ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition

ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition

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game stuttering?
I saw another thread about this but no one answered so here I am. I noticed that after you get a little into the game it just starts to stutter like crazy. The audio and everything else is fine but it just stutters. any reason we know?
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I get this as well, The stuttering usually appear about 20 minutes into a match
Usually when startting a new turn
ya it does that because its auto managing everything the AI are doing. Especially later in game when the AI have an empire
We're working on AI optimisations (at the beginning on a turn). Currently testing it on our dev build, but we need to make sure that the results are convincing.
Is it to do with graphics settings at all then? I run at full but turning down didn't seem to make much if any difference.
Seems that It's not based on graphics.
It's basicly moving all the AI ships after the turn has been done (and not during the End Turn phase). This leads to quicker turns (after End Turn) and less wait times... but at the same time to said stuttering at the start of a new turn.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 1.7.2013 klo 13.48
Viestejä: 6