Dead Hungry Diner

Dead Hungry Diner

76561198060340773  [開発者] 2013年7月16日 14時53分
User config options (Video Modes, Cursor)
To override specific game settings create a file with name 'config.txt' in your Windows Documents folder in subdirectory 'DeadHungryDiner'. This subdirectory is automatically created when the game is launched the first time.

Changing the mouse cursor

Add the line
cursorMode = 0
to use the normal Windows cursor
Add the line
cursorMode = 1
to use a custom Windows cursor
Add the line
cursorMode = 2
to use the default game engine cursor

You should start testing a value of 1 and if that isn't working try the value 0.

Reverting to old fullscreen mode

Should the new fullscreen mode not work on your machine you can revert to the old code by adding the following line to the config file = false

Overriding fullscreen resolution

Add a line with following format to the config file = "<resolution string>"

The resolution string has the format "<width>x<height>".

Example: Setting the screen resolution to 1280x800 = "1280x800"

WARNING: Using values not supported by your hardware configuration can severely damage graphics card and/or monitor. We take no responsibilities for damages caused that way!

Overriding game/windowed resolution

Add a line with following format to the config file "<resolution string>"

The resolution string has the format "<width>x<height>". The game is tested with following resolutions: 1024x768, 1024x600, 1136x640, 960x640, 1024x640 . Any other resolution might cause overlapping or misplaced screen elements.

Example: Setting the screen resolution to 1024x768 "1024x768"

The game resolution must be less than the fullscreen resolution! (The game window has to fit into the game screen)

Switching to windowed mode

Add following line to the config file

To switch to fullscreen mode use

This setting overrides the setting in the in-game config screen.

Disabling/Enabling Shader Support

[Feature in demo version and latest Beta of full game]

Add following line to the config file to disable shaders

Sometimes the game crashes because the driver reports working shader model but in practice it fails. Disabling shaders might fix the problem.
最近の変更はBMG Ericが行いました; 2014年8月24日 13時31分