Cortex Command

Cortex Command

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Dave33 2013년 4월 13일 오전 6시 42분
is it good? Should I buy?
Hi I had only a blast of the game for 1 min of tutorial phase at a friends and the game seems like it had potential.

So is the game fun? Im toying between buying this and Kenshi?

Ive seen the metacritic score and comming even from a critical perspective it seems a tad harsh from the little ive seen but if its bad whats bad about it? If its good whats good about it ?

I actually im looking for something with mining and resource gathering remotely like terraria and able to build structures / tunnels and fight maybe? Any thoughts on this game would be greatly appreciated , also has the game been updated recently?


From what Im reading one of the older builds had a full campaign story mode? Is it possible to get a hold of the older builds once I buy on steam? Anything anyone can tell me about the best build, the bests mods to make the game great would be greatly appreciated :)

Thanks as depending on the feedback here will depend on whether I am going to buy :)
Dave33 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 4월 13일 오전 7시 04분
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Phelsarus'Beel 2013년 4월 13일 오전 7시 06분 
Well if you want a terraria like game this is not realy the game you are looking fore since its more an RTS than a terraria like game. You have ressource gathering yes but its only gold and you need to to buy troops (obviously).

To the metacritic scroe well thats a thing in its own rights since this game is kinda curious when it comes to bugs and glitches some people have a big amount of those while others expierence no gltiches at all and so some people gave it destructive scores and others gave it pretty good ones (also there was a big comment war shortly after the launch and thus some guys that have a hate agianst data and so gave CC a bad score)

To your question about an update well first you should know that this is a 1 man project and the progress is kinda slow (but there are still updates) and so you might have to wait a couple of months till a new update (but there will be a new update in the near future that gives us Steam Workshop for mods)

Building is also a different thing since you dont build while in action imagine it a bit like total war or something like this while you can build bunkers yourself you will do this in a different game mode (in the campain there is a phase for building and one for attacking i hope you understand what i mean)

But when im already talking about this game you should know that it has a lot of mods to change every single nook and cranny in it (i don't know how easy it is to mod this game but from what i have read its pretty simple) and thus mods are more your bread n butter then the vanilla game.

So i would say if your looking for something like terraria this is not your game but if you want a good and so far pretty unique RTS game Cortex Command might be up your alley. The best thing i could say is that you should try it a bit longer on the PC of your friend and look if you might dig into the game otherwise i cant realy say much more
Dave33 2013년 4월 13일 오전 7시 20분 
Thanks very much for you reply, so its sorta like a base building kinda phase where you buy in your units etc and then they get a turn to attack and i assume the battle is in realtime, if it is this may appeal to me this game, is the campaign good and does it help you get better at the game?
Phelsarus'Beel 2013년 4월 13일 오전 9시 06분 
Dave33님이 먼저 게시:
Thanks very much for you reply, so its sorta like a base building kinda phase where you buy in your units etc and then they get a turn to attack and i assume the battle is in realtime, if it is this may appeal to me this game, is the campaign good and does it help you get better at the game?
From the gameplay you got it right you have a buiding phase and an Gamephase while in building phase you buy troops weapons and bunker modules in battlephase you try to protect your commander (a brain in a jar) and try to destroy the enemy commander thats the whole idea. And yes all battle are in realtime so you realy need to have a watch at your brain what sometimes can be a bit messy in the heat of battle. The campain is a bit like in total war you choose your fraction and how long a campain last (means how many brains do you and your oponent get and how many sites show up on the map). The main goal in campain is to conquer all sites or destroy all brains of your enemy for each site you control you gain credits that you then can spend on attacks (your starting funds for the battle) or for your defens (build more bunkers and troops in already conquerd sites). But you also have a scenario mode where you can play small missions that are realy good like bunker breach where you have to conquer an enemy bunker, or dummy assault where you have to fight against an infinite amount of dummy ubits while you have to destroy their brain. So even if you dont want to play campain you have more stuff you can do and again on the official game forums you find even more maps scenarios and stuff even complete factions like the combine from Half Life 2 or The Imperium of Man from Warhammer 40k so you can basicly turn this game into the kind of game you want (of course while having the base mechanics). Also this game has up to 4 player local Coop so if you have some friends you can play together or against each other
Dalk 2013년 4월 13일 오후 12시 00분 
I can assure you that it is completely worth buying.
Dikk Justice 2013년 4월 13일 오후 10시 57분 
You are going to get people who tell you to buy it and people who tell you not to buy it. Read the reviews and discussions and make up your own mind.

I suggest buying it if you have the money and liked the feeling the game briefly gave you and you'd like to explore the game mechanics some more.

I suggest not buying it if you expect a finished product with any story, campaign, or sense of direction. Plus, it's FULL of bugs.
Tleno 2013년 4월 14일 오전 4시 15분 
Well, biggest issues of this game would be complete unpolishedness and slow pace at certain moments, the best part of game would be how not a single battle is ever the same and use of physics in combat.

Anyways, about the storymode thing.. .well, in earleir builds, there was no turn-based campaing as it has now, but there were several missions aviable that never had an actual storyline between them... anyways, the thing is, all those missions ARE aviable in the current game under category "Scenarios", like First Signs is under "exploration".

About the best mods, I recommend checking out Data Realms fan forums and searching for a suitable moment you'd like yourself. There are literally hundreds of mods with various stuff added, from Portalgun from Portal to entire military factions with their own vehicles and equipment. Just pay attention some mods may be outdated!
sG | Trelvick 2013년 4월 15일 오후 8시 29분 
The game is a 50/50 chance. I for one got all excited for this game and had a big dissapointment as soon as I bought it. I played a bit more and eventually got a bit addicted. It isn't a game for anyone and unless you're interested in a 2-D stradegy defend attack game with simple offering but some interesting physics. I wouldn't recommend this game. Even my friend that got me into buying it said that not many get interested in it. I would recommend though, waiting till it is around half price. $20.00 isn't worth it for this game.
Raptorman 2013년 4월 16일 오전 4시 23분 
this game is very fun, it also it has a lot of cool mods.
[GmG] Zunic 2013년 4월 16일 오전 6시 39분 
Well kenshi and cortex command are both great games, but I would suggest buying cortex command, only due to the fact that kenshi is still in a beggining beta stage, unlike cortex command, which is nearly finished
Llama Tosh 2013년 4월 18일 오전 8시 26분 
;828935672924157565님이 먼저 게시:
Thanks very much for you reply, so its sorta like a base building kinda phase where you buy in your units etc and then they get a turn to attack and i assume the battle is in realtime, if it is this may appeal to me this game, is the campaign good and does it help you get better at the game?
It a wonderful game to mod.
But if your looking for Terraria-like game. Or should i say its spiritual succesor. Look into Starbound.
Onkel Funkel 2013년 4월 22일 오후 12시 12분 
If you like to see things explode violently and adding lots of mods easily, then buy it. there is really no game quite like this.
Dalk 2013년 4월 23일 오후 12시 59분 
robky1님이 먼저 게시:
this game is very fun, it also it has a lot of cool mods.
Also, making your own mods is really really easy, and with mods coming to steam workshop...
A stick 2013년 4월 26일 오후 1시 44분 
No. It is fun for a couple of hours but you get annoyed by how extremely unoptimized the game is; and how VERY, VERY slow the development is. The game is only fun with mods if you get it. Do not forget that you'll also get annoyed at how boring and horrible the AI is.

I regret purchasing this game, even if it was only around a year and a half ago.
Golgari 2013년 4월 29일 오전 4시 41분 
In my opinion its a waste of money and time. I tried the tutorial five times and were killed by one single robot because of I wasn't able to fight with my other two robs.
Then I tried the first mission and died within 30 secs. That was very frustrating.
Tleno 2013년 4월 29일 오전 6시 46분 
Lucianus von Vinsalt님이 먼저 게시:
In my opinion its a waste of money and time. I tried the tutorial five times and were killed by one single robot because of I wasn't able to fight with my other two robs.
Then I tried the first mission and died within 30 secs. That was very frustrating.
Tryed buying better weapons? Also, you can order units where to go or waht to do, like mine for gold or attack enemy brain, while controlling another body.
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게시된 날짜: 2013년 4월 13일 오전 6시 42분
게시글: 15