American Truck Simulator

American Truck Simulator

101 ratings
ATS | Cheat-codes | ENG
By Pikamon
This guide was created to make it easier for you to find cheat codes, and not to launch the browser during the game to unnecessarily load the processor.
Here are collected almost all the codes that you might like and come in handy.

© 2021-2024
Turning on the console
First, to start the console, you need to go to this directory:

My Computer\Documents\American Truck Simulator

Then find the "config" text pad and open it.
Then find the value "uset g_developer", "uset g_console"
Next, change the value from "0" to "1" - this will enable developer mode and console.

After this procedure, you can enter the game.
Use the tilde "~" to open the console.
Time and weather
g_set_time (number) – change time

g_set_time 1 - set the night.
g_set_time 12 - set daytime
Any value can be used from 0 to 23.

g_set_weather (number) – change the weather

g_set_weather 1 - set rainy weather.
g_set_weather 0 - set clear weather.
goto (city ​​name) - teleport to any city.

goto Stock - teleport to "Stockton" town
goto San - teleport to the city of "San Diego"

You can teleport to any city, only when you teleport, enter the name of the city in English.

The name of the city can be entered not with its full name, just a couple of the first letters are enough.
Free camera
To enable a free camera, use the "0" button.
If you want to teleport to where you have a camera - press the "F9" button.

Important: when teleporting a car, keep in mind that if you are in the sky, the car will fall and receive damage, to avoid this, place the camera above the road. Also note that the car can be with a trailer.

g_flyspeed (number) – change the flight speed of the camera.

g_flyspeed 150 - set the airspeed to 150.
You can also control the speed of the free camera using the mouse wheel.

For anybody looking on how to teleport. They have changed the key since ATS v1.41+. You'll need to delete F9 key under setting -> keys & buttons and remove F9 from []
Now you can teleport your truck with CTRL + F9 key

If you don't remove/unbind F9 from under Route Adviser chat page. the Teleport wont work.
Traffic and fines
g_traffic (0-10) – enable / disable / change traffic density.

g_traffic 0 - completely remove bots from the game.
g_traffic 1 - standard traffic.
g_traffic 10 - enable the densest traffic.

g_police (0 or 1) – police fines

g_police 0 - turns off penalties.
g_police 1 - includes fines.
Game process
warp (0-100) - changes the speed of the game.

warp 0 - stop the game completely.
warp 1 - set default game speed.
warp 100 - set the maximum speed of the game. This is causing wild lags.

g_show_game_elements (0-1) - in-game labels (trailers, loading points, refueling, etc.).

g_show_game_elements 0 - hide labels.
g_show_game_elements 1 - enable labels.
They are enabled by default.

g_save_indicator (0-1) - game save indicator.

g_save_indicator 0 - turns off the indicator.
g_save_indicator 1 - turns on the indicator.

uset r_steering_wheel (0-1) - steering wheel in the truck cab.

uset r_steering_wheel 0 - hide the steering wheel.
uset r_steering_wheel 1 - turn on the steering wheel.

s_wheel_noise (0-100) - changes the noise level of the truck tires.

s_interior_volume (0-100) - changes the sound level of the ambience in the cockpit of the track.
Other codes
g_fps (0-1) - enable / disable display of frame rate (FPS).

f_fullscreen (0-1) - switch from full screen to windowed mode and vice versa.

r_vsync (0-1) - disable / enable vertical sync.
Author support
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On your part, this is like gratitude,
and for me - as an incentive to make new and interesting guides on this game.
This is my first guide in English. I apologize, if somewhere, you did not understand something, you can report this in the comments, I will correct it.

If some codes are missing here, write about it in the comments!
SireDragonChester May 28 @ 2:55am 
Hi, make sure not doing external contract. Can’t use teleport when doing those Kinda jobs. Just load up your game and go drive, then try teleport. I assume you edited the config.cfg file correctly? Check again and make sure config.cfg isn’t set as read only.

Is your keyboard USA 101 or are you from another country?
The only other think can think of maybe mod could be conflicting?
Sean May 27 @ 10:00am 
Hello! I have been trying out multiple tutorials on this function again as I am a little rusty to the game, however, while I have followed the entire tutorial, it appears that my CTL + F9 function is not wanting to cooperate with me at all. I have done everything listed above, alongside other videos and tutorials, but nothing is seeming to work. Could it be from an external program interfering with the game? Thanks for your time in advance.
spinner Dec 15, 2023 @ 10:56pm 
@Richard Brooks. When teleporting using the goto command you must "fly" the camera close to the ground where you want the truck to land. I use the arrow keys and the mouse scroll wheel to control direction and speed. Then press CTRL + F9 to place the truck on the road
If you have accepted or are in the process of doing a World of Trucks job , the teleport function will not work
Richard Brooks Dec 9, 2023 @ 3:26pm 
so i noticed that when hitting the button to bring the truck to where my camera is, it doesn't teleport to location, also, the goto thing doesn't work either, it brings my camera there but not my truck
Pikamon  [author] Sep 5, 2023 @ 9:39am 
When teleporting, you can not raise the camera very high above the earth's surface, because this will cause the truck to fall and, accordingly, it will receive damage
Pikamon  [author] Sep 5, 2023 @ 9:37am 
You need to get the camera close to the asphalt so that the truck can land softly without taking any damage.
eclas Sep 5, 2023 @ 7:37am 
I finally was able to get the console up! I'm having a problem teleporting tho. I was able to do it but was up in the air and crashed down. I can't figure out how to set the camera so the truck is back on the ground. Could u help me with that?
PLANE_LUVER15 Jun 19, 2023 @ 8:28pm 
That would be horrible with the crash fines
space Jun 17, 2023 @ 8:52pm 
what about g_lodfactor1 (keeps ai but makes invisible)
PLANE_LUVER15 Jun 17, 2023 @ 4:57pm 
It works now