The Witness

The Witness

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Snobby Hobo 30 ENE 2016 a las 12:49 p. m.
Game crashes extremely frequently
MSI GTX 970 graphics card 4G memory, updated drivers using windows 10.

Any known issues? It's unplayable and I've given up. Out of the 10 hours counted I ought to have played I played maybe 6, the rest were crashes and trying to have the game run properly. I've also had to hard reset over 10 times because of the game refusing to quit.
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Mostrando 1-15 de 20 comentarios
The Renderer 30 ENE 2016 a las 12:50 p. m. 
You might want to take a look at (and post in) the technical support subform, maybe something in there helps.
Snobby Hobo 30 ENE 2016 a las 12:53 p. m. 
Oh great it's an AMD issue again what else is new
Naysayer  [desarrollador] 30 ENE 2016 a las 1:10 p. m. 
Oh, do you have an AMD processor?
We just tried to reproduce the reported AMD problems on an AMD laptop on Friday but have not been able to do so yet.

But these crashes may not be related. First I would say, if you have your card overclocked at all, turn that off. The reason it's called overclocking is because it is being pushed faster than it can actually go.
Snobby Hobo 30 ENE 2016 a las 1:12 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Naysayer:
Oh, do you have an AMD processor?
We just tried to reproduce the reported AMD problems on an AMD laptop on Friday but have not been able to do so yet.

But these crashes may not be related. First I would say, if you have your card overclocked at all, turn that off. The reason it's called overclocking is because it is being pushed faster than it can actually go.
Lol I know what overclocking is, that's one of the most obvious things to attempt first. Turned off but didn't work.
Snobby Hobo 30 ENE 2016 a las 1:14 p. m. 
The game crashes at certain fixed points, if that helps you resolving the issue. Like, when I was in the treehouse the game would crash at one fixed corner everytime I tried. When facing the opposite direction(so looking at the other side) and making the same it wouldn't crash immediately but a tiny bit later instead.
Part Farticles 30 ENE 2016 a las 2:38 p. m. 
Experiencing the same issue, using an MSI R9 380 4G card, no noticeable lag or framerate drop, just all of a sudden black screen. Doesn't seem to happen when doing any one thing. Card is not overclocked at all, and running the game with Resource Monitor open doesn't show any unusual processor loading or memory usage (but I have 32GB of RAM installed so I doubt that's the issue). Log file from last crash as follows:

The Witness - x64 - D3D11 - Final
Version 0.944M
Built 2016/01/23 14:35:20 from 131468
Init app:
Init core:
Init asset loader:
Using unbundled processed asset list
37.65 ms elapsed
40.72 ms elapsed
Init render:
OS: PlatformId 2, Version 6.1, Build 7601
D3D11: Found 1 adapter outputs.
D3D11: SDK version 7
D3D11: Adapter = 'AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series'
D3D11: Output device = '\\.\DISPLAY1'
D3D11: VendorId = 0x1002 (AMD)
D3D11: DeviceId = 0x6939
AMD_ADL: OverDrive version 6
AMD_ADL: Fan speed range: 0..6000 rpm
AMD_ADL: Current fan speed: 1075 rpm
AMD_ADL: GPU temperature is 42 degrees celsius
AMD_ADL: Range of clock supported by GPU core: 300...1200 MHz with step of 5 MHz
AMD_ADL: Default effective range of GPU core clock: 300 .. 990
AMD_ADL: Custom effective range of GPU core clock: 300 .. 990
AMD_ADL: Range of supported GPU memory clock: 150...1750 MHz with step of 5 MHz
AMD_ADL: Default effective range of GPU memory clock: 150 .. 1425
AMD_ADL: Custom effective range of GPU memory clock: 150 .. 1425
AMD_ADL: Current GPU core clock: 308 MHz
AMD_ADL: Current GPU memory clock: 300 MHz
AMD_ADL: Current GPU activity level: 0 percent
AMD_ADL: Power Control range: -20...20 with step of 1
AMD_ADL: Power Control current level: 5
AMD_ADL: Power Control default level: 0
Render_Profile: profile_to_set is 2
Render_Profile: profile_actually_set is 2
WIN: Refresh rate = 60.00 Hz (0.02 s)
D3D11: Created D3D11 device with feature level 11.0
win32_create_window(in_windowed_mode = true)
D3D11: hwnd is 001102a0
D3D11: Dedicated Video Memory = 4170064.00 MB
D3D11: Dedicated System Memory = 0.00 MB
D3D11: Shared System Memory = 3932160.00 MB
D3D11: concurrent_resource_creation = true
D3D11: max_texture_size = 16384
D3D11: max_texture_buffer_size = 16384
Render extents = 1920 x 1080
3.99 s elapsed
Minimal initialization:
Set up shaders:
cache file operations (shaders):
7.65 ms elapsed
Set up shader flags:
733.92 ms elapsed
743.09 ms elapsed
744.14 ms elapsed
Init catalogs:
9.63 ms elapsed
Load global assets:
181.69 ms elapsed
Init shared resources:
Allocated 512 KB for translucent vertex buffer.
Allocated 128 KB for translucent index buffer.
Loading footsteps.
96.81 ms elapsed
Init game:
CPU clock frequency: 3.800 GHz
GPU clock frequency: 0.027 GHz
Sound Caps:
dwTotalHwMemBytes: 0
dwFreeHwMemBytes: 0
dwPlayCpuOverheadSwBuffers: 0
DSBCAPS for primary buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: NO
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
DSBCAPS for fill buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: YES
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
validated foam buffer settings: buffer 1 (w/2.0, h/2.0), decals 1, blur quality 2
Load asset dependencies:
66.34 ms elapsed
Load common assets (package):
613.55 ms elapsed
Load shared assets (package):
1.06 s elapsed
Init level:
Loading processed entities.
53.26 ms elapsed
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249756_00'
Process queries
29.52 ms elapsed
Loaded 48689 entities.
- 248 cluster entities.
Load campaign:
Process queries
0.05 ms elapsed
8.94 ms elapsed
world bounding box (-389.959, -372.600, -225.943) to (365.146, 352.906, 549.984)
Streaming entities:
248 clusters
7540 unclustered entities
1122 dynamic
19.28 ms elapsed
390.56 ms elapsed
Warm up streaming data:
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_951_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249658_00'
1.62 s elapsed
4.06 s elapsed
9.20 s elapsed
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249398_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246052_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246050_00'
Other shortcut.
D3D11: Resize w=1916 h=1054 - windowed=true
resize_swap_chain(toggle_fullscreen = false)
Resize Buffers 1916 1054
Back buffer ref count = 2
D3D11: Resize w=1920 h=1080 - windowed=false
resize_swap_chain(toggle_fullscreen = true)
DXGI: SetFullscreenState() - in_windowed_mode = false
GetClientRect: 0 0 - 1916 1054
Resize Buffers 1920 1080
Back buffer ref count = 2
GetClientRect: 0 0 - 1920 1080
*** clip_and_project_edge failed in do_constrained_edge_motion tracing 13269
*** clip_and_project_edge failed in do_constrained_edge_motion tracing 13269
*** clip_and_project_edge failed in do_constrained_edge_motion tracing 13269
*** clip_and_project_edge failed in do_constrained_edge_motion tracing 13269
*** clip_and_project_edge failed in do_constrained_edge_motion tracing 13269
*** clip_and_project_edge failed in do_constrained_edge_motion tracing 13269
*** clip_and_project_edge failed in do_constrained_edge_motion tracing 13269
*** clip_and_project_edge failed in do_constrained_edge_motion tracing 13269
*** clip_and_project_edge failed in do_constrained_edge_motion tracing 13269
*** clip_and_project_edge failed in do_constrained_edge_motion tracing 13269
Other shortcut.
Other shortcut.
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246050_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249398_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246052_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246050_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249398_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246052_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246050_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249398_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246050_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249398_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246052_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246050_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249398_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246052_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246050_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249398_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246052_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246050_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249398_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246052_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246050_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249398_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246052_00'
error : The D3D11 device in use has been removed. Reason: HUNG
D3D11: Created D3D11 device with feature level 11.0
win32_create_window(in_windowed_mode = false)
GetClientRect: 0 0 - 1920 1080
D3D11: Dedicated Video Memory = 4170064.00 MB
D3D11: Dedicated System Memory = 0.00 MB
D3D11: Shared System Memory = 3932160.00 MB
D3D11: concurrent_resource_creation = true
D3D11: max_texture_size = 16384
D3D11: max_texture_buffer_size = 16384
validated foam buffer settings: buffer 1 (w/2.0, h/2.0), decals 1, blur quality 2
validated foam buffer settings: buffer 1 (w/2.0, h/2.0), decals 1, blur quality 2
Allocated 512 KB for translucent vertex buffer.
Allocated 128 KB for translucent index buffer.
CPU clock frequency: 3.800 GHz
GPU clock frequency: 0.027 GHz
save/shadow_map_8192 : error : texture asset failed to load.
Load common assets (package):
479.02 ms elapsed
Load shared assets (package):
96.93 ms elapsed
Warm up streaming data:
0.06 ms elapsed
Naysayer  [desarrollador] 30 ENE 2016 a las 5:07 p. m. 
The R9 crashing is a known problem; those are driver bugs that we are talking to AMD in order to try and work around. (It could be that we could turn off a shader feature, or something, and it would be stable. We don't know yet).

The GeForce should be stable though. One question is whether your drivers are updated (you can run GeForce Experience and do a driver check). Another is whether you have a good enough power supply for your GPU!
Part Farticles 30 ENE 2016 a las 7:40 p. m. 
Yeah, I wish I would have known how many issues there are with the R9 cards before buying one. Chalk it up to bad research on my part. I'll check driver updates, and I'm sure my PSU is adequate.

On a separate note, I really appreciate that as a developer, you are so active with patching and making sure questions get answered on the forums. I really wish that more devs took their product as seriously as you take yours. Thanks a bunch!
RRR0YYY 31 ENE 2016 a las 1:17 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por TheWombInvader:
Yeah, I wish I would have known how many issues there are with the R9 cards before buying one. Chalk it up to bad research on my part. I'll check driver updates, and I'm sure my PSU is adequate.

On a separate note, I really appreciate that as a developer, you are so active with patching and making sure questions get answered on the forums. I really wish that more devs took their product as seriously as you take yours. Thanks a bunch!

Sorry, but just have to say that you shouldn't blame yourself. I, too, am running an R9 card (a 380) and I am a 100% sure that I extensively researched which card to buy. And nowhere did I come across anything that indicated that these cards have issues. I have read reviews, watched comparison videos and perused many a forum post and the only "issue" I've seen mentioned about this card is that it's a power hog.

So no, don't blame yourself. Blame AMD for releasing a shoddy product and/or drivers.
King Dan 31 ENE 2016 a las 3:54 a. m. 
Well I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up on black friday, thanks AMD. I want to buy and play this game, but I'm rocking an R9 also.
ShadowTheAge 31 ENE 2016 a las 4:35 a. m. 
Yeah, I've got an R9 too and I also experience crashes. Firstly it didn't fit in my PC hull and then this...
Última edición por ShadowTheAge; 31 ENE 2016 a las 4:36 a. m.
PerfectLife 31 ENE 2016 a las 5:37 a. m. 
Crashes a lot on my 980, and it crashes really hard too, sometimes bad enough to require a restart. Once was just walking around, and the second time was after finishing a puzzle. Not sure what's going on.
Snobby Hobo 31 ENE 2016 a las 6:16 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por PerfectLife:
Crashes a lot on my 980, and it crashes really hard too, sometimes bad enough to require a restart. Once was just walking around, and the second time was after finishing a puzzle. Not sure what's going on.
Does it happen to be the 980TI? I've not yet heard anyone idiotic enough to buy it, but I'd love to know about the performances on that 6G monster
PerfectLife 31 ENE 2016 a las 2:22 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Skeleton elite force:
Publicado originalmente por PerfectLife:
Crashes a lot on my 980, and it crashes really hard too, sometimes bad enough to require a restart. Once was just walking around, and the second time was after finishing a puzzle. Not sure what's going on.
Does it happen to be the 980TI? I've not yet heard anyone idiotic enough to buy it, but I'd love to know about the performances on that 6G monster

It's a 980, runs every other game just fine at 1440p 60fps.... this is the only game I'm getting crashing on. And it's not just crashing, it's "reboot pc because nothing works anymore" crashing. Meh. Game is probably punitively shutting me down because I cheat for every puzzle. :P
fafoofee 6 FEB 2016 a las 3:34 p. m. 
Crashes for me in the desert every time. Here is my log file:

The Witness - x64 - D3D11 - Final
Version 0.950M
Built 2016/01/23 14:35:20 from 131468
Init app:
Init core:
Init asset loader:
Using unbundled processed asset list
47.58 ms elapsed
52.64 ms elapsed
Init render:
OS: PlatformId 2, Version 6.1, Build 7601
D3D11: Found 1 adapter outputs.
D3D11: SDK version 7
D3D11: Adapter = 'ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series '
D3D11: Output device = '\\.\DISPLAY1'
D3D11: VendorId = 0x1002 (AMD)
D3D11: DeviceId = 0x954F
D3D11: Dedicated Video Memory = 513004.00 MB
D3D11: Dedicated System Memory = 0.00 MB
D3D11: Shared System Memory = 3931738.00 MB
Render_Profile: profile_to_set is 1
Render_Profile: profile_actually_set is 1
WIN: Refresh rate = 60.00 Hz (0.02 s)
D3D11: Created D3D11 device with feature level 10.1
win32_create_window(in_windowed_mode = true)
D3D11: hwnd is 0006044c
D3D11: concurrent_resource_creation = false
D3D11: max_texture_size = 16384
D3D11: max_texture_buffer_size = 16384
Render extents = 1280 x 720
2.77 s elapsed
Minimal initialization:
Set up shaders:
cache file operations (shaders):
6.49 ms elapsed
Set up shader flags:
1.18 s elapsed
1.19 s elapsed
1.19 s elapsed
Init catalogs:
13.88 ms elapsed
Load global assets:
226.14 ms elapsed
Init shared resources:
Allocated 512 KB for translucent vertex buffer.
Allocated 128 KB for translucent index buffer.
Loading footsteps.
12.79 ms elapsed
Init game:
CPU clock frequency: 2.328 GHz
GPU clock frequency: 0.027 GHz
Sound Caps:
dwTotalHwMemBytes: 0
dwFreeHwMemBytes: 0
dwPlayCpuOverheadSwBuffers: 0
DSBCAPS for primary buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: NO
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
DSBCAPS for fill buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: YES
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
validated foam buffer settings: buffer 1 (w/3.0, h/3.0), decals 1, blur quality 2
Load asset dependencies:
91.00 ms elapsed
Load common assets (package):
793.01 ms elapsed
Load shared assets (package):
1.78 s elapsed
Init level:
Loading processed entities.
89.62 ms elapsed
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249756_00'
Process queries
62.36 ms elapsed
Loaded 48716 entities.
- 248 cluster entities.
Load campaign:
Process queries
0.11 ms elapsed
23.41 ms elapsed
world bounding box (-389.959, -372.600, -225.943) to (365.146, 352.906, 549.984)
Streaming entities:
248 clusters
7540 unclustered entities
1122 dynamic
33.43 ms elapsed
691.90 ms elapsed
Warm up streaming data:
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_951_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_211185_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_211186_00'
3.18 s elapsed
6.74 s elapsed
11.03 s elapsed
error : Duplicate bundled asset 'save_58378_0.pkg_asset_list.raw' in 'save_58378_0.pkg' (was also in 'save_58378_0.pkg')
error : Duplicate bundled asset 'save_164563_00.lightmap' in 'save_58378_0.pkg' (was also in 'save_58378_0.pkg')
error : Duplicate bundled asset 'save_50409_00.lightmap' in 'save_58378_0.pkg' (was also in 'save_58378_0.pkg')
error : Duplicate bundled asset 'save_181122-probe.texture' in 'save_58378_0.pkg' (was also in 'save_58378_0.pkg')
error : Duplicate bundled asset 'save_164559_00.lightmap' in 'save_58378_0.pkg' (was also in 'save_58378_0.pkg')
error : Duplicate bundled asset 'save_164560_00.lightmap' in 'save_58378_0.pkg' (was also in 'save_58378_0.pkg')
error : Duplicate bundled asset 'save_184004_00.lightmap' in 'save_58378_0.pkg' (was also in 'save_58378_0.pkg')
error : Duplicate bundled asset 'save_184004.grass' in 'save_58378_0.pkg' (was also in 'save_58378_0.pkg')
error : Duplicate bundled asset 'save_165942_00.lightmap' in 'save_58378_0.pkg' (was also in 'save_58378_0.pkg')
error : Duplicate bundled asset 'save_166003_00.lightmap' in 'save_58378_0.pkg' (was also in 'save_58378_0.pkg')
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_160582_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_185047_00'
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Mostrando 1-15 de 20 comentarios
Por página: 1530 50

Publicado el: 30 ENE 2016 a las 12:49 p. m.
Mensajes: 20