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Capt Haddock Apr 23, 2020 @ 3:23pm
Only one save game?
It looks like the game only supports one save. Is that right? This is a very annoying problem when both you and your 12-year-old son want to play the same game...
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Ion  [developer] Apr 23, 2020 @ 3:51pm 
You could hack this manually. The savegame is stored in this folder:
C:/Users/YourUsername/AppData/LocalLow/Ion Lands/Cloudpunk

The game uses Slot0.sav, you could copy and rename it.
Jtoast Apr 23, 2020 @ 8:08pm 
Or you could fix it? One save slot is completely unacceptable for a PC game.
Capt Haddock Apr 24, 2020 @ 1:50am 
OK, thanks. I'll try that if it's the only option... But yes, strange at it might seem, there are households where people share computers and more than one person play the same game :)
bcasner50 Apr 24, 2020 @ 4:06am 
I'm no programmer so I have no idea the difficulty involved but it would be very nice to be able to have more save slots. Please consider putting that on your update list. Great game so far!
PoisonSuperior May 16, 2020 @ 1:12am 
Originally posted by Ion:
You could hack this manually. The savegame is stored in this folder:
C:/Users/YourUsername/AppData/LocalLow/Ion Lands/Cloudpunk

The game uses Slot0.sav, you could copy and rename it.

I did almost the same thing. I went to C:/Users/YourUsername/AppData/LocalLow/Ion Lands/Cloudpunk But instead of copy and rename the Slot0.sav file, i movied it to a folder, like in my documents i created there, then put it inside that folder. Then started the game again, and i could play a new game. I used this new game for my youtube channel. After im done recording, just creating a new folder. Put the Slot0.sav file inside it, and then drag the old Slot0.sav from my first folder into C:/Users/YourUsername/AppData/LocalLow/Ion Lands/Cloudpunk And then i can play my old map. Play as many different games as u want.
tarmo888 May 31, 2020 @ 8:28pm 
Originally posted by Capitaine Haddock:
OK, thanks. I'll try that if it's the only option... But yes, strange at it might seem, there are households where people share computers and more than one person play the same game :)

Not sure if Steam is compatible with this, but each member of the household should have their own account on a PC, everyone sharing the same Windows Administrator account is already bad idea. If each person has their own account, each person files for each game is held separate too.
Ion  [developer] Jun 1, 2020 @ 9:25am 
Originally posted by tarmo888:
Originally posted by Capitaine Haddock:
OK, thanks. I'll try that if it's the only option... But yes, strange at it might seem, there are households where people share computers and more than one person play the same game :)

Not sure if Steam is compatible with this, but each member of the household should have their own account on a PC, everyone sharing the same Windows Administrator account is already bad idea. If each person has their own account, each person files for each game is held separate too.

This is a very good suggestion. Using different Windows accounts will definitely help in your case.
Originally posted by Ion:
You could hack this manually. The savegame is stored in this folder:
C:/Users/YourUsername/AppData/LocalLow/Ion Lands/Cloudpunk

The game uses Slot0.sav, you could copy and rename it.

Depending on how linear this game is, i would much prefer multiple slots.

i.e. Early on, you have the option to either deliver a ticking package or dump it in the trash.
-What if i wanted to explore the other option too?
ekimaoj Aug 14, 2020 @ 6:43pm 
Wow, kids sure are spoiled these days, lol This has always been one of the beauties of PC gaming. Only one save slot? Just create a subfolder wherever the game's save files are stored and name it whatever you want. You can have multiple games going and if you put a shortcut to the root folder the game uses you can switch back and forth PDQ.

Been really loving this game. Thanks DEV for providing the save file info.
Originally posted by ekimaoj:
Wow, kids sure are spoiled these days, lol This has always been one of the beauties of PC gaming. Only one save slot? Just create a subfolder wherever the game's save files are stored and name it whatever you want. You can have multiple games going and if you put a shortcut to the root folder the game uses you can switch back and forth PDQ.

Been really loving this game. Thanks DEV for providing the save file info.

looks like someone should go back to play cartridge games where there is only one savegame and it's inside the cartridge...
Cuna Sep 19, 2020 @ 5:38am 
Originally posted by Ion:
Originally posted by tarmo888:

Not sure if Steam is compatible with this, but each member of the household should have their own account on a PC, everyone sharing the same Windows Administrator account is already bad idea. If each person has their own account, each person files for each game is held separate too.

This is a very good suggestion. Using different Windows accounts will definitely help in your case.

when are multiple slots coming?
i mean it would take seconds to implement
Ivskran Sep 21, 2020 @ 10:09am 
Teah, savegame management is not such a beg deal, and it is pretty convenient.
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Date Posted: Apr 23, 2020 @ 3:23pm
Posts: 12