Harvest: Massive Encounter

Harvest: Massive Encounter

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Spike 20 Feb 2013 @ 8:15am
Problems with x86_64 ARCH Linux
32bit version of libluajit-5.1.so.2 is required, but it's not in repositorys and also not in AUR

I got the game running. I extracted the lib from the i686 package for ARCH into my lib32 folder.
Now the game is running fine :-)
Also i had to modify the run_harvest file to look like following:

INSTDIR="`dirname $0`" ; cd "${INSTDIR}" ; INSTDIR="`pwd`"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${INSTDIR}/bin:~/.steam/bin
exec ./Harvest
Terakhir diedit oleh Spike; 20 Feb 2013 @ 9:04am
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You sound like you have a clue. What do you think about creating an AUR helper package for the game? There are few out there for others.
could you please explain what a noob should do, like a step-by-step?
Terakhir diedit oleh JohnnyCiocca; 26 Feb 2013 @ 7:56pm
The problem is twofold, first you surely have some libs missing, then the run_harvest script helplessy looks for packages that you cannot install. To give an hand, there are the steps I myself followed to have the game working on an kubuntu 64 bits:

1/ First you have to know whar are the missing dependencies, for that,
1/ a) cd "~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Harvest Massive Encounter"
1/ b) ldd Harvest
It gives you all tle nameof the libs the executable was compiled against (hence requires), what interest us is the missing one, so actually type
ldd Harvest | grep found
It gives you a serie of libraries which are labelled "not found", so you have to find the corresponding packages. For example to find the library libjpeg.so.62 type "aptitude search libjpeg", it'll show you a list of package which name includes libjpeg, and you'll afterwards install the libjpeg62:i386
1/c) You may have 3 gotchas:
The first one if that the libGLxxx packages (actually the OpenGL lib) are contained within the nvidia-cg-toolkit (of course choose the i386 one)

The second one is that libsfml maybe outdated. Go to the http://www.sfml-dev.org/download.php#2.0-rc and download the linux 32 bits package. Then deflate it and copy the content of the "lib" to your /usr/lib32

The third one is that libluajit conflicts with a dependence which required package does not exists. Go to the ubuntu site for your distro (I'was at that time with a 12.10 (a quantal something) so I went here http://packages.ubuntu.com/fr/quantal/i386/libluajit-5.1-2/download and downloaded the debian package.
Then expand the package: dpkg -x <the package> <the directory you want to expand it> and go to <where you expanded the .deb>/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu and copy all the content of this dir to /usr/lib32

1/d) By now you should only have the steam library that is not found when typing the ldd command (if not do your best to have all the "not found" libraries installed, because all but the seam ones can be installed by one mean or another.

2/ The run_harvest is actually of no help here; so comment out the lines where one is looking for the missing packages, such as the run_harvest should look like:

#dependencies required for game
DEPENDENCIES=("libstdc++6" "libc6" "libgcc1" "libgtk2.0-0" "libvorbisfile3" "nvidia-cg-toolkit" "libjpeg62")


INSTDIR="`dirname $0`" ; cd "${INSTDIR}" ; INSTDIR="`pwd`"

#check over the installed packages on this computer and build a list of the required ones
#for dep in "${DEPENDENCIES[@]}"
# if ! dpkg -l | grep -w "ii $dep "; then
# fi

#if there was some packages found, pass over to the install script to handle it
if []; then
exec xterm -e ./installscript.sh $PKGSTOINSTALL
#everything fine, so run game here!
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${INSTDIR}/bin:~/.steam/bin
exec ./Harvest

Now via the steam client launch the game, it should work.
Terakhir diedit oleh redricofirst; 22 Mar 2013 @ 5:59pm
Selexo 6 Mei 2013 @ 10:13pm 
Wow, impressive, but wow, this has got to get better in getting games to run under Linux. I reminds me of the good ole visual basic days where you had to find dll to run a certain program/game. In any case thanks for the info, love the new command I learned from this "ldd"..
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