Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

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Mastertesla Dec 23, 2012 @ 9:12am
Crashes after every mission (unhandled exception caught)
Black Ops 2 keeps crashing after every mission - when I see those airplanes, birds or whatever they are flying the game crashes and says "unhandled exception caught"!
Same happens when I try to take a look at my career stats...
This game seems to be very buggy, especially for a shooter - totally worth 60€...
Any solutions for this?!

This issue is most likely caused by the career record which appears after every mission...

More than 60 (or less) friends will make the leaderbord crash!
Solution? Delete some friends or wait for...ever!?
Last edited by Mastertesla; Jan 7, 2013 @ 1:44am
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Showing 1-15 of 114 comments
Godspark Dec 23, 2012 @ 11:59am 
Exactly the same problem here.
It occurs after every mission (but not the first ones, i think. I have not played through the whole game).
And it also occurs whenever trying to check "Career Record".
My computer "Can run it (did test)", has already verified GCF and re-installed the game.
I also have the latest AMD drivers (for 4870 HD CF)

I don't think this problem occurred before, that is, right after launch. At least the Career Record crashes did not occur before.
Last edited by Godspark; Dec 23, 2012 @ 12:08pm
Mastertesla Dec 23, 2012 @ 2:48pm 
"Career Record" that's what I meant by career stats
BurstFire Dec 24, 2012 @ 11:09pm 
i have the similar problem too. my single player campaign crashs after i finish 3rd mission. but the multiplayer and zombie works fine.
Identical issue as the OP.
Mastertesla Dec 26, 2012 @ 12:46am 
I guess it's just the career record which makes it crash - it occurs after every mission and the last time I tryed to beat this game I even got there, then it freezed, crash, unhandled exception caught...
Riman Dec 26, 2012 @ 5:10am 
I have the same problem. MP and Zombie works fine. So...waiting patch...
BurstFire Dec 26, 2012 @ 10:49am 
damn everytime i try a fix then i have to play the mission i'mm stuck on again. now i'm even feel sick to countinue play this game since i played that mission for more than 7 times. :(
Skadoosh Dec 26, 2012 @ 10:56am 
I get that error when i try to load multiplayer just a blakc screen then that comes up, also after every mission in singleplayer. i played it this morning and it was all fine, now it dosent work in the afternoon. tried lots of fixes (none work) so i hope someone will help us, im reinstalling all 3 components of BO2 hopefully that will fix it
Mastertesla Dec 26, 2012 @ 11:29am 
Originally posted by pulsefire:
damn everytime i try a fix then i have to play the mission i'mm stuck on again. now i'm even feel sick to countinue play this game since i played that mission for more than 7 times. :(


Well probably someone of us should contact treyarch, somehow, although I don't think they care...
Tommeck® Dec 26, 2012 @ 2:25pm 
Now it runs!!!!!!!Check this!!! bLACK OPS 2 not starting Problem "handled"- fail Now it works!!
Had the problem with that window:"handled exc....."and only a black window on start.Tried all...Now I switched off the clone,the asus overwatch,and the tweak,osd and probe programms.Now it runs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seems to be a prob between steam and this progs.Steam meant that they are for cheatin or something.If you have proggs like this running,close them and try again.Checked this out on two computers and it worked.Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tommeck® Dec 26, 2012 @ 2:33pm 
Now it runs!!!!!!!Check this!!! bLACK OPS 2 not starting Problem "handled"- fail Now it works!!
Had the problem with that window:"handled exc....."and only a black window on start.Tried all...Now I switched off the clone,the asus overwatch,and the tweak,osd and probe programms.Now it runs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seems to be a prob between steam and this progs.Steam meant that they are for cheatin or something.If you have proggs like this running,close them and try again.Checked this out on two computers and it worked.Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mastertesla Dec 26, 2012 @ 11:35pm 
Well the title says "crashes after every mission" and not "not starting problem"...
I guess we all can start the game and play it without any problems until it comes to the career record. I don't have any of these programs running and still it crashes every time I or the game opens the career record.
But thanks for your double post!
Godspark Dec 27, 2012 @ 3:34am 
Originally posted by Mastertesla:
Well the title says "crashes after every mission" and not "not starting problem"...
I guess we all can start the game and play it without any problems until it comes to the career record. I don't have any of these programs running and still it crashes every time I or the game opens the career record.
But thanks for your double post!
Carrot1401 Dec 28, 2012 @ 1:38pm 
Made my own post earlier and just noticed this. Same problem, as soon as the little cut scene movie finishes at the end of a single player mission, I get the same unhandled exception crash. Rather annoying, hope it's fixed soon!
[SC]Beerpriest Dec 29, 2012 @ 12:02am 
Having the same issue.
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Date Posted: Dec 23, 2012 @ 9:12am
Posts: 114