Divine Divinity

Divine Divinity

Black box
A black box surrounds all the text and character sprites when I start the game. How do I fix this?
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In the configuration program (right click the game in the Steam library, or run the configtool.exe program in the install folder) and check the option to 'Use AlphaBit'.

If that doesn't help:

Try switching to Software mode in the configuration program.

Check for updated graphics drivers, and Windows updates in general.

Try the Windows 8 Performance "Patch" (works in Win 7 and 10, as well); that can help with some graphical issues.

You can try using the disk version of the configuration program, to set the game to run in Direct Draw mode. Rename or move the existing configtool.exe and NlsEng.dll files in the install folder, and extract the disk versions from this zip file[www.dropbox.com]. Note that this will also reset the game resolution to what the disk version supported, but you can manually edit the config.div file to change the resolution back.
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2017. júl. 22., 13:30
Hozzászólások: 1