582 ratings
The Big Numbers Guide
By Archmage MC
This game is pretty vague in its descriptions and gives no numerical information about stats/gear/races etc. at all. This is where this guide comes in. Explaining the numbers behind almost every aspect of the game, this guide can be a great tool for people to decide on what build they want and is also a min/maxer's ultimate resource.
Like me, you're probably annoyed with how Dragon Ball Xenoverse is not very forthcoming with actual number values. Well, worry no more! This guide will give you all the number values for each race and stat.

This guide is still a work in progress but at least a lot of information is out.

Version History
1.0 Guide published.
1.0.1 Guide updated with new info and some typos fixed.
1.0.2 A few format corrections and Speed section added.
1.0.3 Updated the numbers on Gear, added formulas.
1.0.4 Updated Weight with percentages.
1.0.5 Fixed a mistake in the Gear formula.
Height and Weight
Height and Weight change stats and how much damage your character deals. For some things this isn't very noticable, while for others it makes a massive difference. Here are the things that Height and Weight affect and the numbers associated with each. Thankfully, all Height and Weight changes are global between the races/genders.


Height directly affects your character's Max HP and Speed.

Short characters are faster but have less health
Tall characters are slower but have more health.

Each tick of Height adds 5.266% to your max health. So...

Shortest character - 95% health
Short character - 100% health
Tall character - 105% health
Tallest Character - 110% health

Meanwhile Speed is inversely affected.

Shortest character - 110% speed
Short character - 105% speed
Tall character - 100% speed
Tallest Character - 95% speed


Weight controls how powerful your Ki or Physical attacks are. These numbers can be quite surprising on how significant they are.

Thinner characters have better Ki Blast Supers but weaker physical hits and Strike Supers
Bulkier characters have better physical attacks and Strike Supers but less Ki Blast Supers.

Since there are 3 ticks dictating bulkiness, here is what each tick does.

Leftmost (Thin) - 2/3 strength on Physical Attacks and Strike Supers (66.7%), 1:1 for Ki Blast Supers (100%)
Middle (Medium) - 5/6 strength on everything (83.3%)
Rightmost (Bulky) - 2/3 strength on Ki Blast Supers (66.7%), 1:1 for Physical attacks and strike supers (100%)

As you can see, your character's height and weight can have a huge impact on the performance of your character, weight being especailly big by cutting one of your attack avenues by 33%!
AP and Gear stats
Attribute Points

Here is exactly what AP does for your character. This is global for all races/genders.

1 point in Health = +10 Health
1 point in Ki/Stamina = +4 Ki/Stamina
1 point in other stat = +0.01 multiplier in that stat

What this means
- Is that each point into health gives you 10 health up to 1000 health.
- Is that each point into stamina/ki gives you +4 of that stat. (100 makes a bar)
- Is that each point into attack based stats gives you 1% extra damage on your multiplier. so 100 in an attack stat doubles the damage you deal with that type of attack


Gear isn't as straightforward. Gear is the last thing to come into consideration before your final total is given. Items that change stats work by multiplying the stat for each item separately.
Health: + (*1.002) - (*0.998)
Ki and Stamina: + (*1.01) - (*0.99)
Other stats: + (*1.007) - (*0.993)

For Health the formula is:
Health x (1 +- Arrows x 0.002)
For Ki and Stamina :
Stamina/Ki x (1 +- Arrows x 0.01)
For everything else it's:
Stat x (1 +- Arrows x 0.007)

This means that a +2 item followed by a -2 item will not yield a net gain of 0, but something different.

Here are some helpful examples

For one piece of gear with 5 positive arrows:
Stamina x (1 + Arrows x 0.01)
With 800 Stamina, that's 8 bars, at level 80 and 100 AP in the Stamina stat and equipment that has 5 arrows for Stamina, it would be 800 x (1 + 5 x 0.01) = 840, giving you 40 extra points of Stamina

For 2 pieces of gear with 5 negative arrows:
Stamina x (1 - Arrows x 0.01) x (1 - Arrows x 0.01)
With 800 Stamina and -5 Arrows to Stamina
800 x (1 - 5 x 0.01) x (1 - 5 x 0.01) = 722, giving you 78 less points of Stamina.

This also means that it's better to boost your already high stats than to make your gear balanced. And of course the lower the stat, the smaller the penalty it takes when gear reduces it.
Racial Bonuses and Transformation Stats
Racial Bonuses

Majin Racial = 25% damage reduction when at full stamina. 1 charge of "super armor" every 20 seconds.
Namekian Racial = Health and stamina regen (exact numbers unknown)
Human Racial = ki regeneration (Exact numbers unknown), 20% damage boost with a full Ki bar.
Sayan Racial = 20% damage increase when at low health and another 20% damage increase when revived
Frieza Racial = 30% speed increase when on low Health and regular Ki attacks stun


Kaioken increases all attack stats by 10%, +15% to Ground and Air speed, +10% to Dash and Step Dash speed/distance.

x3 Kaioken increases damage by 15%, +20% to Ground and Air speed, +15% to Dash and Step Dash speed/distance

x20 Kaioken increases damage by 15%, makes vanishes and stamina cost moves free, +25% to Ground and Air speed, +20% to Dash and Step Dash speed/distance

All Super Saiyan transformations drain your Ki bar until it is empty, but in turn make all Ki based attacks free to use, at no cost of Ki.

Super Saiyan:
2% to basic attacks, 1% to basic ki shots
2% to strike supers, 1% to ki blast supers
Reduces all damage taken by 10%.

Super Vegeta:
1% to basic attacks, 3% to basic ki shots
1% to strike supers, 3% to ki blast supers
Reduces Ki damage taken by 10%.

Super Saiyan/Vegeta: +10% to Ground, Air, Step Dash and Dash speed/distance.

Super Saiyan 2:
5% to basic attacks, 2% to basic ki shots
5% to strike supers, 2% to ki blast supers
Reduces all damage taken by 10%.

Super Vegeta 2:
2% to basic attacks, 5% to basic ki shots
2% to strike supers, 5% to ki blast supers
Reduces Ki damage taken by 10%.

Super Saiyan 2/Vegeta 2: +15% to Ground, Air, Step Dash and Dash speed/distance.

Health is a good stat. Health increases the amount of damage you can take before you go down. The best thing about health is that it is straightforward. Here are the numbers for health values using a Short character.

Racial Base Health Values
Male Majin (265.8)
Namekian (248.1)
Human Male/Human Female (229.2)
Saiyan Male (212.6)
Frieza/Female Majin (195.8)
Female Saiyan (191.3)

Racial Max Health Values (0 in health AP)
Male Majin - Level 80 = 1282.7
Namekian - Level 80 = 1197.2
Human Male/Female - Level 80 = 1106
Male Sayan - Level 80 = 1026.2
Female Majin/Frieza Race - Level 80 = 992
Female Sayan Level 80 = 969.2

Stamina and Ki bars
These stats are even more straightforward than health!

Each bar = 100 points
Each AP invested in Ki/Stamina = 4 points.
This means you get 1 Ki/Stamina bar per 25 AP points.

Each race at lvl 1 has 300 ki/stamina points
Each race at lvl 80 has 400 ki/stamina points

Ki and stamina stop passively increasing once you hit level 40.

Using Height option 3 (100% speed, see above how Height affects speed) and Weight option 2 (does not affect Speed) here are the speed values of each race.

For Humans, Namekians and male Saiyans, the ground movement speed is identical to their respective air movement speed, while the other races have differing speeds for air and ground movement.

When Dragon Dashing towards your opponent while locked on, speed is increased by 30%.

Also, the Frieza race gets a 30% speed boost at low health, but that's not part of the calculations.

Ground speed (Running Speed)
Majin Female (1.02)
Saiyan Male (0.86)
Saiyan Female/Human Female (0.82)
Human Male (0.78)
Namekian (0.741)
Frieza (0.737)
Majin Male (0.66)

Air speed (Non Dragon Dashing flying speed)
Frieza (1.02)
Saiyan Male / Saiyan Female (0.86)
Human Female (0.82)
Human Male (0.78)
Namekian / Majin Male (0.741)
Majin Female (0.737)

Boost Dash speed (Dragon Dash Speed)
Frieza (0.98)
Majin Female (0.9)
Human Female / Saiyan Female (0.82)
Human Male / Saiyan Male (0.78)
Namekian (0.741)
Majin Male (0.66)

Step Dash (distance)
Majin Female (1.06)
Frieza (0.9)
Saiyan Female / Human Female (0.82)
Human Male / Saiyan Male (0.78)
Namekian / Majin Male (0.66)
Basic Physical and Ki Basic attacks
While each attack in a chain has its own damage amount and multipliers attached to them, here is the basic multipliers applied for each race on an attack for both physical attacks and Ki attacks. (Not supers)

NOTE: Numbers might be a bit off due to rounding, but not by much.
NOTE2: Both of these attack stats are boosted by the Basic Attack stat.

Base physical attack multpliers for each race
Male Saiyan = 0.248
Male Human = 0.225
Frieza = 0.221
Female Human = 0.214
Female Majin = 0.207
Male Majin = 0.196
Namekian = 0.191
Female Saiyan = 0.169

Level 80 physical attack multiplers for each race.
Male Saiyan = 1.323
Male Human = 1.2
Frieza = 1.179
Female Human = 1.141
Female Majin = 1.104
Male Majin = 1.045
Namekian = 1.019
Female Saiyan = 0.901

Base Ki basic attack multipliers for each race
Male Saiyan / Female Human = 0.248
Female Majin = 0.221
Male Human = 0.214
Frieza = 0.207
Male Majin = 0.196
Namekian = 0.191
Female Saiyan = 0.169

Level 80 Ki basic attack multiplers for each race.
Male Saiyan / Female Human = 1.323
Female Majin = 1.2
Male Human = 1.141
Frieza =1.104
Female Saiyan = 1.08
Male Majin =1.065
Namekian = 1.045
Ki Super and Strike Super Values
Each super/ultimate has its own damage value and these numbers are the multiplier you use for each race to determine how much damage each super does.

NOTE: Numbers might be a bit off due to rounding, but not by much.

Base Ki Super Multiplier for each race
Female Human = 0.248
Female Saiyan = 0.225
Female Majin = 0.221
Male Human = 0.214
Frieza = 0.207
Male Majin = 0.200
Namekian = 0.191
Male Saiyan = 0.169

Level 80 Ki Super Multiplier (no gear)
Female Human = 1.323
Female Sayan = 1.2
Female Majin = 1.179
Male Human = 1.141
Frieza Race = 1.104
Male Majin = 1.067
Namekian = 1.02
Male Sayan = 0.901

Base Strike Super Multiplier per race
Male Human = 0.248
Female Saiyan = 0.225
Frieza = 0.221
Female Human = 0.214
Female Majin = 0.207
Male Majin = 0.200
Namekian = 0.191
Male Saiyan = 0.169

Level 80 Strike Super Multiplier (no gear)
Male Human = 1.323
Female Saiyan = 1.2
Frieza = 1.179
Female Human = 1.141
Female Majin = 1.104
Male Majin = 1.067
Namekian = 1.02
Male Saiyan = 0.901
Misc info
Why exact regeneration/degeneration values aren't stated

Apparently this game uses your current FPS level as the games internal 'tick' system. What this means is that you regen or lose health/stamina/ki based on each frame instead of a standard tick system.

This is very noticeable in the Z soul "Neither Kami nor Piccolo" where if you can run the game at 150 fps+, you'll regenerate about 150hp/sec.

So yeah, if you want more regen, run at higher frame rates.

NOTE: Thankfully this game is hard capped at 150 FPS so if you can run at 150 that is as high as your regen will go. But that still means 150hp/sec from that z soul...

Now if Speed also runs on frame rates using a multiplier... but that is gotta be looked into first.
Thanks to

Major Contributors

Ajural for numbers, formulas, and transformation %s
Urkelgrue for numbers.
Myself (Archmage MC) for numbers, some formulas, and making the guide.

Minor Contributors

Callyste for a fact check
Papazhoom Jun 14, 2022 @ 6:21am 
ruLezera ⛧ Dec 8, 2021 @ 5:31pm 
wael0s May 30, 2021 @ 4:26pm 
MickeyDankMouse Feb 6, 2018 @ 10:25am 
Igor Freitas Dec 11, 2017 @ 4:21am 
Does Speed have any effect on attacks, or is it only related to movement / flight / dashes etc?
carpat Jun 25, 2017 @ 3:34pm 
Thanks for this manual.
Ragin _Cajun Aug 8, 2016 @ 7:52pm 
Ice Cold Yee Haw Aug 21, 2015 @ 11:55am 
if you could add unlocked potential info that would be great
lorgarn Aug 18, 2015 @ 10:13am 
Very much apreciated. Thanks for this detailed information.
WollvrX Jul 20, 2015 @ 11:13pm 
[h1]Why do you multiplied Twice (when negative stats)?[/h1]

Stamina/Ki x (1 +- Arrows x 0.01)

This means that a +2 item followed by a -2 item will not yield a net gain of 0, but something different.

Here are some helpful examples

For one piece of gear with 5 positive arrows:
Stamina x (1 + Arrows x 0.01) Not here
With 800 Stamina, that's 8 bars, at level 80 and 100 AP in the Stamina stat and equipment that has 5 arrows for Stamina, it would be 800 x (1 + 5 x 0.01) = 840, giving you 40 extra points of Stamina

For 2 pieces of gear with 5 negative arrows:
Stamina x (1 - Arrows x 0.01) x (1 - Arrows x 0.01) HERE
With 800 Stamina and -5 Arrows to Stamina
800 x (1 - 5 x 0.01) x (1 - 5 x 0.01) = 722, giving you 78 less points of Stamina.