Seriously, what?

I've been fiddling with the demo for a little bit now, getting acquainted with the game and while it isn't bad, I have to ask, whose moronic idea was it to include ammunition?! Aside from standing around your base all day long, how in the name of flip are you meant to be able to launch a long-term large scale assault? Even the ammo that drops from enemies isn't enough to support your troops out in the field and when you're nearing victory over your opponent and run out of ammo, what then? You can't wait for them to spawn more guys so you can kill them to get ammo cos you can't even kill them TO get the ammo. Am I meant to trek an entire amry back across the map to get everyone extra clips so they can finish shooting up the enemy base? WTF?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated because if this is how I'm expected to play the game then I don't see it being worth my money.
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RoguePylon 13 maja 2013 o 3:27 
Apart from drops, you can get ammo from Energy Generators that you've captured. So, you don't have to trek all the way back to your base, but you do need to retreat somewhat to replenish your ammo stocks.
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