Batman™: Arkham Origins

Batman™: Arkham Origins

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bladewatch Oct 25, 2013 @ 5:42am
Very disappointed - a poorly executed, sloppy, bug-ridden shadow of Arkham City
Someone should fire their testers. These are the bugs I've encountered in my first few hours:

* Batman grapples up to a ledge then sits and locks - requires game quit to fix
* Grappling up to a grate embeds batman's hands in the vent, then he locks - cannot be fixed, except by restarting from checkpoint, makes it impossible to clear the Burnley comm tower
* Batman descending from batwing cut-scene plays twice and he goes invisible and the controls lock - requires game quit to fix
* Dive kick doesn't work
* Thugs spawn in the middle of solid building architecture
* Silent takedown sometimes fails to work
* Hitting tab to display a newly-unlocked profile brings up the wrong profile (because the mouse pointer is displayed and then the ui immediately switches to the profile under the mouse pointer)
* Hitting tab to display newly-unlocked profile shows the right, but empty profile with developer error messages
* Hitting tab to display newly-unlocked profile shows a mixture of two profiles with the name and image of one individual and the stats for another
* Can not currently get grapple takedown to work
* Sewer fight sees black mask henchman leaping 50 feet into the air when being knocked to the ground

Poor design choices:

* Grappling is inconsistent, identical surfaces don't have consistent grapple rules
* Grappling is far less available than Arkham city, making traversal painful instead of exciting
* Grappling targetting is too tight... however, paradoxically grapple cursor also highlights on grapple points BEHIND you. (Looks like someone's not checking sign)
* Riddler towers require gadgets but no easy way to determine which - requires multiple backtracking just to check
* Thug density and aggressiveness often turns combat into a "wait and counter" game
* Moving around the map is done with keyboard controls (!!) - lining things up is positively painful. We have a mouse, why can't we use it?

Oh, and the guy playing the riddler is phoning it in. His performance is an awful, lazy piece of work from an artist who just doesn't care. That's crystal clear in his performance.

Do we have any word on a patch? This release is a ♥♥♥♥ing beta. And there is no way it's as good as Arkham City - especially with such poor quality control.


* Camera/gliding bug which has batman diving through the air like a dolphin. Slows traversal to a crawl but he doesn't fall either.
Last edited by bladewatch; Oct 25, 2013 @ 5:10pm
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Showing 1-15 of 139 comments
no3y3h4nd Oct 25, 2013 @ 5:46am 
lols. k.
Magnus Blix Oct 25, 2013 @ 5:47am 
"Thug density and aggressiveness often turns combat into a 'wait and counter' game"

This just made me stop playing. I can't do anything in combat except counter. It sucks.
Last edited by Magnus Blix; Oct 25, 2013 @ 5:47am
LuMooo Oct 25, 2013 @ 5:49am 
u do realise they are still working out the kinks,
like always a game is being dumped on the market to make money out of as fasts as possible
being the game not finished is out of the question they need money
have u ever experienced Magicka when it first came out ?
hell 2 weeks in they had 22 patch updates because it was so bad

this is normal for any game these days just post about it and leave it until patches are out

* Dive kick doesn't work
works fine u just arent looking down properly when hitting the buttons
Last edited by LuMooo; Oct 25, 2013 @ 5:50am
EbonHawk Oct 25, 2013 @ 5:52am 
I've had the "TAB to access recently unlocked profile brings up the wrong one" several times so far. Every time I've hit TAB to access a new profile it hasn't gone to the right one.

Can't WAIT to hit any of the other ones. Going on a 4-day vacation -- maybe a lot of these issues will be ironed out before my return. Judging by past experience with Batman titles by WB, I'm not betting on it.
Dsc Oct 25, 2013 @ 5:53am 
Originally posted by LuMooo:
this is normal for any game these days just post about it and leave it until patches are out

I find that fact pretty sad actually.
Tay-Dor Oct 25, 2013 @ 5:59am 
Aside from the newly unlocked profile glitch, my 4 hours of experience so far hasn't seen any of the other bugs mentioned.
Charade Oct 25, 2013 @ 6:04am 
"Grappling is far less available than Arkham city, making traversal painful instead of exciting"

only one i agree with. not getting anything else you said
Dax__B Oct 25, 2013 @ 6:06am 
Originally posted by bladewatch:

Oh, and the guy playing the riddler is phoning it in. His performance is an awful, lazy piece of work from an artist who just doesn't care. That's crystal clear in his performance.

I haven't really got that far in the game, but thought I'd check up on youtube to hear his performance and you're right! So much so I thought why didn't they hire the same guy from Asylum/City? I thought maybe it was down to budget.

Turns out it is the same guy!!
EbonHawk Oct 25, 2013 @ 6:50am 
Originally posted by OnMaLap:
Originally posted by bladewatch:

Oh, and the guy playing the riddler is phoning it in. His performance is an awful, lazy piece of work from an artist who just doesn't care. That's crystal clear in his performance.

I haven't really got that far in the game, but thought I'd check up on youtube to hear his performance and you're right! So much so I thought why didn't they hire the same guy from Asylum/City? I thought maybe it was down to budget.

Turns out it is the same guy!!
That's sad, then. Maybe they were trying to show his "newbie" self, seeing as it's a prequel....?
nobrien Oct 25, 2013 @ 7:34am 
I have had a few issiues that would be classed as bugs and yes the lack of follow on in grappling is very lame, got to the point im just running along the road.

Havent had any issiues with the enemys group size or anything, but dont forget to use your other skills, most of the gadgets have a quick fire that can really help get through large groups.

Although ill admit i have forgotten about useing them too lol, shield and blades guys are pita for me so i drop them quick the rest is just fodder.

in the GCPD i accidently alerted the swat teams in the briefing room because i keep forgetting to just hold the silent take down key and not to do the slam or near by ppl are put on guard and i had to fight them all. got 15k xp from the one fight haha.

Ozimandeus Oct 25, 2013 @ 7:37am 
Originally posted by Dsc:
Originally posted by LuMooo:
this is normal for any game these days just post about it and leave it until patches are out

I find that fact pretty sad actually.

Clearly you have never worked in Software Development!!
blue_pill Oct 25, 2013 @ 7:39am 
agree with OP 100%
Arya Oct 25, 2013 @ 7:39am 
I'm stuck in the wonderland dream, camera wont allow me to lock on battarang to hit lanterns, anyone else having this issue?
.303 Bookworm (D) Oct 25, 2013 @ 7:41am 
And i'm stuck clipping underneath the level.
With no backup saves (thank you stupid console lack of quicksaves :( )
ANDY Oct 25, 2013 @ 7:46am 
It's sad to see PC games be so buggy on day-one these days.
Guess that's the price to pay to have simultanious releases on both PC and consoles instead of taking the time to properly test the game in different PC environments.

Game's quite fun though, while lacking in innovations.
Last edited by ANDY; Oct 25, 2013 @ 7:47am
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Date Posted: Oct 25, 2013 @ 5:42am
Posts: 139