Call of Juarez Gunslinger

Call of Juarez Gunslinger

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Microstuttering workaround
I love reading the forums when there's a clear problem with the game engine of a game, because there are always people in complete denial of the issue, regardless of the game or the developer. In this case, it's the input microstuttering caused by using a mouse and keyboard. There's a clear contrast between the experience when a M&KB are used as opposed to a controller, but yet there are still the ignorant individuals that claim "I don't have the microstuttering." Sure, when you play the game at 120 fps+, the microstuttering is less evident, but it is still there. Fortunately, there is a workaround.

The issue is caused by the speed of "repeat" key strokes on your keyboard. For a quick fix, you must DISABLE repeat keystrokes while in the game.

Enter the Ease of access center (this can be accessed through Accessories after clicking Start), then click 'Make the Keyboard Easier to use'

Click 'Set Filter Keys'.
Click 'Set up Filter Keys'.

Click 'Turn on Repeat Keys and Slow Keys',and then on 'Set up Repeat Keys and Slow Keys'. Select the option to ignore all repeated keystrokes, and reduce the time option at the top to 0.0 seconds.

Go back.

Ensure that 'Turn on Filter Keys' is ticked at the top and apply. The game now runs smoothly. When you're done, untick the box and apply.

Do this while you run the game, and you will run it smoothly with no microstuttering. Be sure to untick the box to allow repeat strokes when you are done playing.

To those who recognize this clear problem, you're welcome. To those who denied it, you can shutup now. To those who still deny it, well, there's nothing to say to people like you.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on MadMatt; 22.5.2013 klo 18.56
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I feel sorry for people who make games.... the ♥♥♥♥ is so unnoticeable (on my end anyway) yet everyone cries about it.
Excellent, excellent explanation of this workaround, ThARz. I don't know if it works, because I have not purchased the game yet, but I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this and help others.
BigCountryBL lähetti viestin:
I feel sorry for people who make games.... the ♥♥♥♥ is so unnoticeable (on my end anyway) yet everyone cries about it.

It's actually unplayable here, heavy stuttering with mouse + keyboard, perfectly smooth with controller (in both situations I have over 100 fps). I know there is an workaround, but they should really fix this.. (since it's dated since Dead Island)
It does help out a lot, but it seems like there's still some stuttering in the mouse movement compared to looking with the controller. Does anyone else notice this?
MultiVaC lähetti viestin:
It does help out a lot, but it seems like there's still some stuttering in the mouse movement compared to looking with the controller. Does anyone else notice this?

No. This workaround completely eliminates the microstutter caused by the input. You have a separate issue going on.
Jake 22.5.2013 klo 20.35 
I managed to have a pretty damn smooth experience earlier after I'd made some tweaks/changes. I'm going to list everything I did. Not sure if all of these are needed, but I'm just going to post what I found to work for me:

1. Do the Filter Keys thing that's detailed in the OP

2. In Control Panel, got to Keyboard, under the Speed tab, move the Repeat Delay and Repeat rate sliders all the way to the left

3. In Nvidia Control Panel, go to Manage 3D settings, add cojgunslinger.exe as a program, change Vertical sync to Adaptive, Triple buffering to On, Threaded Optimisation to On, Power management mode to Prefer Maximum Performance, Maximum pre-rendered frames to 4

4. Load up the game, disable V-Sync, set to Windowed mode (still looked like Full Screen for me), and I alt-tabbed out and back in again once.

As I said, I'm not sure if all of these things I've listed are necessary but I'm sharing exactly everything I tried and what worked for me.

Hope it helps for you guys too.
I haven't had ANY problems with the game. Sorry?
It all works perfectly for me. No stutter or anything.
rad87gn lähetti viestin:
It all works perfectly for me. No stutter or anything.
Shhhhhhhhh there's nothing to say to people like us... it's all in our head
Definite stuttering... I can't be bothered doing the OP suggestion. Please fix Techland!
HD 6950 here and i RARELY have micro stutter ingame... But really nothing to ♥♥♥♥♥ about infact this game is optimized as hell.. And looks pretty stunning in many areas :)
Viimeisin muokkaaja on ReefCat; 23.5.2013 klo 0.42
Jimpa 25.5.2013 klo 14.25 
JD_Method lähetti viestin:
I managed to have a pretty damn smooth experience earlier after I'd made some tweaks/changes. I'm going to list everything I did. Not sure if all of these are needed, but I'm just going to post what I found to work for me:

Thanks alot! I had about 20 fps in this game, but these settings put the number up to a constant 60 fps. Not even sure if I had the same problem initially :) (GTX 680M)
Thanx ThARz.. Never seen this Windows option before :D
And gg for the tip again, it's nice to have such explanations..
< >
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 22.5.2013 klo 18.50
Viestejä: 13