Wolfenstein: The New Order
Why is the download so large?
now dont get me wrong im not complaining or anything just curious as to why the install is so large. I mean the textures from the screenshots and videos of the game dont seem overly next gen or anything to me so why does the game require 40.7 gig to download? is there a lot of cutscenes and HD videos or something in this game???
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Friend of mine said it is the uncompressed audio.
Автор сообщения: Carl Sagan²
Friend of mine said it is the uncompressed audio.

im actually happy about that. uncompressed audio = awesome sound quality :D
im sure my 8TB of hard drive space wont mind....lol
Отредактировано TickleMeRifle; 20 мая. 2014 г. в 6:21
I know that was the reason for Titanfall's large size, but in this case its because of the megatextures that iDTech5 uses
Автор сообщения: rippleeffect
I know that was the reason for Titanfall's large size, but in this case its because of the megatextures that iDTech5 uses

Might have gotten the two mixed up sounds more realistic but reallyt the megatextured dont look all that nice to warrent the file size.
Автор сообщения: TickleMeRifle
Автор сообщения: Carl Sagan²
Friend of mine said it is the uncompressed audio.

im actually happy about that. uncompressed audio = awesome sound quality :D
im sure my 8TB of hard drive space wont mind....lol
Unless you have high-end speakers, you won't hear a difference. Even then, it's debatable, since most people don't have perfect hearing. For example I can't hear anything above 15kHz, and I really can't tell the difference between FLAC and a 320kbps mp3 file.
Автор сообщения: piszczel1
Unless you have high-end speakers, you won't hear a difference. Even then, it's debatable, since most people don't have perfect hearing. For example I can't hear anything above 15kHz, and I really can't tell the difference between FLAC and a 320kbps mp3 file.

luckily for me i have a $3k Klipsch surround sound 5.1 setup hooked up via a Yamaha reciever and connected to PC via optical...and yep FLAC definately sounds better than 320kps MP3 on my system. When i switch to a crappy 2.1 logitech speaker though you cant hear any difference. amazing what great speakers can do over crappy ones! ;D
Отредактировано TickleMeRifle; 20 мая. 2014 г. в 6:36
Mainly its just because they haven't bothered to compress the files, pretty sloppy work
Because this game is one giant CoD cutscene pretty much.
Отредактировано shelledfade; 20 мая. 2014 г. в 6:54
Автор сообщения: TickleMeRifle
Автор сообщения: piszczel1
Unless you have high-end speakers, you won't hear a difference. Even then, it's debatable, since most people don't have perfect hearing. For example I can't hear anything above 15kHz, and I really can't tell the difference between FLAC and a 320kbps mp3 file.

luckily for me i have a $3k Klipsch surround sound 5.1 setup hooked up via a Yamaha reciever and connected to PC via optical...and yep FLAC definately sounds better than 320kps MP3 on my system. When i switch to a crappy 2.1 logitech speaker though you cant hear any difference. amazing what great speakers can do over crappy ones! ;D

You were waiting for this day... the day to openly justify spending that much money... on speakers... They were wrong... ALL WRONG!
To everyone claiming uncompressed work, no, it's a quirk of the virtual textures used by the id engine, I won't go into detail, but there are a lot of HUGE textures in that game, if the where all decompressed, I don't doubt they would top a terabyte, like rage.
Автор сообщения: Secronz
To everyone claiming uncompressed work, no, it's a quirk of the virtual textures used by the id engine, I won't go into detail, but there are a lot of HUGE textures in that game, if the where all decompressed, I don't doubt they would top a terabyte, like rage.

Titanfall uses Uncompressed Audio to reduce system requirements and provide better performance over varying system builds, which is why it has a comparably large file size.

W:TNO uses the id5 engine which utilizies megatextures and that is why it uses a huge amount of space.

I mentioned in another thread that I've noticed a lot of the low res textures I have seen are on items I don't think apply to megatextures, i.e. items and objects. I wonder why they chose to leave these lo res textured since it seems that is what everyone always faults the game engine for?
Отредактировано Frosty; 25 мая. 2014 г. в 12:05
It has nothing to do with uncompressed audio!

It's the texture system used by idtech5. It uses a huge mega texture for all the levels which is why you wont see repeating textures. It needs a lot of compression though so looks a bit grainy close up. Well over 30GB of the files are textures.
Отредактировано Quietman; 25 мая. 2014 г. в 12:13
aah megatextures 128 000 × 128 000 pixels omg really biggest texture have about 2.8 gb
big enought
I'll back the folks saying it's the textures, in typical Bethesda fashion. The textures load individually, enough to warrant a memory cache. Sure, the uncompressed audio adds to the pile... but there are so. many. TEXTURES. It drives CPU and RAM usage up the wall as well.
Game developers dont bother with compressing their games anymore it seems. I guess they think everyone on the planet has super high speed internet.
Отредактировано BDK; 22 июл. 2014 г. в 9:58
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