Age of Empires Online

Age of Empires Online

One of famous RTS game series is get rest?OR......
One of famous RTS game series are get rest?OR are chances of beginning?

I have some questions to ask.
Why microsoft doesn't sell their ALL AOEO franchises to Steam?
If Steam purchase , Steam can run AOEO as a new game.
Thus, Steam can profit by this way and make the game not fall.

AOEO units data is similar to AOE3. Units data save as XML files and the lists goes on.
If Steam can run AOEO as a new game, they can invite high/full-skills IT Users to develop the AOEO.

(If they want developers, I also can be one of the developers.I write AOE3 mods in my secondary school life. :) I come from HongKong.)
Posté le 16 mars 2014 à 7h07
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