Shutdown Error (after update from 19 December 12)
After installing the update from 19 December 2012, my game crashes every time I start a level.

Error Message lähetti viestin:

Whoops, sorry about this! Waveform detected some fatal data corruption. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the game through the Steam client. If that doesn't work, please post on the Steam community forums for Waveform and we'll do our best to fix this for you. Thanks so much for your patience and support of Waveform!

I reinstalled it, but the game crashes.

Please help!
Viimeisin muokkaaja on roby7338; 20.12.2012 klo 10.16
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nikeb 21.12.2012 klo 15.50 
might be a problem with lightning i have found in the Forum here. I have same problem but because of changing to german language. It doesnt show the word german only blank and english. So there is some bug after the last update which included new german language.
i changed language to english and now it works fine. Thanks! :)
Viimeisin muokkaaja on roby7338; 23.12.2012 klo 2.39
nikeb 22.12.2012 klo 6.07 
...thats not the truth or is it? I want it in german an it crashes. Mhhh might be a problem that i havent the Eris DLC. I scroll down on the localization.bin and find 2 Eris translations. So it will not crash if i have it. Have you Eris DLC?
nikeb 22.12.2012 klo 8.56 
Now i have DLC but it crashes if i change language from english to "blank"(german). Try to reinstall and Beta-Version but does not help.
i changed it to english, sorry, but:

i also have eris dlc and in german it crashes
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