Bully: Scholarship Edition

Bully: Scholarship Edition

I know there are problems with Bully. I played roughly 14 hours a long while ago and progressed quite a bit. There were crashes but it wasn't bad.

However, I'd like to try getting back into it especially since my Internet last night decided to take about 5 hours to download 3.4GB when it should have been done sooner... Much sooner.

Now.. I keep progressing a little but since the saves are manual, if the game crashes I lose all of my data up until that point. Before, I would always save after each mission, job, etc. and I plan to do the same now but I want to fix this.

I tried running Compatibility Mode for Windows 7 and Running as Administrator. I still crashed.

Anybody have any sort of fix? At least some sort of autosaving mod or something? :P This is a great game and I will not want to play it with these constant crashes.
Date Posted: Jan 21, 2018 @ 1:18pm
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