ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition

ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition

Endless Space - Emperor Special Edition. Where are the new ships?(RU)
Как активировать новый камуфляж для кораблей? Герой есть, а корабли такие же как и в обычной версии ..

(In addition to the new character, there is nothing
How to get other ships?
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Скин на корабли добавляется для фракции Sheredyn.
All you get is Sheredyn (same features as United Empire) and a new hero (which is necessary for some achievements). The rest isn't that important.

In my opinion, don't bother with it unless you're a huge fan.
Thank you for the answer!

Legutóbb szerkesztette: ASISS; 2013. jan. 15., 14:21
For more information, please check the FAQ[www.amplitude-studios.com] on our website. :)
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. jan. 13., 4:38
Hozzászólások: 5