ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition

ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition

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What do you think of the Endless Space Soundtrack?
I think it is one of the best video game musics that I have heard. This is up there with Homeworld on music quality. I would like to know what you think of the ES soundtrack.
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It's really calm and soothing and I enjoy it. I also enjoy the Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion soundtrack. Currently, these two are by far my favorite.
Here's the artist's Bandcamp page[gameaudiofactory.bandcamp.com]. :)
I like the soundtrack too; but I really wish there was more music during the battles.
It seems like every battle is the same track over and over, and so gets pretty repetitive.
Vincent lähetti viestin:
I like the soundtrack too; but I really wish there was more music during the battles.
It seems like every battle is the same track over and over, and so gets pretty repetitive.

I agree. Maybe each race could have their own theme music during gameplay? I don't know. :D
Well since I mostly play as United Empire, I'm not sure that would help much. Unless the music also changed based on who you're fighting?
It just seems a little out of place that there's a decent variety of music everywhere else except the battles.
Love it, especially the new tracks that were introduced in the latest expansion. Very relaxing.
Nice, good for doing work :D
Really love the soundtrack, just wish for a greater variety of tracks.
Maybe in the endless future? ;)
As far as I know, Amplitude is continuously working on exapnsions and improvments for the game. I find it quite likely they'll eventually add a few more tracks.
Nice! I can't wait to hear them.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 3.4.2013 klo 22.49
Viestejä: 10