What's the point of the trapped mouse in the beginning?
Is it just an RE4 reference to the dog stuck in a bear trap, or does freeing it actually affect gameplay?
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Показані коментарі 17 із 7
I heard someone say you get a worse ending for not freeing it, but I think they were lying or something... I'm a little concerned that maybe nothing really has a point. Good question though.
it steals the cheese in the kitchen
Цитата допису Israphelo:
it steals the cheese in the kitchen
That's terrible!
oh god, really?! And that's not part of the dramatic conclusion of the game?

oh why, oh why, has this game left the mystery of the missing cheese go unresolved!!!
Цитата допису Fey:
oh god, really?! And that's not part of the dramatic conclusion of the game?
oh why, oh why, has this game left the mystery of the missing cheese go unresolved!!!
Like so much else.
i wish steam would notify me when i get responses like these :l
seriously, it notifes me. there's a little thing by the green post comment button, if you check the subcribe button it'll tell you if it ever get's a reply. :skyelaugh:
Автор останньої редакції: Fey🥀; 8 листоп. 2013 о 21:11
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