy for beginners.
Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris - is early version of the Case Blue.
And you can try STRATEGIC COMMAND: EUROPEAN THEATER on gog or his older ver. - World War II Time of Wrath/Time of Fury

I'm adding The Operational Art of War to my list, but probably not Strategic command as people say it's too easy, and I'm not the mutliplayer type. Kind of the same thing for Battlefront, but I'm going to keep looking into it. Where do you find these kind of games? I've never heard of them in my life (and thanks!).
Kanone Nov 24, 2013 @ 2:06am 
Originally posted by Who Goes Thar:
Originally posted by Kuwabara:
Norm Koger's The Operational Art of War III - hundreds of scenarios, from Napoleon to the modern wars.
Battlefront/Battles In Normandy/Battles in Italy - good system, easy for beginners.
Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris - is early version of the Case Blue.
And you can try STRATEGIC COMMAND: EUROPEAN THEATER on gog or his older ver. - World War II Time of Wrath/Time of Fury

I'm adding The Operational Art of War to my list, but probably not Strategic command as people say it's too easy, and I'm not the mutliplayer type. Kind of the same thing for Battlefront, but I'm going to keep looking into it. Where do you find these kind of games? I've never heard of them in my life (and thanks!).

Battlefront is not so simple as it seems at first glance, do not underestimate this game. Combat mechanics with dices is very good. The main thing that the entire system is open to the player. Modifiers do not have any obscure values ​​which do not need to think out. My personal advice is to start playing wargames with this game.

Matrixgames.com - go to the beta test page, Gary Grigsby's War in the West is currently recruiting alpha players.

hpssims.com - Panzer Campaigns - very good but complex.
Last edited by Kanone; Nov 24, 2013 @ 7:18am
cjsilvester1 Nov 27, 2013 @ 2:08pm 
There are qute a few english based coys producing strategic war games - Hearts of iron 3 - semper fi comes to mind. This publisher also has the europa universalis titles.
Mashsmouth Nov 27, 2013 @ 2:28pm 
Originally posted by Kuwabara:
hpssims.com - Panzer Campaigns - very good but complex.

Saddly, everything on the website costs $40.

Originally posted by cjsilvester1:
There are qute a few english based coys producing strategic war games - Hearts of iron 3 - semper fi comes to mind. This publisher also has the europa universalis titles.

Yeah I've heard about HoI. I've already played Victoria 2 (and am pretty good if I may say so myself) but a lot of people say it's the most challenging to learn, while CKII is easier (I completely failed at it).
Kanone Nov 27, 2013 @ 2:55pm 
Originally posted by Who Goes Thar:
Originally posted by Kuwabara:
hpssims.com - Panzer Campaigns - very good but complex.

Saddly, everything on the website costs $40.

Originally posted by cjsilvester1:
There are qute a few english based coys producing strategic war games - Hearts of iron 3 - semper fi comes to mind. This publisher also has the europa universalis titles.

Yeah I've heard about HoI. I've already played Victoria 2 (and am pretty good if I may say so myself) but a lot of people say it's the most challenging to learn, while CKII is easier (I completely failed at it).

For HoI 3 there is video guides in community.
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Date Posted: Nov 12, 2013 @ 5:42pm
Posts: 80