Sacred Citadel

Sacred Citadel

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Sacred Citadel Q&A, ask away!
Seems like not everybody got the memo that Sacred 3 and Sacred Citadel are two separate games. One is a sequel to Sacred 2 still in development, the other is a side-scrolling beat 'em up/brawler set in the same world, but developed completely separately by another studio.

Why make a game set in the same universe but not with the same gameplay? Because the world needs more awesome co-op beat 'em ups and especially ones that make it to Steam instead of just XBLA and PSN.

Sacred Citadel has local and online co-op; local offline co-op supports one keyboard and up to 3 controllers.

If you have any questions about Sacred Citadel, classes, attacks, combat system, etc. Fire away in this thread!

Edit: Best to centralize any issues in this bug/error thread, so that our QA and the devs can have a single place to look at:
Last edited by Professor Pew; Apr 21, 2013 @ 12:42pm
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Showing 1-15 of 67 comments
FadedHistory Apr 7, 2013 @ 5:43pm 
How much replayability can players expect? Will there be extra modes besides the main campaign?
Voidfox Apr 7, 2013 @ 9:59pm 
I don't know much about this game, is it like a side-scrolling Diablo-style game? Hunting for the best loot? Rares, legendaries, etc?

Are levels random? Always the same? Different difficulties awarding better loot?

Or is this just simply a beat-em-up side-scroller?

Wyzau Apr 8, 2013 @ 5:50am 
- are there any rpg elements? (can i upgrade skills?) anything similar to castle crashers?
Last edited by Wyzau; Apr 8, 2013 @ 5:54am
Professor Pew Apr 8, 2013 @ 9:41am 
Originally posted by STRONGBREW:
As for my first question: Can I play with a friend locally and then have an online buddy join our game?

Online and offline (local) modes are completely separate as far as I know.

Originally posted by STRONGBREW:
And question number 2: Are there level ups and persistent characters? For example: if I level up a character class to level 5 will he/she be level 5 when I play him in another game. Also do gear/items carry over in the same fashion?

Yep. You can play solo up to level 5, then take that character online if you want.

Originally posted by STRONGBREW:
And finally question numero tres: Do gear or items you find and equip change the appearance of your character at all?

There are 3 tiers of gear (other than elemental visualization for weapons). Each tier of armor for instance will have a different appearance for your character, but within each tier you can find different armors with different stats and elemental modifiers.

Originally posted by E-Dub:
How much replayability can players expect? Will there be extra modes besides the main campaign?

You have 4 different class characters that all have their own skillsets for different styles of play, and different unique weapons they can wield. Beyond that, you can assign stat points when leveling up to create your own type of character within each class.

Each of the 4 areas have a town where you can stash, buy, and equip weapons and armor. But there is also an NPC who offers challenges to beat a level within a set time, without dying, or with as high as score as possible. In exchange for rewards, of course :)

Originally posted by Voidfox:
I don't know much about this game, is it like a side-scrolling Diablo-style game? Hunting for the best loot? Rares, legendaries, etc?

Are levels random? Always the same? Different difficulties awarding better loot?

Or is this just simply a beat-em-up side-scroller?


This is not Sacred 3, but a side-scroller with some RPG elements like leveling, finding increasingly better loot, etc. Levels are not randomized like Diablo. Better loot to find as you progress? Of course!

Originally posted by Wyzau:
- are there any rpg elements? (can i upgrade skills?) anything similar to castle crashers?

You only level up your characters in melee attack power, critical chance and ranged attack (Dexterity), defense/HP, Power. That last one increases magical attacks, and the speed at which your special Power bar fills up. This Power bar has 3 segments and depending on how much you've filled it up, you deal more advanced Power attacks.

Other than that, it is mainly finding and equipping new loot. Weapons and armor have elemental stats too, which heavily come into play for the Shaman and Mage classes. The elements define your type of special attack.
Voidfox Apr 8, 2013 @ 10:04am 
Thanks for answering these questions! I think you just helped my gf and I in the decision to purchase this game. :)

I do have another question, is there an easy way to play with randoms? Matchmaking? Or is it invite only through a friends list?

Do enemies drop loot or is loot rewarded after each section/level, etc.?

Thanks again!
Last edited by Voidfox; Apr 8, 2013 @ 10:07am
Professor Pew Apr 8, 2013 @ 10:26am 
Originally posted by Voidfox:
Thanks for answering these questions! I think you just helped my gf and I in the decision to purchase this game. :)

I do have another question, is there an easy way to play with randoms? Matchmaking? Or is it invite only through a friends list?

Do enemies drop loot or is loot rewarded after each section/level, etc.?

Thanks again!

Happy to answer questions! Sometimes there may be a bit of a delay due to boring meetings and trying to find the person who knows the answer (if it's a very specific question). Bear with me :)

There should be a matchmaking system, yeah! I'd be really surprised if that isn't in the PC version.

Enemies can drop loot randomly. After a level, you can assign stat points to your character depending on the levels you've gained in that level. And there are scorecards at the end of each level, in case you want to brag to your co-op player ;)
Voidfox Apr 8, 2013 @ 10:37am 
Originally posted by Professor Pew:
There should be a matchmaking system, yeah! I'd be really surprised if that isn't in the PC version.

Is this something you could confirm? I too would be surprised if no matchmaking existed in the PC version.

Thanks again, this is pretty much a must purchase for us now!
Moskibear Apr 8, 2013 @ 2:05pm 
To be honest, I wasn't even aware that this was part of the actual "Sacred" franchise, thought the title was simply "Sacred Citadel" ! Haha, well, kind of intrueging to hear this, as I am also looking forward to Sacred 3.
Gamerblue Apr 12, 2013 @ 2:27pm 
Originally posted by Professor Pew:
Why make a game set in the same universe but not with the same gameplay? Because the world needs more awesome co-op beat 'em ups and especially ones that make it to Steam instead of just XBLA and PSN.

You are my new hero!
DaMan Apr 12, 2013 @ 8:03pm 
any previous experience with the series needed to play this?
i read that this game would act as a prequel to sacred 3
Professor Pew Apr 13, 2013 @ 5:06am 
Originally posted by Dr. DaMan (ღ˘⌣˘ღ):
any previous experience with the series needed to play this?
i read that this game would act as a prequel to sacred 3

Not really. There will be some things that old Sacred fans will recognize but you won't miss out on anything story related if you didn't play the older games. Sacred Citadel takes place around 800 years after Sacred 1 (Sacred 2 was a prequel to 1).
OldSnake Apr 13, 2013 @ 10:40am 
I recently bought the game but it does not appear in my game library - is that a bug or normal ?
Professor Pew Apr 13, 2013 @ 10:42am 
Originally posted by OldSnake:
I recently bought the game but it does not appear in my game library - is that a bug or normal ?

Some people have been having trouble with pre-purchased games appearing in their Library lately. Try restarting Steam, or signing out and signing in again. The game should appear in your Library at launch either way, but contact Steam Support if it doesn't list correctly.
Eternal Darkness Apr 13, 2013 @ 1:46pm 
This is such a neglected genre that I can't thank you enough for this game! I have the same excitement that I had when I was in the arcades with my friends getting ready for a TMNT 4 player coop... I hope it's lengthy and satisfying! Question is will there be any DLC levels or extra characters in the future granted it's successful?
GamesOnTheBrain Apr 13, 2013 @ 6:46pm 
Does this game support online co-op or not? The Steam description only says local co-op, but others seem to suggest it has online co-op too.
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Date Posted: Apr 6, 2013 @ 6:52am
Posts: 67