Slay the Spire
carllyngholm Jan 13, 2018 @ 2:11pm
How Do Saves Work in This Game?
Thinking of picking this up, but would like some idea of how this game handles Saves. I have a less-than-stable older-ish computer that tends to crash on occasion, and it would obviously be a bummer to say, get most of the way through a run and then lose all that progress. So is there some kind of save checkpoint system or a manual save option, or what? Thanks.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Kordnish Jan 13, 2018 @ 4:12pm 
The game autosaves at the beginning of every encounter I think. I know I've been able to quit a game and resume right where I left off
lowkey Jan 14, 2018 @ 4:11am 
The game autosaves, so you can never load anywhere else than where you just left off. Any mistakes/deaths are permanent until the next run.
DrunKraken Jan 14, 2018 @ 12:22pm 
If you want to save scum just backup the save file.

PaulKemp Feb 22, 2018 @ 5:03am 
Alt+f4 and the built in functionality "save and exit" does the same thing. If you load the save, you start at the beginning of the match. The card draw is the same though, so you will not magically beat the boss if you are using a unsuited deck.

A friend told me all of the above by the way, I play super fair. Never save scums at all. Nope. Nunca. Never happens....
Last edited by PaulKemp; Feb 22, 2018 @ 5:03am
MaGi May 17, 2018 @ 3:22am 
Why doesn't it save when you get back to the map screen? It's generally a good place to quit. I've quit from the map screen several times and every time I load back, I'm presented with the choice from the end of the previous battle which I already made at the end of my previous session.
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Date Posted: Jan 13, 2018 @ 2:11pm
Posts: 5