Tribes: Ascend
Why do so few people play this game?
I started playing this game recently and it is possibly the greatest first person shooter that I have ever played, the only problem is that less that 200 people even play it. We need to start telling our friends about it otherwise this game will be forgotten
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Показані коментарі 115 із 151
Ehmm...hackers, no updates. What else do you want?
It's the unbalanced aspect compared to past versions for most people.

Цитата допису H0R3B:
Ehmm...hackers, no updates. What else do you want?

No hackers, you're just deludid.:xerxes::xerxes:
I personally love this game and I wish more people played it!
i recently discorved this diamond game
this is the best shooter ever.
tell everyone about it this is the best shooter
I can't play it ... every time I try the launcher needs to update, and then I need to restart my pc because the launcher couldn't apply the update ...... it's a vicious cycle
Цитата допису spacecat77:
I personally love this game and I wish more people played it!
The best way to get people to play it is to write a review or directly tell your friends, I got all my friends hooked on this game.
This is one of my favoirte first person shooters on steam. But its sad that the popualtion is dying down and HiRez no longer updates the game. They should just sell the rights to another developer who will ATLEASt TRY to give it some life.
Because it has no mods, no workshop, no dedicated servers, no custom servers.

But yeah, it's awesome and with great potential that's just being thrown away and wasted...
I've played this series (Tribes, Tribes II, and now this one) since the beginning. HiRez pulled out of this project last year and since then it's kind of gone stale. It pisses me off since I was a sucker and made the in-game purchase for the full game last year. Live and learn. Never again playing a HiRez game.
1- Too hard for most noobs .
2- no update from the lazy studio .
3- Bad marketing .
Цитата допису Your mom:
I started playing this game recently and it is possibly the greatest first person shooter that I have ever played, the only problem is that less that 200 people even play it. We need to start telling our friends about it otherwise this game will be forgotten

I totally agree with you mate, game is awesome but no marketing kills community!
I'm playing this from september 2012 (1000hrs+ now) and do not get enough yet! :-D
Broken game, has hackers, community sucks and is full of tryhards who suck all the fun out of it or noobs who can't skii, matches are almost always imbalanced because of Team Stacking.

Issues (like team stacking) players have been posting and complaining about since day one were never addressed and never will be because Hi-Rez sucks at feedback and support.

It's not much fun to play after a point because it just gets repetitive as ♥♥♥♥ and there are no mod, just the match modes Hi Rez thinks you should play on the maps they allow you to play (unless something has seriously changed since I uninstalled).

Hi-Rez streamlined it too much and made it too similar to CoD which alienated Tribes fans.

They had terrible business sense, no advertising and no sustainable business model, again they never listened to community feedback or supported it properly. They pretty much abandoned it.

They trolled and censored people on their own forums so much they got DDOS attacked and had hackers being spiteful trying to punish them.

Let's see what else? Oh right, there's this.

Now I wouldn't mind that so much just on scouts but on snipers it's a real pain!
Цитата допису Imperfect Customer:
Broken game, has hackers, community sucks and is full of tryhards who suck all the fun out of it or noobs who can't skii, matches are almost always imbalanced because of Team Stacking.

Issues (like team stacking) players have been posting and complaining about since day one were never addressed and never will be because Hi-Rez sucks at feedback and support.

It's not much fun to play after a point because it just gets repetitive as ♥♥♥♥ and there are no mod, just the match modes Hi Rez thinks you should play on the maps they allow you to play (unless something has seriously changed since I uninstalled).

Hi-Rez streamlined it too much and made it too similar to CoD which alienated Tribes fans.

They had terrible business sense, no advertising and no sustainable business model, again they never listened to community feedback or supported it properly. They pretty much abandoned it.

They trolled and censored people on their own forums so much they got DDOS attacked and had hackers being spiteful trying to punish them.

Let's see what else? Oh right, there's this.

Now I wouldn't mind that so much just on scouts but on snipers it's a real pain!

You are right about many things, bad bussines model and no support from stupid Hi Rez, but still-game is awesome!
Against all odds. :)
theres an unofficial sdk to modders might come up with something one day
Hirez killed the game off by dropping support entirely
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Показані коментарі 115 із 151
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