Football Manager 2013

Football Manager 2013

Online Game
Hello to you all

I'm looking to host a FM game. This will not be a hardcore game (i.e. every day/night). I aim to run this at least 2 nights a week (19:00 to 22:00). The days will be depentant of the players requests.

To make things easy it would be desireable to use Skype to type. Not into using mirophones but if you want then why not.

The aim is to have a long running network game that is fun and sociable. I hope this will grow and become a solid group of players. I'm not looking to have lots and lots of rules, but as time passes further details will be announced.

I just want to get a feel of who is interested. Please only comment if you can play long term.

Any questions please ask :)
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1-15 / 28 のコメントを表示
bacon 2013年6月19日 12時23分 
im interested , im always playing after work
Artis 2013年6月19日 12時34分 
Cool bacon - I'm undecided between original league or a euro super league. Whats your thoughts?
Scouse 2013年6月19日 19時35分 
im in let me know
Blane 2013年6月20日 7時34分 
I'm in, never done a network game before though.
im in if you want :) let me add for frend if you want
Artis 2013年6月20日 9時58分 
Thanks for the interest guys. There will be a game starting very soon. I think either tomorrow evening, Saturday 12ish, or Monday Evening.

When can you all start?

I have another post on fm base. With an Poll for league to use. Could you all post on there? If not leave some feedback here. Click link to go to FM Base.

Cheers guys

IM IN. Can u add me gary?
Addave 2013年6月20日 10時02分 
Never mind i just friend requested you gary, subsribed to this discussion and answered the poll. I can start today, tomorrow or monday fine. and i like the idea of two nights a week too. Perfect
Scouse 2013年6月20日 11時05分 
monday is good or what time friday
Artis 2013年6月20日 14時34分 
Time depends on the majority of players. I'd rather start the game when most people can. Not looking to rush the start. This is about maintaining a good game :)
Artis 2013年6月20日 14時36分 
I've started a chat group so will be sending out invites. Anyone that hasn't recieved it all ready message me
hey add me im intrested in doing this online :)
Artis 2013年6月21日 9時17分 
Add me fella. Going to be starting tonight at around 8ish. Bottom half teams of Prem will be given out on a seed type basis. i.e. you pick a number from 1-10 thats allocated to a team.
Artis 2013年6月21日 11時47分 Now the place to go for further information. Thanks for all the interest
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1-15 / 28 のコメントを表示
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投稿日: 2013年6月19日 12時06分
投稿数: 28